Please complete the following APPLICATIONFORM
Date:Full name:
Date of birth:
When would you be available to start work?
Please give details of major courses attended during your career.
List which colour and product ranges you have worked with:
List previous hairdressing work experience
List hairdressing units passed including Trade Certificate qualification details
List last 3 places of employment – starting with most recent:
Please supply Contact Numbers and Email addresses for the referees supplied. / 1. Salon:
2. Salon:
3. Salon:
What did you enjoy most about your last job?
What did you enjoy least about your last job?
What do you enjoy doing in the weekends?
Why would you like to join Blue Cactus Hairdressing?
How would your friends describe you?
Why should we choose you for this position?
Area of hairdressing that is your strength?
Area of hairdressing that you need to work on?
Have you had any sick days in the last 2 years?
How would you describe your general health?
Do you have any criminal convictions or pending charges?
Do you give Blue Cactus permission to perform Criminal Checks in line with recruiting policy?
Describe how you would deal with a team member that annoys you.
Describe how you would deal with a rude client.
In the case where English is not your first language, give details of your verbal and written English competency.
What are your goals in your career and how do you envisage achieving them?
Do you have a portfolio of your work?
ease mark your response to the following:
- Informing Clients about home hair care is:
a) Essential
b) Being pushy
c) They could get it from the supermarket
d) Part of the job
- When a client walks into a salon the first thing they notice:
a)Whether the salon is clean and tidy
b) Staff’s style and smile
c)Trendy salon decor
d)How much a haircut is
- Based on your preferences circle your choice below:
1 / I base my decision based on facts / OR / I base my decisions on Gutfeelings
2 / I keep feelings to myself / OR / I express feelings with close friends
3 / I prefer to work independently / OR / I prefer to work in a team
To help us with your application, please mark the appropriate box: YES NO
1 / Would you co-operate with all salon-training programs as well as outside seminars, competitions, etc?2 / Are you prepared to have your hair cut and coloured to promote a good staff salon image?
3 / Do you agree to wear make-up to look your best in the salon?
4 / Would you be willing to adhere to the salon dress code?
5 / Are you prepared to work extended hours?
6 / Will you arrive 20 minutes before work starts in order to prepare for salon opening?
7 / Do you foresee any problems with transport, to and from work?
8 / Do you have any skin allergies, especially with your hands?
9 / Would you be able to provide good models for training purposes?
10 / As a qualified hairdresser would you be prepared to help other staff members in the salon training programme?
11 / Would you co-operate with all in salon training programs as well as outside seminars, competitions, etc?
12 / Should the salon manager require you to hone your skills in specific areas would you be willing to participate in additional training?
Complete the following table by describing your competency and experience level as well as your average speed to complete the services listed:
1 – Not yet Competent 2 - Beginner 3 – Intermediate 4 – Experienced 5 – Expert
Foils Application):¼ Head
½ Head
¾ Head
Full head
Tint Application):
Tint – roots only
Tint between Foils
Short hair Perm:
Hair Straightening:
Keratin Treatment:
Up Styles: / Competency/Experience Level / Speed
Competency/Experience Level / Speed
Cut and Blowdry: