GSNETX Community Service Award

Nomination Form

GSNETX Community Service Award – Recognizes a non-member adult or organization whose interest in the Girl Scout movement resulted in a contribution of time, talents, and resources to at least one Girl Scout Service Unit or wider girl delivery audience furthering the Girl Scout Mission and developing leadership in girls.

GSNETX Community Service Criteria – This is the first award earned before receiving the Community Partner award regardless of the length of service. Contact to verify award criteria.

1.  Nominee is a non-member adult or organization that has been recognized at the local level for at least three years (the current membership year can count as one year.)

2.  Nominee has demonstrated an interest in the Girl Scout movement.

GSNETX Community Service Instructions: We strongly encourage all nominators to use the online portal to nominate a volunteer which can be found at

·  Three unique nominations are required from adults who are not family members.

·  This award can be presented at the GSNETX adult recognition event and/or a local recognition event. Contact your service unit for event details.

·  Contact your service unit for nomination approvals, denials or additional information needed to award your nominee. If you’re not sure who in your service unit to contact, please reach out to .

Nominee Organization (if applicable – including store id number): / Phone:
Nominee’s Name or Organization Contact Name: / Email:
Address: / City: / Zip:
Submitted By: / Phone:
Email: / GS Service Unit #: / GS Troop # (if applicable):

Please brag about your nominee. We want to know details about how wonderful they are. Use the space below to describe your reasons for this nomination.

1.  Nominee must have been recognized at the local level for at least three years. Please list, in detail, how the nominee has been recognized. Example: Thank you letters from girls, certificates, pictures, service project benefiting the organization or other small gifts.

2.  Please tell us what Girl Scout groups have benefited from the contributions of the nominee.

3.  Describe in detail one or more examples of how the nominee has supported the above group(s). Include details of how their contribution has led to leadership development in girls and furthered the Girl Scout Mission of building girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.

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