1919 “THE YEAR OF BLOOD” (STRIKES-“RACE RIOTS”)How does this impact the coming decade?R

(R)END OF PROGRESSIVISM?A Communist Revolution in America?

Evidence?---You be the Historian---use the “internet” –be a “detective” 

You tell me--- Does Woodrow Wilson, who claimed we participated in World War I to “Make the World Safe for Democracy,” or in reality was it to “Make America safe for Hypocrisy?”(Rhetorical Q)

Who – What – When –Where –Why?

1-Seattle “General” Strike

“The so-called Seattle Strike was an attempted Revolution. That there was no violence does not alter the fact… that their intent was the overthrow of the industrial system and to put the government out of operation.”

- Ole Hanson, Mayor of Seattle, 1919

2-Nationwide Steel Strike (began in Pittsburgh)

3-Nationwide Coal Strike

4-Boston Police Strike

Q1-How is the response of “Government” different now to strikes?---compared to TRs response during the Coal Strike of 1902---is it a return to the “Gilded Age” pattern of Government always backing the owners and attacking workers---

-Do the events of 1919 better put explain or put into context Warren G. Harding’s 1920 campaign slogan, “A Return to Normalcy?” (Rhetorical q)

“Race Riots”---Why are they called this?… when WHITES ATTACK BLACKS in 38 cities and rural areas across America… 1000s lynched, burned alive, murdered – is it because Blacks fought back?(Rhetorical Q)

“We return from the slavery of uniform which the world’s madness demanded to win freedom. We stand back and look America squarely in the face and call a spade a spade. This country of ours, despite all its better souls have done and dreamed, yet a shameful land.”

“Today we raise the terrible weapon of self-defense …when armed lynchers gather, we must gather armed. We return, We Return from fighting, We return Fighting.”

“Returning Soldiers” -W.E.B. DuBois 1919

“How long, Mr. Wilson, under your leadership, does the Federal Government intend to allow anarchy?

-Telegram from the N.A.A.C.P. to Woodrow Wilson- 1919

“Black Soldiers are the greatest threat to bring communism home to America.” Woodrow Wilson-1919

“Faulty leadership of the Black Community [is the cause of the riots] because they take pride in fighting back—and never will again tamely submit to violence and intimidation. Blacks have developed a dangerous spirit of defiance against white mobs.”

-A. Mitchell Palmer, U.S. Attorney General, 1919

Q2a-What is the response of Blacks TO THESE ATTACKS----is there a change in the perspective of Blacks since the end of WWI?

Q2b-What of the change in leadership of Blacks since the Death of Booker T. Washington in 1915 and the emergence of W.E.B. DuBois/N.A.A.C.P. AND Marcus Garvey and the U.N.I.A.?

Who –What-When-Where-Why?

5 “Red Summer” (1919)-

6 National Equal Rights League-

7 African Blood Brotherhood-

8 N.A.A.C.P.

9 U.N.I.A.


Chicago, Illinois

Elaine, Arkansas

Washington D.C.

Bisbee, Arizona

CopyClaude McKay’s famous poem, “If We Must Die.” Written in 1919 in response to “Red Summer.” HERE:

10Haynes Report (U.S. Senate) 1919-

11 ------it does not end in 1919 for Blacks – see Tulsa, Oklahoma Race Riots---Rosewood, Florida Massacre---

Disillusionment---FEAR--- OF THE SPREAD OF COMMUNISM-----America’s 1st RED SCARE---

Q4What role--- does this “fear”of the spread of communism to America---play in the above and below actions of our government(s)?specifically the government(s) response to the Strikes and “Race Riots”


12 The 1st Red Scare (1919---USA)

13 Anarchist Bombings (1919)

14 Palmer Raids (1919-1920)

15 U.S.A.T. Buford (ship’s name) ---what was its purpose in 1919?

1919 events---

-Woodrow Wilson wins the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize

-W.Wilson has a stroke campaigning for the confirmation of the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations (both defeated)

-Adolf Hitler makes his first speech to the German Workers Party (future Nazi Party) “Freikorps” continue attacks on German people…

- Spanish Flu Pandemic infects 500 million worldwide---100 million deaths (5% of total world population dies)

-American Communist Party established

-The 18th and 19th Amendments are passed, the Volstead Act is passed beginning Prohibition in January of 1920

-Babe Ruth is sold to the NY Yankees for 125,000$ (the most ever paid for any professional athlete up to this time)

-Pancho Villa is still raiding in Mexico—Revolution

-The US Navy achieves the first Trans-Atlantic flight

-The US Army attempts to cross the US in vehicles—leave NYC and drives to San Francisco (it takes June 7-Sept 6) leads to US Highway system

-Attaturk begins the Turkish War of Independence

-Lawrence of Arabia (British State Department) goes to Egypt to discuss the beginnings of the Egyptian Revolution

-Arab Nationalists begin the Syrian Revolution---King Faisal (Saudi Arabia) signs agreement to support a Jewish homeland in Palestine (Zionism)

-Schenk V. United States, 1919---“Clear and Present Danger Doctrine” limiting American’s Freedom of Speech—Eugene Debs goes to Prison

-Mussolini begins his Fascist Party in Italy

-Korea protests Japanese Colonial Rule

-Irish war of Independence begins against the U.K.

-Margaret Sanger begins the American Birth Control League

-Teddy Roosevelt dies 

Assignment: What to do----?

-In a group of 6 or less---

-Using Google docs and share with me by end of period (midnight by request)




Your objective:

1-To determine---is the Progressive Era over?

2-How do the events of 1919 affect the 1920s and beyond in America?

In your Google doc---you must respond to four questions WITH SPECIFI EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWERS--

1 How is the response of “government” (local, state, federal) different now to strikes---compared to TRs response to the coal strike of 1902 during the Progressive Era? (is it a return to the “Gilded Age” practice of the government always backing the owners and attacking workers?) You must have evidence to support your answers?

2A- What is the Response of Blacks TO THESE ATTACKS?--- is there a change in the perspective of Blacks since the end of WWI?

2B- What is the affect on Blacks due to the change of leadership since the death of Booker T. Washington—(what was his approach) How does ---W.E.B. DuBois/N.A.A.C.P. AND Marcus Garvey/U.N.I.A.---and others listed… How does their approach differ from BTW?

3 What happens in the 4 places in 1919 (see assignment sheet)?

4 What Role does this fear---of the spread of Communism ---play in the government response to the Strikes, Race Riots, and the last four (4) actions (#’s 13-16) shown at the bottom of the assignment sheet?