Costessey Junior School
Sports Premium Funding 2017/2018
What is the Sports Premium?
The Government is providing funding of £150 million per annum for academic years from 2013/14, to 2019/20 to improve provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. Due to our School having 17 or more eligible pupils we receive £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil.This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to primary school Head teachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools.
Below is how our school is using the funding in some key areas and how the funding from last year has impacted on our pupils.
Sports Premium Funding 2017/2018
Number of Children on roll: 367
Funding allocation: £18000
Aims and Objectives:
- To provide quality assured professional development for staff to extend confidence, knowledge and skills.
- To develop teaching in PE that is consistently good or outstanding.
- To form and further develop links with local providers (Community Sports Foundation; WestNorwich and Dereham School Sports Partnership) to ensure additional extra-curricular opportunities for our children.
- To add to and enhance our resources to allow all children access to physical activity every day.
- To foster and encourage an awareness of the importance in adopting a healthy lifestyle through exercise, a healthy balanced diet and use of sustainable transport amongst our children, staff and the wider community.
- To allow children to engage in competitive sport opportunities, learning key social skills such as teamwork, coping with expectations, sportsmanship and support of others.
PE Curriculum Provision(£18000)
Costessey Junior is working in partnership with Norwich City Community Sports Foundation (CSF) to help build on the core skill base identified for key stage 2 pupils, by working in specific sport areas such as invasion games which cover Football, High 5 Netball, Quick sticks, Hockey and Tag Rugby. Striking and Fielding sports such as Rounder’s and Kwik Cricket, along with Net and ball games such as tennis and volleyball. CSF work alongside school staff to use ongoing assessment tools to help measure the impact of delivery and the progress of the pupils.
School staff form a vital part of the programme to enable and sustain quality of delivery as they are encouraged to support the delivery of PE as part of their ongoing Continuous Professional Development (CPD). In fact an additional member of staff has now joined the existing PE coordinator in working alongside CSF coaches every afternoon to learn different approaches and coaching skills to improve the all-round delivery of PE at Costessey Junior, working with CSF to identify a suitable scheme of work and lesson plans which further impact the teaching and learning of both staff and pupils.
Cross Curricular Provision
Costessey Junior and CSF use a range of engagement tools to help with behaviour and achievement to help pupils maintain the cultural, social, and spiritual development outside of school such as Sportasaurus star of the week for lower school children and the newly introduced Sports Skill award for upper school children. These both reward pupils for their involvement in lessons, and encourages inclusive participation.
West Norwich and Dereham Sports School Partnership. (£1700)
Costessey Junior School is a proud member of the WN&DSSP. This partnership helps and support PE provision throughout the school year. It provides opportunity for our children to attend and take part in well organised competitive sporting events. In the last school year, the school entered teams into various competitive competitions involving different schools from all over the county. The sports included Tag rugby, Football, Net ball, mini tennis, Kwik cricket and Dance. Our year 4 girls football team won the partnerships 7 a side tournament and then went on to represent the partnership in the all school Norfolk finals which they won and are now currently the Norfolk champions in that age group. Free transport for children is also provided by the partnership to all competitions that they provide. The school also benefits from a wide range of training and coaching courses that are free for school staff enabling the continuous quality delivery of PE provision.
Extra-Curricular Clubs(£4000)
CSF and school staff are providing extra-curricular provision throughout the school year to give all our young people the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sporting activities. We are also working closely with local community sporting clubs to give pupils a wide choice of different sporting activities including Dance, Athletics, Cricket, Gymnastics, Net ball, Dodge ball, Football, Karate and many others. Our aim is for all pupils to take part in a competitive or non-competitive sport outside of the school day. We are keen to offer a range of activities to appeal to all our pupils, which will change each half term. In order to ensure this offer is available to all, we are currently negotiating with partner clubs in offering funded places for Pupil Premium children.This will support physical activity engagement for all. These clubs are designed to engage more pupils in sports and sporting organisation, including team building experiences and offering pupils opportunities to organise sporting events and learning to officiate, referee and umpire school sporting activities. With more choice in sporting clubs that are now available our ambition for 2017/2018 academic year is to offer 550 places on extra- curricular after school sport.So far in this school year we have had 80 children alone sign up to football afterschool clubs provided by CSF and school staff.
Wake Up Shake Up Club(£3076 for 40 weeks)
We have identified a group of pupils who consistently come to school without having breakfast and who struggle to cope with the demands of the school day. As a result, we have set up a Wake Up Shake Up club where children come into school at 8am to take part in some physical activity, followed by a healthy breakfast to set them up for the day. Through the sports premium, we are able to subsidise this club to encourage high attendance rates.
The Legacy Challenge is a programme which helps educate children in understanding the importance of nutrition and exercise and how it affects their everyday lives. The program is run during the spring and summer terms alongside the school enrichment plan, this will look at involving local athletes in order to promote participation. The program provided pupils with information and advice about children’s health and wellbeing. This included healthy eating and the importance of exercise. It also gives children and families the opportunity to work together and get involved with not only sporting events within school but to take part in exercise and sporting fun outside of school.
Tournaments / Festivals(£1000)
We continue to look at ways to encourage pupils to enjoy the competitive side of sport. Last year our football teams were hugely successful, with this in mind we have entered three teams consisting of year a 5 boy’s team, a year 6 boy’s team and a year 5/6 girl’s team into the local schools football league for the 2017/18 season. The school continues to hold the Sainsbury’s School Games Mark of Silver which is something we look to uphold this academic year. We want to see more of our pupils enjoying competitive sport, with an emphasis on more inter School house competitions and also entering an even wider range of sporting tournaments against other schools. Plans are in place to arrange tournaments and sporting events which involve local schools, hosted by Costessey.
Impact of Sports Premium Spend 2016-2017
In 2016/2017 academic year an amazing 498 places were taken up by our children in after school sporting activities during the whole school year.
Wake up Shake up.When Wake up Shake up was introduced to the school in 2013/2014 we had an attendance of 10%. In 2016/2017 we maintained 22% of pupils enjoying this facility. 70 children per week enjoying sport and a hearty breakfast before the school day begins.
Tournaments and Festivals.
The 2016/2017 academic year saw the school maintain the Sainsbury’s School Games Mark of a Silver award. This is an Ofsted recognised award, awarded for a schools participation in various inter and intra competitive competitions. The school entered various tournaments for girls and boys including Kwik Cricket, 7 a side football and mini tennis. Our sporting teams were very successful; Girls year 5/6, Year 5 boys and Year 6 girl’s teams all won their individual Spring leagues. We will endeavour to repeat this in 2017/2018.
Sports Premium Funding 2016/2017
Number of Children on roll: 359
Funding allocation: £9255
Aims and Objectives:
- To provide quality assured professional development for staff to extend confidence, knowledge and skills.
- To develop teaching in PE that is consistently good or outstanding.
- To form and further develop links with local providers (Community Sports Foundation; WestNorwich and Dereham School Sports Partnership) to ensure additional extra-curricular opportunities for our children.
- To add to and enhance our resources to allow all children access to physical activity every day.
- To foster and encourage an awareness of the importance in adopting a healthy lifestyle through exercise, a healthy balanced diet and use of sustainable transport amongst our children, staff and the wider community.
- To allow children to engage in competitive sport opportunities, learning key social skills such as teamwork, coping with expectations, sportsmanship and support of others.
Below is how our school is using the funding in some key areas: –
PE Curriculum Provision(£9000)
Costessey Junior is working in partnership with Norwich City Community Sports Foundation (CSF) to help build on the core skill base identified for key stage 2 pupils, by working in specific sport areas such as invasion games which cover Football, High 5 Netball, Quick sticks, Hockey and Tag Rugby. Striking and Fielding sports such as Rounder’s and Kwik Cricket, along with Net and ball games such as tennis and volleyball. CSF staff use ongoing assessment tools to help measure the impact of delivery and the progress of the pupils.
School staff form a vital part of the programme to enable and sustain quality of delivery as they are encouraged to support the delivery of PE as part of their ongoing Continuous Professional Development (CPD). In fact one full time staff member is working alongside CSF coaches two days per week to learn different approaches and coaching skills to improve the all-round delivery of PE at Costessey Junior, working with CSF to identify a suitable scheme of work and lesson plans which further impact the teaching and learning of both staff and pupils. In the last school year some staff members attended various courses provided by CSF to improve the quality delivery of PE at Costessey Junior School. These courses included multi skills and warm up games for children.
Cross Curricular Provision
Costessey Junior and CSF use a range of engagement tools to help with behaviour and achievement to help pupils maintain the cultural, social, and spiritual development outside of school such as Sportasaurus star of the week which rewards pupils for their involvement in lessons, and asks them to use key literacy skills to write about how they felt about receiving the award and how this engages pupils to participate in sport away from the school environment.
West Norwich and Dereham Sports School Partnership. (£1700)
Costessey Junior School is a proud member of the WN&DSSP. This partnership helps and support PE provision throughout the school year. It provides opportunity for our children to attend and take part in well organised competitive sporting events. In the last school year, the school entered teams into various competitive competitions involving different schools from all over the county. The sports included Tag rugby, Football, Net ball, mini tennis, Kwik cricket and Dance. Our year 4 girls football team won the partnerships 7 a side tournament and then went on to represent the partnership in the all school Norfolk finals which they won and are now currently the Norfolk champions in that age group. Free transport for children is also provided by the partnership to all competitions that they provide. The school also benefits from a wide range of training and coaching courses that are free for school staff enabling the continuous quality delivery of PE provision.
Extra-Curricular Clubs(£3000)
CSF and school staff are providing extra-curricular provision throughout the school year to give all our young people the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sporting activities. We are also working closely with local community sporting clubs to give pupils a wide choice of different sporting activities including Dance, Athletics, Cricket, Gymnastics, Net ball, Dodge ball, Football, Karate and many others. Our aim is for all pupils to take part in a competitive or non-competitive sport outside of the school day. We are keen to offer a range of activities to appeal to all our pupils, which will change each half term, to engage more pupils in sports and sporting organisation, including team building experiences and offering pupils opportunities to organise sporting events and learning to officiate, referee and umpire school sporting activities. With more choice in sporting clubs that are now available our ambition for 2016/2017 academic year is to reach 75% of our pupils taking part in extra- curricular sport.So far in this school year we have had 78 children alone sign up to football afterschool clubs provided by CSF and school staff.
Gifted andTalented (£250)
One of our main aims for this academic year is to put more emphasis on our gifted and talented sporting young people. We are introducing a scheme to nurture talent from each year group by offering support for talented pupils including the introduction of technical support and specialised coaching.
Wake Up Shake Up Club(£755)
We have identified a group of pupils who consistently come to school without having breakfast and who struggle to cope with the demands of the school day. As a result, we have set up a Wake Up Shake Up club where children come into school at 8am to take part in some physical activity, followed by a healthy breakfast to set them up for the day. Through the sports premium, we are able to subsidise this club to encourage high attendance rates.
The Legacy Challenge is a programme which helps educate children in understanding the importance of nutrition and exercise and how it affects their everyday lives. The program was launched in January and lasted 3 months. The program provided pupils with information and advice about children’s health and wellbeing. This included healthy eating and the importance of exercise. It also gives children and families the opportunity to work together and get involved with not only sporting events within school but to take part in exercise and sporting fun outside of school. The challenge in the last school year was so successful that over 150 children gained Bronze, Silver or Gold certificates. The launch coincided with healthy week. The school also invited John Thaxton the local boxing champion to launch the program.
Tournaments / Festivals(£800)
We are forever looking at ways to encourage pupils to enjoy the competitive side of sport. Last year we witnessed a massive increase in girls and boys who wanted to take part in competitive football. With this in mind we have entered three teams consisting of year a 5 boy’s team, a year 6 boy’s team and a year 5/6 girl’s team into the local schools football league for the 2016/17 season. The schools ambition for this next school year is to reach a Sainsbury’s School Games Mark of Silver or even a Gold award at the end of this academic year after being awarded Silver for 2015/16. We want to see more of our pupils enjoying competitive sport, with an emphasis on more inter School house competitions and also entering an even wider range of sporting tournaments against other schools.