Verbal/Linguistic à Good With Words
Do you keep a journal? Do you plan to write a novel one day? How many of the traits below fit your personality? Count the characteristics that seem to describe you well. If you count more than four, you score well on this type of personality. Remember you can be strong in several intelligence types!
· You are a good writer
· You're good with crossword puzzles
· People say you "have a way with words"
· You tell good stories
· People say you're funny
· You like to debate or argue
· You explain things well
· You have a great vocabulary or enjoy learning new words and their origins
Possible Career Paths: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Logical/Mathematical à Good With Math and Logic Problems
Logical and mathematical intelligence represents the traditional concept of "intelligence," and it is the type of intelligence that is measured on many standardized tests. Count the characteristics that seem to describe you well. If you count more than four, you score well on this type of personality. Remember you can be strong in several intelligence types!
· You enjoy solving mysteries
· You can solve logic problems
· You're good at math
· You like to put things in their places
· You've always been interested in scientific discoveries
· You can be bossy
· You like to figure out how things work
· You're good with computers
Possible Career Paths: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Visual/Spatial à Good With Pictures and Images
How many of these traits fit your personality? Do you have a knack for navigating? Are you the leader when it comes to find your way to a new location? If you count more than four of these traits as familiar to you, you might have spatial intelligence.
· You can put puzzles together
· You appreciate art or photography
· You prefer geometry over algebra
· You study with charts and pictures
· You can find your way with a map
· You make outlines when you write a paper
· You doodle or draw
· You notice details
Possible Career Paths: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Bodily/Kinesthetic à Good With Sports and Movement
Are you a natural when it comes to gymnastics or dance? Do you have smooth moves? Body and movement intelligence is a trait of the world's great athletes.
· You're good at sports
· You can dance well
· You talk with your hands
· You're interested in acting
· You like to build things
· You clown around in class
· You have great balance
· You can throw a ball accurately
Possible Career Paths: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Musical/Rhythmic à Good With Music and Rhythm
Did you start dancing as soon as you started walking? Can you tap out a tune on the piano after hearing it once? People with musical intelligence "have an ear" for music. How many of these traits fit your personality? Count the characteristics that seem to describe you well. If you count more than four, you score well on this type of personality. Remember you can be strong in several intelligence types!
· You'd like to be a drummer
· You can read music
· You criticize a new song when others just accept it
· You enjoy a few types of music
· You can figure out how to play a tune on an instrument
· You've considered writing songs
· You notice patterns
· You remember old songs
Possible Career Paths: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Interpersonal à Good With People
If you seem to know what other people are thinking, you probably have interpersonal intelligence. Do people come to you with their problems? Do you find yourself giving a lot of advice? People can sense if you have interpersonal intelligence and they tend to lean on you.
· You sometimes feel like a mind reader
· You hate injustice
· You're a good listener
· You see through people who aren't being honest
· You know how others feel
· You often lend a shoulder
· You find it hard to be mean
· You enjoy deep conversations
Possible Career Paths: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Intrapersonal à Good With Analyzing Things
Do you get lost in your own little world sometimes? That's a trait of someone with intrapersonal intelligence. A person with strong intrapersonal intelligence might be accused of "thinking too much" about things. This type of intelligence comes in handy when it comes to analyzing essays, deconstructing arguments, and doing a critical analysis of an article.
· You think a lot
· People think you're dreamy
· You can analyze dreams
· You are self-critical
· You second guess yourself
· You really get into a good book
· You can break down complicated ideas
· You judge people
Possible Career Paths: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Naturalist à Good at Understanding Nature
Love bugs? Are you deeply concerned about the environment? These are a few of the traits of people with naturalist intelligence. If you dream about living in the wilderness, or if you love to grow plants, you might fit into this category. If you relate to the characteristics below, you score well on this type of personality. Remember you can be strong in several intelligence types!
· You like the wilderness
· You read about nature
· You stop to look at bugs
· You categorize things
· You read about explorers
· You collect things
· You enjoy studying plant parts
· You notice characteristics
Possible Career Paths: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Multiple Intelligences à HOW YOU THINK
What Intelligences are you?
Multiple Intelligences Inventory
Do you know which of the intelligences you have developed a preference for in your life? Take this Multiple Intelligences inventory, and find out which intelligences you could make the most of in your worklife.
The brain learns to think using at least 8 different multiple intelligences. We all have these 8 intelligences developed, however, some people are stronger in some areas than others. Find out your strengths!
Instructions on how to take this Inventory
· Read through the statements below.
· Place a '1' by those you agree with. Leave the others blank.
· Total the number in each section.
· In Part II - My Multiple Intelligences Profile, rank your intelligences from most to least preferred.
_____ I enjoy writing and keep in touch with friends by letters and email.
_____ I am good at remembering details.
_____ I enjoy word games such as crossword puzzles and Scrabble.
_____ I enjoy reading, books, magazines, and surfing on the internet.
_____ I'm pretty good at spelling.
_____ I enjoy learning the meaning of new words.
_____ I like journaling my thoughts and ideas.
_____ I can easily explain things, when necessary.
_____ When I buy something new, I read the instructions before using it.
_____ Taking notes helps me remember and understand.
_____ TOTAL
_____ I am known for being neat and orderly.
_____ I find step-by-step directions are helpful.
_____ Problem solving comes easily to me.
_____ I easily become frustrated with disorganization and disorder.
_____ I tend to look for patterns in things.
_____ Logic puzzles and brain teasers are fun.
_____ I am skeptical of things that can't be explained logically.
_____ When fixing something, I sort through the pieces to see where they fit.
_____ I enjoy troubleshooting something that isn't working properly.
_____ Things have to make sense to me or I am dissatisfied.
_____ TOTAL
_____ While reading a story, I'll have a video of it running in my head.
_____ Rearranging a room and redecorating are fun for me.
_____ I enjoy creating my own works of art.
_____ When planning a trip, I prefer a map, rather than written directions.
_____ Charts, graphs and tables help me interpret written information.
_____ Painting, drawing, photography are interesting to me.
_____ I recall things in the form of mental pictures.
_____ In trying to fix something, I'll look at the diagrams, to figure it out.
_____ I can easily visualize and solve 3D puzzles.
_____ I have a big imagination.
_____ TOTAL
_____ I learn by doing.
_____ I enjoy working with my hands.
_____ Sports, working out, any form of physical activity is important for me.
_____ I will use gestures and non-verbal cues when talking.
_____ For me, demonstrating or modeling is better than explaining in words.
_____ I love to dance.
_____ I like working with tools.
_____ Inactivity can make me more tired, than being very busy.
_____ In a group, I'm known to fidget, tap my fingers, play with a pencil.
_____ In trying to fix something, I'll handle the pieces to get a feel for them.
_____ TOTAL
_____ I enjoy background music when I'm doing something.
_____ I focus in on noise and sounds in my surroundings.
_____ Moving to a beat is easy for me.
_____ I enjoy making music.
_____ I often find myself humming, singing, or whistling.
_____ I remember things by rhyming them.
_____ Concentration is difficult for me if there are disturbing noises around.
_____ Listening to sounds in nature can be very relaxing.
_____ I easily pick up foreign accents, pitches and tones.
_____ I sometimes hear music playing in my mind.
_____ TOTAL
_____ I love to be out in nature.
_____ I am keenly aware of environmental issues.
_____ Classification helps me create order in dealing with new information.
_____ I can enjoy flowers, trees and working in a garden.
_____ I believe preserving our National Parks is important.
_____ I like to have reminders of nature such as plants around me.
_____ Animals are important in my life.
_____ I believe in recycling and make it part of my life.
_____ I enjoy categorizing things: plants, animals, birds, rocks etc.
_____ In fixing something, I'll find a prop in the environment to assist me.
_____ TOTAL
_____ I learn best by interacting with others.
_____ I enjoy both an informal chat and serious discussion.
_____ If something breaks, I'll find someone to fix it for me, or help me fix it.
_____ In groups, I have no problem volunteering as a leader.
_____ I value relationships, more than ideas or accomplishments.
_____ I'm good at sensing how others feel.
_____ I am a "team player".
_____ Friends are important to me.
_____ I like to join groups, clubs, or organizations.
_____ When necessary, I'm easily able to put people at ease.
_____ TOTAL
_____ I trust my intuition or gut feeling about things.
_____ I like to be involved in causes that help others.
_____ I find that I can be strong-willed, independent and opinionated.
_____ I learn best when I have an emotional attachment to the subject.
_____ I don't like to be in crowds.
_____ Social justice and fairness are important to me.
_____ I like to journal my thoughts and ideas.
_____ I need to know why I should do something before I agree to do it.
_____ When I believe in something I give more effort towards it.
_____ In trying to fix something, I wonder if it's really worth the trouble.
_____ TOTAL
Rank your multiple intelligences below, from most to least preferred.
1 ____________________________________
2 ____________________________________
3 ____________________________________
4 ____________________________________
5 ____________________________________
6 ____________________________________
7 ____________________________________
8 ____________________________________