TITLE: Aerosol light scattering measurements as a function of relative humidity onboard the Ron Brown Version 1.0
Christian M. Carrico
Department of Atmospheric Science
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO 80523
Tel: 970-491-8667
Fax: 970-491-8483
Pinar Kus
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MC-250
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL 61801
Tel: 217-333-8692
Fax: 217-333-6968
Mark J. Rood
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MC-250
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL 61801
Tel: 217-333-6963
Fax: 217-333-6968
The dataset are measurements of aerosol light scattering and backscattering as a function of relative humidity (RH) for RH between ~40[p1] and 85%. The measurements occurred onboard the R/V Ronald Brown from 17 March 2001 through 20 April 2001. The light scattering measurements are at wavelengths of 450, 550, and 700 nm and alternating between upper particle size cuts of 10 and 1 micrometers. Unless otherwise specified the parameters given here are for standard temperature and pressure conditions of 273K and 1013 mbar.
Measurements were made with a controlled relative humidity nephelometry system (humidograph) [Carrico et al., 1998; 2000]. Aerosol was sampled from the Ron Brown community aerosol inlet at a height of approximately 20m above sea level and from which instruments in both aerosol vans on the forward deck sampled. The community aerosol inlet was conditioned by heating to ~50% RH to allow size cuts to be imposed at a common RH before sampling by individual instruments.
The humidograph includes two TSI 3563 nephelometers with a humidity control system located between the instruments. The first nephelometer, the dry reference nephelometer, is operated at low RH (RH=19 5%) continuously. This was accomplished by additional sample heating to 33.5 1.9C). An RH control system follows the first nephelometer and scans sample RH by adding water vapor and/or changing temperature. Downstream of the RH controller, the scanning RH nephelometer measures light scattering properties while scanning RH from ~40% to 85%. RH scans are performed with both increasing controlled RH starting from a “dry” state and decreasing RH conditions starting from a hydrated state. A complete increasing and decreasing RH scan (humidogram) is measured in approximately 45 minutes.
Nephelometer calibration occurred approximately every 3 days with CO2 and filtered air. RH and temperature measurements were inter-calibrated before and during the experiment. Measurements with laboratory generated NaCl and (NH4)2SO4 were used during the experiment for validation of instrument operation. Lamp power was decreased and ventilation was increased to diminish the effects of instrumental heating on the measurements.
Light scattering and backscattering coefficients as a function of controlled RH are given as f(RH) values for discrete RH values of 35%, 45%, 50%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 82%, and 85% . As defined here, f(RH) is the ratio of the measured light scattering coefficient at the indicated controlled RH to the light scattering coefficient at the RH of the dry reference nephelometer (also given in the data file and with average of RH = 19 5%). Based on observed curve structure, measured f(RH) were fit to one of two curves, monotonic or deliquescent as given in the table below [Kotchenruther et al., 1999]. Monotonic curves featured smoothly increasing and decreasing f(RH) that demonstrated similar pathways for increasing and decreasing controlled RH. Deliquescent curves featured step change(s) in f(RH) and demonstrated a hysteresis effect with separate f(RH) pathways for increasing and decreasing controlled RH. Deliquescent step changes are plotted versus RH measured immediately upstream of the scanning RH nephelometer. This is the point where the highest RH is achieved within the humidograph (due to nephelometer heating) and where deliquescence occurs. Curve fit parameters a, b, c, d, and g are given as appropriate for the curve fit for each humidogram.[p2]
Growth Type
/ EquationMonotonic (increasing and decreasing RH)
(Increasing RH) /Deliquescent (decreasing RH)
The data file is a column-separated data file that is comma delimited and time stamped at the beginning of each nominal 45 minute period. Unless otherwise noted, the parameters given are for standard temperature and pressure (1013 mbar and 273K). Meteorological parameters (columns 4 through 20) are courtesy of Jim Johnson of NOAA-PMEL and are provided for calculation of the parameters at ambient pressure, temperature, and RH. PMEL light scattering measurements (at RH~50%) are provided for comparative purposes and are courtesy of Trish Quinn and Tim Bates. The final 18 columns give low RH reference light scattering and backscattering coefficient mean values and standard deviations, at ambient temperature and pressure followed by f(RH=ambient). Thus multiplying corresponding low RH ambient scattering with f(RH=ambient) values gives scattering at ambient temperature, pressure, and RH.
Parameter names that end with “UP” apply to increasing controlled RH starting from “dry” conditions while those including “DN” apply to decreasing controlled RH starting from a hydrated state. Curve fits that are designated “MON” in the “Growth_Type” column 25 exhibit the same hygroscopic growth behavior for increasing and decreasing controlled RH and thus only one curve fit is given. Curve fits that are designated “DEL” in the “Growth_Type” column 25 exhibit different pathways for increasing and decreasing controlled RH and have distinct curve fits given for increasing RH (UP) and decreasing controlled RH (DN).
Each row of the data file gives the following information in the column numbers given below:
- filename (YMMDDHHfracH) Time stamp UTC filename (for internal bookkeeping)
- Date_Time_fRHfile (YYYYMMDDHHMM) UTC date and time for the beginning of f(RH) measurement. The complete up/down RH scan lasts approximately 45 minutes.
- DayOfYear_fRHfile (Decimal Day) Day of year for f(RH) measurement based on 1 Feb 12:00 noon UTC = 32.5
- Date_Time_MET: (YYYYMMDDHHMM) UTC date and time for the meteorological data
- DayOfYear_MET (Decimal Day) Day of year for meteorological data based on 1 Feb 12:00 noon UTC = 32.5
- LAT (Deg) Ship’s latitude position in degrees from –90 to +90 degrees
- LONGT (Deg) Ship’s longitude position in degrees from 0 to 360 degrees
- GPS-course (Deg) Ship’s course from 0 to 360 degrees (0=north)
- GPS-spd (knts) Ship’s speed in knots
- AirT_Ambient (Deg C) ambient air temperature in degrees Celcius
- RH_Ambient (%) ambient relative humidity in percent
- Baro (mb) (ambient ?) barometric pressure in millibar
- Insolation (w m^2) solar flux in watts per square meter
- WS_rel (m/s) wind speed relative to ship in meters per second
- WD_rel to bow (deg) wind direction relative to ship direction (-90 port, 0 dead ahead, +90 starboard)
- WindS (m/s) wind speed relative to ocean surface in meters per second
- WindD (deg) wind direction relative to ocean surface
- WindU (m/s) wind to east in meters per second
- WindV (m/s) wind to north in meters per second
- RainRate (mm hr-1) rainfall rate in millimeters per hour
- Size (um) Upper size cut of the measurement (1 or 10 micrometers)
- PMEL_RH (%) for NOAA-PMEL nephelometer recorded simultaneously
- PMEL_sp550 (1/Mm) light scattering coefficient in inverse megameters (1/Mm =1e-6/m) at 550 nm for NOAA-PMEL nephelometer for given size cut at T=0º C, RH=PMEL_RH, and P=1013 mb.
- PMEL_Position Determination of whether light scattering measured at RH~50% is on the upper branch of the hysteresis loop (U), lower branch (L), intermediate (75-closer to upper branch, 50 in the middle, 25 closer to the lower branch), on both the upper and lower curves for the case of monotonic growth (B), or an is outlier (O) from the f(RH) curve. This position is used to calculate the ambient f(RH) below.
- Growth_Type: Curve fit used to measured experimental data. Deliquescent curves (DEL) have step change(s) in light scattering coefficients at deliquescence and crystallization RH values with evidence of hysteresis comparing increasing and decreasing RH scans. Monotonic curves (MON) have smoothly changing light scattering coefficients with little difference between increasing and decreasing RH scans.
- DRH (%) Deliquescence RH if the curve fit is deliquescent
- CRH (%) Crystallization RH if the curve fit is deliquescent. Note that if the value -99 for a deliquescent type of growth, CRH value could not be determined.
- RH_ReferenceNeph (%): RH in the low RH reference nephelometer
- period (min): Duration over which dry scattering values are reported
- drysp_450_STP (1/Mm) Low RH light scattering coefficient in inverse megameters (1/Mm =1e-6/m) at 450 nm (at 0º C and 1013 mb)
- devdrysp_450_STP (1/Mm) Standard deviation of drysp_450_STP
- drysp_550_STP (1/Mm) Low RH light scattering coefficient at 550 nm
- devdrysp_550_STP (1/Mm) ) Standard deviation of drysp_550_STP
- drysp_700_STP (1/Mm) Low RH light scattering coefficient at 700 nm
- devdrysp_700_STP (1/Mm) Standard deviation of drysp_700_STP
- drybsp_450_STP (1/Mm) Low RH light back scattering coefficient at 450 nm
- devdrybsp_450_STP (1/Mm) Standard deviation of drybsp_450_STP
- drybsp_550_STP (1/Mm) Low RH light back scattering coefficient at 550 nm
- devdrybsp_550_STP (1/Mm) Standard deviation of drybsp_550_STP
- drybsp_700_STP (1/Mm) Low RH light back scattering coefficient at 700 nm
- devdrybsp_700_STP (1/Mm) Standard deviation of drybsp_700_STP
- a_450sp_UP: Parameter a for curve fit for total scattering at 450 nm
- b_450sp_UP: Parameter b for curve fit for total scattering at 450 nm
- d_450sp_UP: Parameter d for curve fit for total scattering at 450 nm
- c_450sp_UP: Parameter c for curve fit for total scattering at 450 nm
- g_450sp_UP: Parameter g for curve fit for total scattering at 450 nm
- RMSE_450sp_UP: Fit root mean square errora for f(RH) at 450 nm
- Conf90_450sp_UP: Confidence widthb in value of f(RH=90%) for total scattering at 450 nm
- a_550sp_UP: Parameter a for curve fit for total scattering at 550 nm
- b_550sp_UP: Parameter b for curve fit for total scattering at 550 nm
- d_550sp_UP: Parameter d for curve fit for total scattering at 550 nm
- c_550sp_UP: Parameter c for curve fit for total scattering at 550 nm
- g_550sp_UP: Parameter g for curve fit for total scattering at 550 nm
- RMSE_550sp_UP: Fit root mean square error of f (RH) fit for total scattering at 550 nm
- Conf90_550sp_UP: Confidence width in value of f(RH=90%) for total scattering at 550 nm
- a_700sp_UP: Parameter a for curve fit for total scattering at 700 nm
- b_700sp_UP: Parameter b for curve fit for total scattering at 700 nm
- d_700sp_UP: Parameter d for curve fit for total scattering at 700 nm
- c_700sp_UP: Parameter c for curve fit for total scattering at 700 nm
- g_700sp_UP: Parameter g for curve fit for total scattering at 700 nm
- RMSE_700sp_UP: Fit root mean square error of f(RH) fit for total scattering at 700nm
- Conf90_700sp_UP: Confidence width in value of f(RH=90%) for total scattering at 700nm
- a_450bsp_UP: Parameter a for curve fit for back scattering at 450 nm
- b_450bsp_UP: Parameter b for curve fit for back scattering at 450 nm
- d_450bsp_UP: Parameter d for curve fit for back scattering at 450 nm
- c_450bsp_UP: Parameter c for curve fit for back scattering at 450 nm
- g_450bsp_UP: Parameter g for curve fit for back scattering at 450 nm
- RMSE_450bsp_UP: Fit root mean square error of f (RH) fit for back scattering at 450 nm
- Conf90_450bsp_UP: Confidence width in value of f(RH=90%) for back scattering at 450 nm
- a_550bsp_UP: Parameter a for curve fit for back scattering at 550 nm
- b_550bsp_UP: Parameter b for curve fit for back scattering at 550 nm
- d_550bsp_UP: Parameter d for curve fit for back scattering at 550 nm
- c_550bsp_UP: Parameter c for curve fit for back scattering at 550 nm
- g_550bsp_UP: Parameter g for curve fit for back scattering at 550 nm
- RMSE_550bsp_UP: Fit root mean square error of f (RH) fit for back scattering at 550 nm
- Conf90_550bsp_UP: Confidence in value of f(RH=90%) for back scattering at 550 nm
- a_700bsp_UP: Parameter a for curve fit for back scattering at 700 nm
- b_700bsp_UP: Parameter b for curve fit for back scattering at 700 nm
- d_700bsp_UP: Parameter d for curve fit for back scattering at 700 nm
- c_700bsp_UP: Parameter c for curve fit for back scattering at 700 nm
- g_700bsp_UP: Parameter g for curve fit for back scattering at 700 nm
- RMSE_700bsp_UP: Fit root mean square error of f (RH) fit for back scattering at 700 nm
- Conf90_700bsp_UP: Confidence width in value of f (RH=90%)
- UPfitfRH_450sp_35: f (RH=35%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450sp_45: f (RH=45%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450sp_50: f (RH=50 %) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450sp_60: f (RH=60%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450sp_65: f (RH=65%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450sp_70: f (RH=70%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450sp_75: f (RH=75%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450sp_80: f (RH=80%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450sp_82: f (RH=82%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450sp_85: f (RH=85%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_550sp_35: f (RH=35%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550sp_45: f (RH=45%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550sp_50: f (RH=50%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550sp_60: f (RH=60%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550sp_65: f (RH=65%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550sp_70: f (RH=70%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550sp_75: f (RH=75%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550sp_80: f (RH=80%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550sp_82: f (RH=82%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550sp_85: f (RH=85%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_700sp_35: f (RH=35%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700sp_45: f (RH=45%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700sp_50: f (RH=50%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700sp_60: f (RH=60%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700sp_65: f (RH=65%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700sp_70: f (RH=70%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700sp_75: f (RH=75%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700sp_80: f (RH=80%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700sp_82: f (RH=82%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700sp_85: f (RH=85%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_450bsp_35: f (RH=35%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450bsp_45: f (RH=45%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450bsp_50: f (RH=50%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450bsp_60: f (RH=60%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450bsp_65: f (RH=65%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450bsp_70: f (RH=70%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450bsp_75: f (RH=75%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450bsp_80: f (RH=80%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450bsp_82: f (RH=82%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_450bsp_85: f (RH=85%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- UPfitfRH_550bsp_35: f (RH=35%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550bsp_45: f (RH=45%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550bsp_50: f (RH=50%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550bsp_60: f (RH=60%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550bsp_65: f (RH=65%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550bsp_70: f (RH=70%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550bsp_75: f (RH=75%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550bsp_80: f (RH=80%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550bsp_82: f (RH=82%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_550bsp_85: f (RH=85%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- UPfitfRH_700bsp_35: f (RH=35%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700bsp_45: f (RH=45%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700bsp_50: f (RH=50%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700bsp_60: f (RH=60%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700bsp_65: f (RH=65%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700bsp_70: f (RH=70%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700bsp_75: f (RH=75%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700bsp_80: f (RH=80%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700bsp_82: f (RH=82%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- UPfitfRH_700bsp_85: f (RH=85%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- c_450sp_DN: Parameter c for curve fit for total scattering at 450 nm
- g_450sp_DN: Parameter g for curve fit for total scattering at 450 nm
- RMSE_450sp_DN: Fit root mean square errora for f(RH) at 450 nm
- Conf90_450sp_DN: Confidence widthb in value of f(RH=90%) for total scattering at 450 nm
- c_550sp_DN: Parameter c for curve fit for total scattering at 550 nm
- g_550sp_DN: Parameter g for curve fit for total scattering at 550 nm
- RMSE_550sp_DN: Fit root mean square error of f (RH) fit for total scattering at 550 nm
- Conf90_550sp_DN: Confidence width in value of f(RH=90%) for total scattering at 550 nm
- c_700sp_DN: Parameter c for curve fit for total scattering at 700 nm
- g_700sp_DN: Parameter g for curve fit for total scattering at 700 nm
- RMSE_700sp_DN: Fit root mean square error of f(RH) fit for total scattering at 700nm
- Conf90_700sp_DN: Confidence width in value of f(RH=90%) for total scattering at 700nm
- c_450bsp_DN: Parameter c for curve fit for back scattering at 450 nm
- g_450bsp_DN: Parameter g for curve fit for back scattering at 450 nm
- RMSE_450bsp_DN: Fit root mean square error of f (RH) fit for back scattering at 450 nm
- Conf90_450bsp_DN: Confidence width in value of f(RH=90%) for back scattering at 450 nm
- c_550bsp_DN: Parameter c for curve fit for back scattering at 550 nm
- g_550bsp_DN: Parameter g for curve fit for back scattering at 550 nm
- RMSE_550bsp_DN: Fit root mean square error of f (RH) fit for back scattering at 550 nm
- Conf90_550bsp_DN: Confidence in value of f(RH=90%) for back scattering at 550 nm
- c_700bsp_DN: Parameter c for curve fit for back scattering at 700 nm
- g_700bsp_DN: Parameter g for curve fit for back scattering at 700 nm
- RMSE_700bsp_DN: Fit root mean square error of f (RH) fit for back scattering at 700 nm
- Conf90_700bsp_DN: Confidence width in value of f (RH=90%) for back scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_450sp_35: f (RH=35%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450sp_45: f (RH=45%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450sp_50: f (RH=50 %) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450sp_60: f (RH=60%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450sp_65: f (RH=65%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450sp_70: f (RH=70%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450sp_75: f (RH=75%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450sp_80: f (RH=80%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450sp_82: f (RH=82%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450sp_85: f (RH=85%) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_550sp_35: f (RH=35%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550sp_45: f (RH=45%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550sp_50: f (RH=50%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550sp_60: f (RH=60%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550sp_65: f (RH=65%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550sp_70: f (RH=70%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550sp_75: f (RH=75%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550sp_80: f (RH=80%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550sp_82: f (RH=82%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550sp_85: f (RH=85%) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_700sp_35: f (RH=35%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700sp_45: f (RH=45%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700sp_50: f (RH=50%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700sp_60: f (RH=60%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700sp_65: f (RH=65%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700sp_70: f (RH=70%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700sp_75: f (RH=75%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700sp_80: f (RH=80%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700sp_82: f (RH=82%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700sp_85: f (RH=85%) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_450bsp_35: f (RH=35%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450bsp_45: f (RH=45%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450bsp_50: f (RH=50%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450bsp_60: f (RH=60%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450bsp_65: f (RH=65%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450bsp_70: f (RH=70%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450bsp_75: f (RH=75%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450bsp_80: f (RH=80%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450bsp_82: f (RH=82%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_450bsp_85: f (RH=85%) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- DNfitfRH_550bsp_35: f (RH=35%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550bsp_45: f (RH=45%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550bsp_50: f (RH=50%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550bsp_60: f (RH=60%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550bsp_65: f (RH=65%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550bsp_70: f (RH=70%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550bsp_75: f (RH=75%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550bsp_80: f (RH=80%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550bsp_82: f (RH=82%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_550bsp_85: f (RH=85%) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- DNfitfRH_700bsp_35: f (RH=35%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700bsp_45: f (RH=45%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700bsp_50: f (RH=50%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700bsp_60: f (RH=60%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700bsp_65: f (RH=65%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700bsp_70: f (RH=70%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700bsp_75: f (RH=75%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700bsp_80: f (RH=80%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700bsp_82: f (RH=82%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- DNfitfRH_700bsp_85: f (RH=85%) value for back scattering at 700 nm
- drysp_450_AMB (1/Mm) Low RH ambient scattering at 450 nm (scattering at ambient T and P conditions at RH = RH_ReferenceNeph)
- devdrysp_450_AMB (1/Mm) Standard deviation for drysp_450_AMB
- drysp_550_AMB (1/Mm) Low RH ambient scattering at 550 nm
- devdrysp_550_AMB (1/Mm) Standard deviation for drysp_550_AMB
- drysp_700_AMB (1/Mm) Low RH ambient scattering at 700 nm
- devdrysp_700_AMB (1/Mm) Standard deviation for drybsp_700_AMB
- drybsp_450_AMB (1/Mm) Low RH ambient back scattering at 450 nm
- devdrybsp_450_AMB (1/Mm) Standard deviation for drybsp_450_AMB
- drybsp_550_AMB (1/Mm) Low RH ambient back scattering at 550 nm
- devdrybsp_550_AMB (1/Mm) Standard deviation for drybsp_550_AMB
- drybsp_700_AMB (1/Mm) Low RH ambient back scattering at 700 nm
- devdrybsp_7000_AMB (1/Mm) Standard deviation for drybsp_700_AMB
- f(RHamb)_sp450: f(RH=ambient) value for total scattering at 450 nm
- f(RHamb)_sp550: f(RH=ambient) value for total scattering at 550 nm
- f(RHamb)_sp700: f(RH=ambient) value for total scattering at 700 nm
- f(RHamb)_bsp450: f(RH=ambient) value for back scattering at 450 nm
- f(RHamb)_bsp550: f(RH=ambient) value for back scattering at 550 nm
- f(RHamb)_bsp700: f(RH=ambient) value for back scattering at 700 nm
a Fit root mean square error: the root mean square error of the regression, which is calculated as the square root of the sum of squares of residuals (difference between observed and predicted value) divided by degrees of freedom. A value closer to zero means a better fit.
b Confidence width: defines the width of the confidence interval for the predicted value with a 95% certainty. It means there is a 95% probability that the predicted value actually is within lower (associated value-confidence width) and upper (associated value +confidence width) limit of the confidence interval. For example, an f(RH) value of 2 with a confidence width of 0.3 indicates that the f(RH) value can be between 1.7 and 2.3 with a 95% confidence limit.
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[p1]Actually is around 36%
[p2]I think it would be good to note that fits for decreasing controlled RH pathway in a Deliquescent type of growth is valid until CRH+5%.