Trinity Western University


This internal Signature Form must accompany all research funding applications (see Funding Application Signature Procedures below). It does not apply to NSERC Form 180 or the CIHR Registration package.

Principal Investigator: Click here to enter text.

Project Title: Click here to enter text.

Funder: Click here to enter text.

Program: Click here to enter text.

Amount Requested: Click here to enter text.

Ethics Review Required: Yes ☐ No ☐

If yes, please specify: Animal ☐Human ☐ Biohazard ☐


Signatures indicate that the signers have read and accept the significance of their signature as stated in (2) below. The Office of Research and Graduate Studies will obtain the signature of the Senior Financial Officer and President, if required.

Researcher (PI)


Printed Name Signature Date



Printed Name Signature Date

Department Chair


Printed Name Signature Date

Dean or Designate


Printed Name Signature Date

Vice Provost of Research and Graduate Studies


Printed Name Signature Date

University Financial Officer


Printed Name Signature Date



Printed Name Signature Date


All proposals for external research funding and other research-related projects must be signed in the following order by:

1. Principal Applicant (and co-applicants if any)

2. Department Chair or equivalent, if applicable

3. Faculty or School Dean or designate

4. Vice Provost of Research and Graduate Studies

Obtained by the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, if required by the funder

5. University Financial Officer (if required by funder)

6. Presidentor designate (if required by funder and/or University Policy)

Before the application is submitted to the funder electronically and/or in hard copy, a hard copy of the original application with original signatures must be presented to the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, along with a completed signature form. Co-applicants may submit additional signature forms with their signature electronically. If the signatures of the University Financial Officer and/or the President (or designate) are required, they will be obtained by the Office of Research and Graduate Studies.

Significance of Application Signatures

The signature of the applicant(s) affirms that:

  • The information in the application is complete and accurate to the best knowledge of the applicant.
  • The applicant has sufficient space and resources to do the research.
  • If an award is made, the applicant agrees to abide by the award regulations of the funder.
  • If an award is made, the applicant will use the award only for the purposes for which the award was made.
  • If an award is made, the applicant agrees to abide by the TWU Research Policies, including meeting all regulations regarding the use of animals, human subjects, and biohazardous materials.
  • For applications for funding from the federal granting agencies (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC), the applicant acknowledges having read and agreed to the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Roles and Responsibilities in the Management of Federal Grants and Awards ( and the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research.
  • For applications for funding from MSFHR, the applicant acknowledges having read and agreed to the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Roles and Responsibilities in the management of Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Grants and Awards.

The signature of the Faculty/School Dean affirms that:

  • The applicant has an appropriate academic appointment covering the period of the proposed award agreement.
  • The applicant has appropriate space available to do the research.
  • The Dean will take responsibility for resolving any over-expenditures.
  • The Dean will fulfill their obligations to the funder.
  • The Dean will ensure that the Office of Research and Graduate Studies is notified if there is a change in status of the awardee.
  • The Dean has verified adherence to the TWU Conflict of Interest in Research Policy.
  • Any internal Departmental/Faculty requirements have been met.

The signature of the Vice Provost of Research and Graduate Studies affirms that:

  • The applicant is eligible to apply.
  • The application has been signed by the appropriate Dean.
  • If an award is made, TWU is able and willing to administer the funds on behalf of the funder in accordance with the guidelines of the funder.
  • If an award is made, the Office of Research and Graduate Studies will notify the funder when it becomes aware of any change in the status of the awardee.
  • If an award is made, the University will not release funding to the awardee until all award conditions of the funder and the University have been met, including regulatory requirements on the use of animals, human subjects, and biohazardous materials.