
March 22, 2007

Ben Nighthorse Campbell Building Rm #204

Fitzsimons Campus

13055 East 17th Avenue

Aurora, CO 80010-7238



Name / Affiliation / Name / Affiliation
Kris Wenzelall / COAHEC / Desiree Reyes / TSJC
Ed Ladon / Private Practice / Nicole Sanchez / TSJC
Dale Rogoff Greer / CDPHE / Shalaina Aragon / TSJC
Linda Ballard / UC School of Dentistry / Rosalie Archuleta / TSJC
Gloria Vellinga / CDPHE / Melissa Malczewski / TSJC
Maria Carreron / CDPHE / Janet Hanstad / TSJC
Dawn James / KCCHHS / Marian Ruge / Weld County DPH
Theresa Anselmo / CDPHE / Kelly Imus / Weld County DPH
Angelita Sims / CDPHE / Debra Ramsey / Weld County Res-J School District
Julie Marshall / RMPRC, UCDHSC / Ofelia Orozio / WCHD
Rhoda Rogers / Ft. Lupton Salud Family Health Center / Teri Sieg / NCMC
Terry Bryant / CDPHE / Sandy Emerson / MHHS
Carol Nitoratos / MCPN / Laure Aure / Montrose School Nurse
Gloria Nussbaum / COAHEC / Stacy Brown
Robin Nagel / JCDHE / Jane Dickinson / YVMC
Melissa Hale / NKF / Gilda Salazar-Conger / Salud Family Health Center
JoAnn Pegues / CAAHealth / Natasha Schuman / Western COAHEC
LaQuanna Guillory-Williams / CAAH
Jessica Sanchez / CCHN
Alice Bradley / Bradley Consulting Grp
Eric Albright, MD / Porter Hospital

I. Welcome

The Diabetes Advisory Council Annual Meeting on March 22, 2007 was called to order at 8:10 AM. Eric Albright MD, the Chair, welcomed everyone and reviewed the meeting agenda.

II. Review of the Draft Strategic Plan

Alice Bradley, president of Bradley Consulting Group gave an overview of the process used for the updating of the Colorado state plan. Alice Bradley, Cassidy Smith and Dale Rogoff Greer reviewed strategic plans from other states and the Wisconsin Strategic Plan was selected as the initial model for the Colorado Strategic Plan. Cassidy Smith, project manager for Colorado Clinical Guidelines Collaborative helped with writing the strategic plan and Alice helped facilitate discussion at the DAC Executive Committee meeting and at the DAC meeting. The first draft of the strategic plan was submitted to the DAC Executive Committee for review on March 13th, where their feedback and comments were solicited. Alice incorporated their comments into today’s presentation. (see Key Elements from DACEC Review slides). Alice went over thefollowing criterion for review of the plan: Completeness, Clarity, Sufficiency, Currency and Flexibility and; asked DAC members to review the plan to identify whether it met the criterion. Members at the different site locations were asked to discuss the two questions on the agenda, the criterion and what they would change in the plan (see Comments on Plan from DAC slides; Greeley, Grand Junction and Montrose). Dale mentioned that she would like the group to focus on the Goal Section to add input to the plan as well as to identify other activities or organizations that focus on diabetes who are not listed in the plan (see slide on Dale’s Comments). Alice will send the power point slides to Angelita Sims to have it posted on the COAHEC website. Alice added that if anyone is interested in community planning, they should go to the Community Tool Box website:

Members were asked to submit any suggestions (with an explanation) regarding the plan to Dale Greer by e-mail (), fax (303.691.7721) or mail (Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Diabetes Prevention and Control Program, 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, #A5, Denver, CO 8046.

III. Reorganization of DAC

Dale Rogoff Greer and Dr. Albright discussed the reorganization of the Diabetes Advisory Council. The DAC’s goals are to help advise and assist the Diabetes Prevention and Control Program, to implement programs and link programs together to effectively address diabetes and pre-diabetes. The current structure didn’t provide enough direction or support, and, it was not representative of the state’s diverse populations. It is proposed that four Regional Directors/Coordinators will coordinate regional diabetes activities with certain responsibilities to act on behalf of the Diabetes Advisory Council. Dale and Eric are open to recommendations for people who will be good leaders. These leaders will be paid $500.00 a month to be liaisons between their region and the DAC.

It was recommended to change the name so that people will know that the group has reorganized. The DAC will be the smaller advisory group and the Diabetes Network (Colorado Diabetes Network) will be the entire statewide network. Dale discussed the Organizational Matrix, which explains the relationship to CDC, the Diabetes Program and the Diabetes Advisory Council (see handout). It is important that everyone in DAC work together and support the vision of DAC. If there is anything going on in the state regarding diabetes, it needs to be communicated so that efforts aren’t duplicated. There is a need to establish more of an advocacy network in the state so that when there are issues, there is an established communication network. They will also be looking for representatives from other organizations, key people in the state, and representatives from health disparate populations (so that their voices are heard). The Diabetes Advisory Council, will meet 4 times a year (the next meeting is June 22nd -½ day retreat to plan for next year’s work plan).

If anyone has any comments about the reorganization or is interested in nominating someone or self-nominating (please provide a brief bio about yourself) they can contact Dale.

IV. Updates

  • GDM-Gloria Vellinga

Gloria Vellinga gave an update on the Clinical Guidelines for Gestational Diabetes (see handout). The purpose of the guidelines is to increase access to quality care for women with gestational diabetes. Future activities are to:

Identify a statewide GDM network

Conduct 5 Regional Trainings Statewide to GDM health educators

Distribute instructional materials to GDM health educators

Evaluate the benefit

  • Annual Meeting- Dale Rogoff Greer for Jane Dickinson

The Diabetes Annual Meeting will be on Wednesday, May 23, 2007 at a Denver hotel from 9:30 AM until 3:00 PM. The theme of this year’s meeting will be Systems Thinking, with speakers from CDC and El Paso County Health Department. Hotel rooms will be reserved for people traveling to attend the meeting (state rates will be available for anyone who is interested). A SAVE THE DATE notice will be sent soon.

  • Diabetes and School-Gloria Vellinga

Gloria presented information on the Diabetes Care in Colorado Schools (see handout). Some activities that have been achieved are:

Writing guiding principles for the care of students with diabetes in Colorado Schools.

Using forms that standardize physician and school nurse communication

Initiating Diabetes Resource Nurse (DRN) Consultants statewide

Dissemination of Guiding Principles, Forms and H.A.N.D. S. curriculum to school nurses statewide

All documents and forms are located on the CDE website:

Look for a 1-day training on H.A.N.D.S. curriculum to 75 school nurses on April 22nd and a 3-day workshop to new DRN’s in June.

  • Eye Awareness-Maria Carreon

Maria Carreon discussed the Eye Awareness Social Marketing Campaign (see handout). The purpose of the campaign is to try to increase awareness about the importance of retinal eye exams for people with diabetes and to distinguish the difference between a retinal eye exam and regular vision exam. A Community Connector training was held on November 17, 2006 about the eye awareness social marketing campaign. Twenty-six CC’s have “connected” to their communities to distribute campaign materials in order to help raise eye awareness. To date, 316 materials have been distributed to 103 locations and more than 182 individuals have been reached. Maria is currently developing an ophthalmologists’ resource list. She has been talking to different retinal camera vendors to organize making a camera available to rural areas that don’t have access to a retinal camera. A barrier for making the camera available is that the vendors need to be reimbursed for the mobile camera use. Unfortunately, the DPCP is not allowed to use federal funds to provide direct services but community partners may be able to work out a system that will be beneficial to everyone.

V. Announcements

March 28, 2007 –Diabetes Alert Day will be held on Capital Hill from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

March 28, 2007- Champs Webcast on Tobacco

March 28, 2007- Weld County Diabetes Coalition Meeting

April 14, 2007 -The East-Central Colorado Diabetes Coalition is sponsoring a Diabetes Fair

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