[Name of contact person at PA]

[PA’s Address]


[ICO reference]

[PA’s reference]

Dear [ ]

Freedom of Information Act 2000 / Environmental Information Regulations 2004

[name of complainant]

The Information Commissioner has received a complaint from [name of complainant] about the way that the [name of PA] handled [his/her] request for information of [date of request].


The complainant requested the following information:

[quote request]

[Summarise the date and basis of the PA’s refusal]

[Summarise the date and basis of the PA’s internal review decision]

Scope of Investigation

[Summarise the complaint]

[Outline the scope of ICO’s investigation-listing each relevant section that we intent to investigate.]

Application of Section(s)/Exemption(s)

[Further to our letter of [date of CRU’s request for information] I note that the [name of PA] has not provided a copy of the requested information. Please arrange to make a copy of the requested information available to me with each element marked to indicate which [sections/exemption(s)] the [name of PA] have applied within 20 working days of the date of this letter. The information will not be released to the complainant or any other third party, and it will be stored in a secure environment. My request is solely for the purposes of allowing the Information Commissioner to make an informed decision with regards to the [name of PA]’s application of [sections/exemption(s)] by direct reference to the requested information.]

[request clarification of PA’s application in respect of each relevant section/exemption and organise under italicised subheadings (e.g. Section 12). In doing so, the case officer should consider the relevant casework guidance and lines to take.]


Please provide your response to the matters raised in the Application of Section(s)/Exemption(s) section above.Your response should contain full and complete arguments to support your decision.If you choose not to submit any further response the Commissioner may proceed to make a decision based solely on the information which has already been supplied to him. He may also choose to use his powers under section 51 to issue an Information Notice which will require you to provide such information.

I would also remind you of the contents of our letter dated [date of letter]. In this letter we explained how the Commissioner will respond to requests for information submitted during the investigation of a complaint.

Time for Response

I would appreciate a response as soon as possible and no later than 20 working days from the date of this letter. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me directly should you have any questions or concerns.

Yours sincerely

[case officer’ name]

[job title]

[contact details]