5549 Earliglow Lane

Haslett, MI 48840

Work: (517) 884-1584

Home: (517) 339-0739

Cell (517)243-2374


Ph.D., Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 1993. Major: Adult and Continuing Education.

Dissertation topic: Pre-screening Employment Candidates - A Study of Hospitality Recruiter Decision Strategies.

M.A., Michigan State University, 1990. Department of Educational Administration.

B.A., Michigan State University, 1981 School of Hospitality Business

Employment summary:

1999 – Present

Associate Professor, School of Hospitality Business, Michigan State University (MSU)

1995 - 1999

Assistant Professor, School of Hospitality Business, Michigan State University

Leave of absence, Jan. - Aug. '97, served as Professional Development Consultant to the Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association

1993 - 1995

Assistant Professor and Student and Industry Resource Center (SIRC) Director, School of Hospitality Business,

1990 - 1993

Lecturer and Assistant SIRC Director, The School of Hospitality Business, MSU

1987 - 1990

Marketing and Sales Manager, Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Lodging Association

1986 - 1987

Sales Manager, Winegardner and Hammons, Inc., Radisson Hotel Lansing

1985 - 1986

General Manager, Michigan North Properties, Best Western of Gaylord

1982 - 1985

Conference Services Manager, Westin Hotels, Arizona Biltmore Resort

1981 - 1982

Management Trainee, Westin Hotels, Arizona Biltmore Resort

Teaching Philosophy

I believe that each learner is her/his own best teacher. My goal when assigned as the instructor for any course is to serve as a catalyst and facilitator of learning for all enrolled. Depending upon the curricular requirements and specific instructional objectives of the course, the context in which it is being offered and the specific learners involved, I select and implement appropriate teaching approaches. Examples of methodologies I have successfully employed include graffiti needs assessment, team based learning, peer panel presentations, and in-class video recorded role playing for “real time” assessment and feedback. In the near future I intend to utilize Skype or related technology to present targeted guest lectures/speakers.

I believe that assessment of the effectiveness of instruction should be formative and on-going over an instructional period and not restricted to a summative scorekeeping exercise at the end of the course

Courses Taught:

Academic and Career Decision Making

Hospitality Business Strategy

Hospitality Human Resources Management

Introduction to Hospitality Business

Management of Lodging Systems

Professional Development

Research and publications

Borchgrevink, C. P., Sciarini, M. P. and Borchgrevink, H. C. (2010) Alcohol Consumption among Hospitality Students and Hospitality Employees: A Replication and Pilot Study. in the Proceedings of the 2010 Annual International Council on Hotel, Restaurant & Institutional Education Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico

Borchgrevink, C. P., Sciarini, M., & Condrasky, M. (2009). Changing Culinary Occupation: Surfacing the Life of Research Chefs. In J. Carlsen, M. Hughes, K. Holmes, & R. Jones (eds.). Proceedings of the 18th Annual CAUTHE Conference. Canning Bridge, Western Australia: Promaco Conventions.

Sciarini, M. and Borchgrevink, C. (2008) “HB @ MSU: When and why?” Special Issue of the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education – Hospitality Management Program Selection: An International perspective. Volume 20, No. 3.

Borchgrevink, C., Sciarini, M., and Susskind, A. (2007) "Hot Beverages at Quick Service Restaurant Drive-Thru Windows." Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Volume 14, Number 1.

Cho, S., Woods, R., and Sciarini, M. (2006) "How Hospitality Students Develop Perceptions of Potential Employers: A Post Internet Update." Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly. Volume 47, Number 2.

Sciarini, M. and Woods, R. (2006) “Strategic Planning in Hospitality Higher Education: A Case for the Importance of Environmental Scanning" in the Proceedings of the 2006 Las Vegas International Hospitality and Convention Summit III.

Woods, R., Sciarini, M and Johanson, M. (2001) "Inventory of College Students Recent Life Experiences: Are Hospitality Students Under Too Much Stress?." Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education. Vol. 13, No. 3/4, pp 4-9.

Schmidgall, R., Rutherford, D, Sciarini, M. and Woods, R. (1999) "GMs Today: Preparation, Performance, Payoff." Lodging. Vol. 24, No. 12, pp. 55-6, 58-9.

Mount, M. and Sciarini, M. (1999) "IPA and DSI: Enhancing the Usefulness of Student Evaluation of Teaching Data" Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education. Vol. 10, No. 4, pp 8-13.

Woods, R., Sciarini, M. and Breiter, D. (1998) "Performance Appraisals in Hotels" Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly. Vol. 39, No. 2, pp 25-29

Woods, R, Schmidgall, R., Rutherford, D, and Sciarini, M. and. (1998) “Hotel General Managers: Focused on the Core Business.” Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly. Vol. 39, No. 6, pp 38-44.

Woods, R., Sciarini, M and Ninemeier, J. (1998) "The Use of Performance Appraisals in 3 Segments of the Hospitality Industry." Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education. Vol. 10, No. 3, pp 59-62.

Woods, R., Sciarini, M., Ninemeier, J. and Johanson, M. (1998) "Performance Appraisals in Restaurants." FIU Hospitality Review. Vol. 16 No. 2, pp 23-28

Sciarini, M and Ninemeier, J. (1998) “Use of Student Management Teams in High Enrollment Hospitality Management Classes.” Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 23-25

Sciarini, M. and Woods, R. (1998) “Revisiting ‘Where Students Want to Work’: What’s Changed (and What Hasn’t) Since 1995” Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 62-64

Sciarini, M., Gardner, P., Harris, G.M., Boger, E., and Woods, R. (1997) "College Freshmen Perceptions of Hospitality Careers: Gender and Ethnic Interest." Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education Vol. 9, No. 2

Sciarini, M. and Woods, R. (1997) "Selecting That First Job: How Students Develop Perceptions About Potential Employers." Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly. Vol. 38, No. 4, pp 76-81.

Sciarini, M., Gross, L. and Woods, R. (1997) "Outsider Input: The Risks and Returns of Evaluating for Instructional Improvement." Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education. Vol. 9, No. 1, pp 37-40.

Knutson, B., Schmidgall, R. and Sciarini, M. (1997) "Teaching Evaluations in CHRIE Member Schools: Perceptions of the Students." Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education. Vol. 9, No. 1, pp 30-32.

Woods, R. and Sciarini, M. (1997) "Where Hospitality Students Want to Work: 1995-1996." Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education. Vol. 9, No. 2, pp 6-9.

Sciarini, M. and Fay, J. (1996) "Targeted Selection: An Industry-Academic Partnership that Works." Hospitality and Tourism Educator. Vol 8, No. 2/3, p. 115.

Dove, P., Borchgrevink, C., Sciarini, M and Ninemeier, J. (1996) "Silent Training Videos: A Modern Anachronism or Quality Training for Multilingual Audiences? Hospitality and Tourism Educator. Vol. 8, No. 4, pp 41-43.

Knutson, B., Schmidgall, R., and Sciarini, M. (1996) "Teaching Evaluation's in CHRIE Member Schools: Perceptions of the Faculty." Hospitality and Tourism Educator. Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 27-32.

Woods, R. and Sciarini, M. (1995), “Diversity Programs in Chain Restaurants” Cornell HRA Quarterly. Vol. 36, No. 3.

Sciarini, M., Meese, P. and Woods R. (1995), “Enhancing Awareness of Sexual Harassment. . . An Intervention Which Helps Students.” Hospitality and Tourism Educator. Vol. 7, No. 3.

Knutson, B., Schmidgall, R. and Sciarini, M. “Faculty Teaching Evaluations in CHRIE Member Schools” (1995)Hospitality and Tourism Educator. Vol. 7, No. 4

Sciarini, M., Woods. R., and Gardner, P. (1995) "A Comparison of Faculty, Recruiter and Student Perceptions of Important Pre-Screening Criteria." Hospitality & Tourism Educator. Vol. 7, No. 1.

Sciarini, M. and Boger, E. “Experiencing Diversity Through A Faculty Exchange, (1995) Hospitality and Tourism Educator. Vol. 7, No. 4.

Sciarini, M. and Woods, R. "Family Day!" (1994) Hospitality & Tourism Educator. Vol. 6, No. 4.

Sciarini, M. and Gardner, P. (1994) "Pre-Screening of Hospitality School Graduates: A Study of Recruiter Decision Strategies." Hospitality Research Journal, Vol. 18, No. 2.

Cichy, R., Sciarini, M. and Patton, M. (1992) "Foodservice Leadership: Could Attilla Run A Restaurant?" Cornell HRA Quarterly. Vol. 33. No. 1.

Cichy, R., Aoki, T., Patton, M. and Sciarini, M. (1992) "The Five Foundations of Leadership In Japan's Lodging Industry." FIU Hospitality Review. Vol. 10. No. 2.

Cichy, R., Sciarini, M., and Patton, M. (1991) "Leadership In The Lodging And Non Commercial Food Service Industries." FIU Hospitality Review. Vol. 9 No. 1.

Cichy, R., and Sciarini, M. (1990) "Do You Fit This Profile of a Hospitality Leader?" Lodging Magazine Vol. 15, No. 10.


Robert H. Woods, William Heck, and Michael Sciarini, Turnover and Diversity in the Lodging Industry (Washington, D.C.: American Hotel Foundation, 1998).

E-text books:

Sciarini, M.P. (2009). Introduction to Hospitality Business. Great River Technologies. Digital/E-text ISBN: 978-1-61549-002-8 (14 Module web-based e-text complete with chapter length text components as well as narrated screen captured overview presentations for each module, animated learning objects, and self-produced/edited digital video interviews with professionals across a variety of industry segments – e.g. foodservice, lodging, private clubs and meeting and event planning)

Sciarini, M.P. and Woods, R.H. (2010). Managing Hospitality Human Resources Management, electronic text, American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute. (9 Module web-based e-text based on original EI HR book augmented and supplemented with new/revised text and narrated screen captured overview presentations).

Chapters in Textbooks:

“Professional Development” in Supervision in the Hospitality Industry by Kavanaugh and Ninemeier (EI of AH&LA, 2001)

“Strategic Career Planning” in Quality Leadership and Management by Robert Woods (EI of AH&LA, 1996)

“The Role of Organization Culture in Service” (with Robert Woods) in The International Hospitality Business Edited by Richard Teare (HCIMA, 1996).

"Planning For Your Hospitality Career" in Hospitality Management: An Introduction To The Industry

(7th edition) edited by Robert Brymer (Kendall-Hunt, 1994).

Research and Publications in progress

Bartkus, K., Gardner, P. and Sciarini, M. (in process) "The characteristics of work experience requirements in hospitality/tourism management programs: are we meeting the needs of the profession?" (Submission to the Journal of Tourism Research targeted for 1st quarter of 2011)

`Woods, R., Sciarini, M. and Johanson, M. Managing Hospitality Human Resources, 5th edition.(Revised text and e-text editions targeted for publication 3rd quarter of 2011)

Professional Association Memberships and selected Service Activities:

Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM)

Hospitality Education Alliance of Michigan

Collegiate Employment Research Institute Advisory Board

Reviewer, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, September, 2010: Manuscript ID CQ-10-132

2005 – Present: Serve as faculty presenter/facilitator during both incoming student academic orientation as well as parent orientation sessions conducted by the MSU Office of Admissions/Orientation program each summer.