Willow Grove Home Owners Meeting Minutes 7/23/15
Board Members: BJ Myers, Patterson Merkle; Chris Conrad, Jason Peterman, Christina McNutt, Dana Burtanger (not present) and Michele Croce. There were approximately 20 condo owners present at the meeting which took place poolside at Willow Grove Condominium
Call to Order and Minutes
Michele Croce called the meeting to order at 6:45. Minutes from last meeting – Christina motion to waive reading, Chris second, all approved.
Presidents Report
Chris Conrad, President stated he will go through entire agenda and then take questions.
Comprehensive walkaround was done by the board in the spring and broken into 3 catergories: owner issues, association issue, landscape issues. Lighting, stucco, hardware on doors, dog chains, leases, window trim color, trees trimming, etc. were some of the issues noted. Violation letters were sent out. A 2nd walkaround will be done shortly and the next violation letter will be will be a fine.
Side Note: Tree is damaging deck on 6719 East. BJ will look at.
Planting to be done in fall. Tree/shrubs were marked for removal (dead).
Pool – No Towels on Chairs, umbrellas being left up. If someone doesn’t belong or you don’t recognize, ask. If you see kids gate jumping, please call police, because of liability. Pool rope is being played on or taken down, please remind kids/adults it is a liability and should not be done. BJ will get new signs for both gates for reminder purposes. Key card system was a large cost and still no way to police. The condo owners demographics are changing and we all need good neighbors.
Landscaping – walls out front not worth capping, cap won’t fit on new wall, so that won’t be done. Water had penetrated and is breaking down bricks, approximately 60,000 to replace. Front entrance area landscaping/weeding (weeding is not being done). Planting of some periennels/annuals by Christina and Michele.
East is not being weeded, decks are still a big issue, dead trees and ant hills.
Lane behind North – common area to be taken over by association, and replanted with myrtle to make a consistent looking space.
Curbs and asphalt paving need replace, BJ in her walkaround will take note of specific areas.
Managers Report
BJ Myers, Patterson Merkle
Attached, questions on financials, Jason asked why the utilities is so much over...perhaps leak in pump room.
Pool bottom painting and cracking concrete will be done in fall, after pool season.
Meter packs – permits 6 unit building, replaced based on condition. ($3100 for 6 unit building)
Bid from Hidden Creek on irrigation extension.
Bid from Hidden Creek on behind north.
Painting, Stucco, Shrub replacement...new planting to be done in fall. Tags on trees and bushes for removal.
Homeowner Concerns
Extermination – Skunks. Traps caught 1 skunk, raccoon, cat, groundhog, Critter Control, discontinue service and pick up new company (Varmint Guard or check with Carol of Patterson Merkle for different company). Skunks seen at least at 4 units. One time there was a count of 12 skunks. Smell/spraying. Two outdoor cats live in neighborhood, they have to be on leash or contained. Any food outside, ie: dogfood, etc...should be removed. Fees for Trapping discussion. Majority voted to continue with trying to get rid of the skunks. Options: another company for trapping, sonar sound, motion detector lighting, removal of food left out, stray or outside cats on leash or contained.
Windows on units on South. Atrium glass windows, leaking. Roof joins window. Serious problem with caulking, these are commercial windows. Several people to advise, architect, original builder, they cannot be replaced they are in the roof line. In 1993 the cost to replace windows was 10,000. Rain pours in from roof window, roof line. Get quote on reroofing 10 units, replacing with windows and roof (not atrium style windows) All were in agreement to get quote, and check with 10 units on potential of HOA to cover roof expense and windows would be homeowner.
Willow Grove Water Seepage in parking spot – It’s from a sump pump. Check unit for leak pipe. Power Wash area.
NEED Inspection of sump pumps – BJ to schedule.
Bylaws were passed out and signed for by those who took them.
Michele Croce motion to adjourn, Renee Pisa second. Meeting ended at 7:56