RE4202Real Estate Internship Programme (REIP)


RE4202, a 4-MC restricted elective (also known as programme elective), is intended to give students who have completed 6 semesters of study in the BSc (RE) course formal exposure to the working environment. The pre-requisites of RE4202 are RE3101 (Advanced Real Estate Valuation), RE3103 (Real Estate Development), and RE3104 (Real Estate Investment Analysis).

The official programme is for a minimum period of 9 weeks from 15 May 2017 to 14 July 2017.

Subject to the agreement by both student and employer, the internship could be extended beyond the 9-week minimum duration, bearing in mind the commencement date of the new academic year.

The Application Process

The Department of Real Estate (DRE) has compiled a list of employers and internship positions for the 2017REIP. This is available for your viewing at

You are required to email a soft copy of your completed application form to Ms Ginny Cheang at t later than 5:00 pm, 8February 2017. A copy of the application form can be downloaded from the above-mentioned link. Late applications will not be entertained.

The DRE will, on a best efforts basis, match students to employers to ensure a good “fit.”Students selected for internships will have to comply with the rules and regulations of the organization that employs them for the entire duration of the programme. You are strongly urged to embrace all the good qualities expected of any employee during your internship such as punctuality, positive attitude, respect for colleagues, and diligence.


The grading of the internship depends on the evaluation by the employer (50%) and the student’s written reports (50%) as follows:

S/No / Component / Weightage / Remarks
1 / Evaluation by the employer on the intern covering aspects such as attitude, ability to work as a team member, quality of work, and level of knowledge in the field of work assigned. / 50% / The employer will assess each intern using a standard evaluation form designed by the DRE.
2 / Internship Journal / 10% / Please see write-up below for details about this component.
3 / Project Report / 40% / Please see write-up below for details about this component.

Reports to be submitted by Intern

(A) Internship Journal (10%)

The Internship Journal is an account of the 9-week internship experience. The main objective is to record training experiences and observations as well as to provide feedback on the REIP.

The Internship Journal comprises:

  • A report; and
  • Weekly Internship Records (as Appendices)

The report should include:

  • Introduction – description of the organisation, organisation chart, functions, etc.
  • Descriptionof internship training
  • Intern’s experience and lessons learnt
  • Recommendations, Suggestions, and Feedbacks

The report(excluding appendices) should not exceed 3 pages with 1.5 line spacing, and Arial font size 12.

The Weekly Internship Records, to be submitted as Appendices, must be clearly completed and signed by the supervisor at the workplace, preferably at the end of each week. Please use the template shown as Annex I.

Credits will be given for personal reflections and views which provide an interesting account of the internship experience as well as thoughtful recommendations and feedback.

(B) Project Report (40%)

Interns are required to identify and submit a topic for their project using data they can gather during the internship or their experience gleaned. Interns could discuss with their supervisor/mentor on possible topics.

The Project Report (excluding appendices)should not exceed 10 pages with 1.5 line spacing, and Arial font size 12. Besides presenting a logical flow of ideas, the report is expected to be free from grammar errors. Other criteria include how the students motivate their case studies, how they identify the lessons to be learnt from the cases, and how theysynergize the theories learnt in other modules in the light of their internship experiences.

Both the Internship Journal and Project Report are to be submitted in hardcopy to the DRE General Office by 5:00 pm, 30August 2017.

Late submissions will incur a 5-mark penalty. If there is still no submission after the final deadline, it will be an immediate failure.

Annex I


Weekly Internship Records

Particulars of Intern

Name of Intern: ______

Matric Number:______

Participating Firm:______


(A weekly report should not exceed 1 page in length)

Week No. 1
Week beginning (date): / Employer’s comments & signature
Week No. 2
Week beginning (date): / Employer’s comments & signature
Week No. 3
Week beginning (date): / Employer’s comments & signature
Week No. 4
Week beginning (date): / Employer’s comments & signature
Week No. 5
Week beginning (date): / Employer’s comments & signature
Week No. 6
Week beginning (date): / Employer’s comments & signature
Week No. 7
Week beginning (date): / Employer’s comments & signature
Week No. 8
Week beginning (date): / Employer’s comments & signature
Week No. 9
Week beginning (date): / Employer’s comments & signature