TACTE Business Meeting

September 19, 2008

Nashville, TN

Trevor Hutchins, president, called the meeting to order and introduced the Executive Committee: Susan Benner (UTK), president-elect; Phil Roberson (TSU), past president; Dottie Myatt (Union), secretary; Pam Browning (Lee),treasurer; Anne Wall (APSU), communications; Hal Knight (ETSU), East TN representative; Kim Paulsen (Peabody/Vanderbilt), Middle TN representative; Kandi Hill-Clarke (University of Memphis), West TN representative; and Dan Baker (UTC), Manager of Meetings and Events. New attendees were introduced by reps from their institutions.

Pam Browning gave treasurer’s report. The beginning balance on 3/28/08 in savings was $25.00 and in checking was $12,009.41. Current balance in savings is $25 and in checking is $11,372.37. The current value of the certificate of deposit is $6,824.06 with total assets being $18,221.43. The report was approved as reported and written. Pam reminded the delegates that the membership directory is now available on the TACTE website at .

Dottie Myatt presented the minutes of March 27, 2008, business meeting which were approved as printed.

Trevor asked the chairs of the standing committees to report on their meetings held earlier in the day:

Anne Wall reported from the Communications Committee and Governmental Relations Committee which met together. These two committees will be setting the date for the TN Day on the Hilland determining the key issues to be discussed with legislators. Anne will send this information to the listserve. This committee is also working with the Learning First Alliance.Sharen Cypress reported from the Governmental Relations Committee that six Tennesseans attended the national DOH. Outcomes ofDOH were the Higher Education bill was passed and the TEACH grant was approved. She announced that TACTE is still searching for the Governmental Relations Liaison and that anyone interested in this position should talk to Trevor.

Trevor gave the report from the Research Committee in the absence of Hal Knight who chairs that committee.UTK, as part of the teacher effect pilot, had requested additional data which they have not yet received. TVAAS data will be used on the teacher education report cards, but it probably won’t be able to meet the November 1 deadline. All IHE’s need updated date that was sent to them two years ago.

There was no report from the Standards Committee.

Trevor announced that the proposed revisions to the TACTE Constitution to allow membership of community colleges was sent to the listserve thirty days ago; therefore, these revisions were submitted as a motion from the Executive Committee. The motion received a second and passed.

Dan Baker, Manager of Meetings and Events, announced that the spring conference will be held March 19-21, 2009 and that the fall conference will be Oct. 1-3, 2009. He introduced the new LiveText representative, Jennifer Anderson, who is available for questions at the table in the foyer. He expressed appreciation of LiveText for sponsoring the “attitude adjustment” hour.

Tom Buttery from APSU announced that Austin Peay will be taking over the editing responsibility of the journal of the Southeast Regional Organization for Teacher Educators. This journal will be in electronic format, which will allow for more frequent issuance. He invited and encouraged the submission of manuscripts to this journal and provided fliers at the front table.

Trevor announced the agenda for afternoon sessions. He then expressed his appreciation of the membership for supporting the move to the Thursday to Saturday format which is much more cost efficient.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Dottie Myatt