Notification of a Body in the framework of technical
harmonization directive
From: / To: / EFTA Secretariat+ Name and address of the / 74 rue de Trèves
authority responsible for / B-1040 Brussèls
designating the notified body
References: / Directive ...... /...... /EC
Body name, address, telephone, fax, email, website
Type of body:Period of validity of the notification:
Valid until ......
The body is not formally accredited
Criteria used to assess the competence of the body:
Legal personality
Independence of organisation (3rd – party)
Indepencende of personnel
Professional integrity
Technical knowledge (tasks/procedures)
Technical training/knowledge of essential requirements
Liability insurance
Professional secrecy
The competence of the body was assessed by:
The competence of the body was assessed the following way:
The assessment of the body covers the product categories and conformity assessment procedures concerned by this notification: yes/no
Supporting document (pdf):
The body is designated for:
EN 45001 – EN ISO/EIC 17025 – testing and calibration laboratories
EN 45004 – EN ISO/IEC 17020 – inspection
EN 45011 – EN ISO/IEC 17065 – product certification
EN 45012 – EN ISO/IEC 17021 – certification of management systems
EN 45013 – EN ISO/IEC 17024 – certification of personnel
Other means (please specify):
Regular monitoring of NB:
- Arrangements for monitoring body:
- Review due on:
Is the body a member of a Notified Bodies’ co-ordination group?
The body is member of the following Notified Bodies’ co-ordination group(s):
Construction Products (advisory group)
Construction-Sector Group
Electromagnetic Compatability
Equipment Explosive Atmosphere
Medical Devices
Marine Equipment
Pressure Equipment and Simple Pressure Vessels
Personal Protective Equipment
NB Rail
Safety of Toys
Recreational craft
Cableway Installations
Noise emissions
Pyrotechnics + Explosives
Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
Tasks performed by the body
Product family, product/intended use/Product range / Procedures/Modules(AoC and body function) / Annexes or articles of thedirective
(Decision) / Technical Specification
Are any of these procedures sub-contracted to other bodies?YesNo
If yes – which of the procedures?
Notification of a Body in the framework of technical
harmonization directive
From: / To: / EFTA Secretariat+ Name and address of the / 74 rue de Trèves
authority responsible for / B-1040 Brussèls
designating the notified body
References: / Directive ...... /...... /EC
Body name, address, telephone, fax, email, website
Type of body:Period of validity of the notification:
Valid until ......
The body is formally accredited
Name of the National Accreditation Body (NAB): NA – Norsk Akkreditering
The NAB is a signatory to the following parts of the EA/MLA relevant to this notification:
Product certification
QMS (Quality System certification)
Personnel certification
EMS (Environment management systems certification)
The accreditation covers the product categories and conformity assessment procedures concerned by this notification: Yes/No
The body is formally accredited against:
EN 45001 – EN ISO/EIC 17025 – testing and calibration laboratories
EN 45004 – EN ISO/IEC 17020 – inspection
EN 45011 – EN ISO/IEC 17065 – product certification
EN 45012 – EN ISO/IEC 17021 – certification of management systems
EN 45013 – EN ISO/IEC 17024 – certification of personnel
Other means (please specify):
Expiry date of accreditation certificate:
Is the body a member of a Notified Bodies’ co-ordination group?
Yes - the body is member of the following Notified Bodies’ co-ordination group(s):
Construction Products (advisory group)
Construction-Sector Group
Electromagnetic Compatability
Equipment Explosive Atmosphere
Medical Devices
Marine Equipment
Pressure Equipment and Simple Pressure Vessels
Personal Protective Equipment
NB Rail
Safety of Toys
Recreational craft
Cableway Installations
Noise emissions
Pyrotechnics + Explosives
Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
Tasks performed by the body
Product family, product/intended use/Product range / Procedures/Modules(AoC and body function) / Annexes or articles of the directive
(Decision) / Technical Specification
Are any of these procedures sub-contracted to other bodies?YesNo
If yes – which of the procedures?