The Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society (AVHOFS)
Scholarship Program
AVHOFS Operating Instruction #5
Student Scholarship Plan
Revised 14 Dec 2016
Table of ContentsRevision Table / 2
AVHOFS Student Scholarship Plan (AVHOFS OI#5) / 3
Annex A - The Veterans Administration Scholarship / 4
Annex B - The Veterans Heritage Project: / 6
· Appendix 1 to Annex B: Application Packet Checklist / 8
Annex C - Arizona Student Veteran Higher Learning Scholarship / 9
· Appendix 1 to Annex C: Application Packet Checklist / 11
· Appendix 2 to Annex C: Veteran Scholarship Application Form / 12
· Appendix 3 to Annex C: Veteran Financial Need Assessment / 13
Annex D – Suggested Timeline for Scholarship Application & Selection Process / 14
Revision Table
Action / Date / Summary
Award of Scholarships by AVHOFS BOD approved / 2007 / Scholarship authorized for HS students volunteering at VA facilities. Application form drafted.
Scholarships Added / 12/20/2012 / Plan extended to include VHP HS participants. VHP provided selection process to include AVHOFS representation.
Operating Instruction #5 approved / 06/25/2013 / BOD approved Operating Instruction #5 with Annexes A and B as the formal Scholarship Plan.
OI #5 amendment No. 1 / 09/16/2013 / OI #5 amended to include Veterans. Name changed from “High School Student Scholarship Plan’ to ‘Student Scholarship Plan’. Annex C added.
Bi-annual review / 06/06/2015 / Cmte reviewed OI#5 as published – No changes required.
OI #5 amendment No. 2 / 12/14/2016 / OI #5 amended. (1) Specified suspense dates (such as 31 Dec) for submission of scholarship applications have been deleted, and non-specific dates (such as 75 days prior to the date of the annual Gala) are added. (2) ANNEX C application and information tables created; (3) ANNEX D (Timeline) is added. (4) Individual names removed. (5) ANNEX D extended to include Active Duty, Guard and Reserve personnel
Reviewed and Approved by the AVHOFS Board of Directors on: 14 Dec 2016
Signature on file Signature on file
Gene Rafanelli, President Ron Capek, Secretary
AVHOFS Student Scholarship Plan
Operating Instruction #5
(As revised 14 Dec 16)
The AVHOFS Scholarship Plan is in compliance with guidance set forth in the organizational bylaws and the Strategic Plan. It will be subject to annual review by the Scholarship Committee, and will be referred to in Operating Instruction #4 (Patriotic Recognition).
The AVHOFS Strategic Plan requires that we enhance and perpetuate the image of the AVHOFS, serve our communities, partner with veterans organizations and civic and charitable organizations that support our veterans, military personnel and their families and survivors. The Student Scholarship plan seeks to accomplish a portion of the plan by partnering with those who emphasize recognition of Patriotism, Youth, and Education while serving Arizona veterans.
The AVHOFS Scholarship program recognizes veterans attending institutions of higher learning in the State of Arizona, the Arizona Veterans Administration (VA) and the Veterans Heritage Project (VHP) by providing financial Scholarships to students participating in their respective programs.
The Veterans Administration Scholarship: The AVHOFS Scholarship committee initiated the first AVHOFS scholarship plan in 2007 by partnering with the Veterans Administration. High school students who volunteer at any VA facility in Arizona are eligible while supervisory VA student program administrators are invited to submit nominations in accordance with guidance specified in ANNEX A.
The Veterans Heritage Project: The program is nationally recognized as the premier High School level military veteran’s appreciation program in the USA. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the VHP and the AVHOFS was signed in 2012. High School students participating in the VHP are eligible for AVHOFS scholarships. Nominations may be submitted in accordance with guidance that is specified in ANNEX B.
The Arizona Student Veteran Higher Learning Scholarship: Applicants for AVHOFS Arizona Student Veteran Higher Learning Scholarship must be honorably discharged veterans, active duty, or service members in good standing with a reserve or guard component and attending an institution of higher learning within the state of Arizona. The institution must be eligible to receive GI Bill funds through the Department of Veteran Affairs. Application guidelines are provided in ANNEX C.
Timeline: A suggested time line for applicants and participating program administrators is provided as ANNEX D. Scholarships are awarded during the annual Patriotic Gala festivities. Note that the time line corresponds to the date of the next scheduled Gala (see
Expansion Considerations: The program may be expanded to include various ROTC activities or JROTC activities, BSA or GSA initiatives. Of interest to the committee is the Military Order of World Wars (MOWW) Youth Leadership Program which ranks high as a program that emphasizes patriotism, youth, education and leadership.
Annex A: (Veterans Administration (VA) Student Scholarship Program)
Annex B: (Veterans Heritage Project (VHP) Student Scholarship Program)
Annex C: (Arizona Student Veteran Higher Learning Scholarship
Annex D: (Timeline)
Annex A: (Veterans Administration (VA) Student Scholarship Program)
Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society (AVHOFS) and the Arizona Veterans Administration (VA) Student Scholarship Program
Subject: Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society (AVHOFS) Student Scholarship Program for Arizona Veterans Administration Facilities
Purpose: To provide monetary assistance to clearly outstanding college-bound students supporting the Arizona Veterans Administration.
Description: Applicants for Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society (AVHOFS) scholarships must be seniors planning to attend a four or two-year school. They must have provided volunteer assistance at a Veterans Administration facility located in Arizona during the current academic school year. They must have maintained an excellent scholastic standing, demonstrated qualities of leadership and be of good moral character.
Annual Policy: Administrators of Arizona Veterans Administration facilities are encouraged each November to nominate exceptional AZ VA high school seniors who are student volunteers for consideration for Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society’s (AVHOFS) annual scholarships. The scholarships may range in the amounts of $500 to $2,500 awards or higher (amounts may vary each award year).
Program Requirements:
1. Applicants must be a HS Senior student volunteer working at an AZ Veterans Administration facility.
2. Student will submit a 500-word, typed essay. This essay should specify why being a VA volunteer is important, and how it will influence his/her future academically and later in life.
3. A one-paragraph letter of recommendation from the VA student volunteer Advisor, sealed in an envelope with the Advisor’s signature written over the seal, must accompany each student essay.
4. The nomination packet will consist of the essay and the recommendation letter.
5. Nomination packets must be sent to: AVHOFS Scholarship Committee, 4980 South Alma School Road Suite A2-619, Chandler AZ 85248, and be postmarked 75 days prior to the scheduled date of the next Annual Patriotic Gala. The Patriotic Gala schedule can be found at
6. A portrait style photograph is required upon selection (suitable for publication in event program). The photograph is NOT required to be submitted with the application.
The AVHOFS Scholarship Committee will review all applications and rank them based upon their application packet.
The number of scholarships to be awarded and the monetary amount of the award will be recommended by the AVHOFS Scholarship Committee with final approval to be determined annually by the AVHOFS Board of Directors.
Applicants selected are expected to attend (strongly recommended) the award ceremony.
Notification: The AVHOFS Scholarship Committee Chairperson will notify successful applicants in writing NLT 60 days prior to the scheduled event congratulating them on their selection and inviting their attendance at the annual Patriotic Gala receive their award.
The parents of the student and their VA Program Advisor will also be invited as guests of the AVHOFS. Meals of the student and parents, and the VA advisor will be provided compliments of the AVHOFS
The Scholarship Chairperson will notify all unsuccessful applicants in writing to thank them for their participation.
Award Presentation Procedure: At the annual Patriotic Gala the AVHOFS President or his/her designee will present a check for the approved amount to each recipient. Recipients may be invited to thank the members present.
Annex B: (Veterans Heritage Project (VHP) Student Scholarship Program)
Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society (AVHOFS) and the Veterans Heritage Project (VHP) Student Scholarship Program
Subject: Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society (AVHOFS) Scholarship Program; Veterans Heritage Project (VHP) Applicants (Only)
Purpose: To provide monetary assistance to clearly outstanding college-bound students of VHP and students supporting the Arizona Veterans Administration.
VHP Applicants for Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society (AVHOFS) scholarships must be seniors planning to attend a four or two-year school, have maintained an excellent scholastic standing, demonstrated qualities of leadership and good moral character, and been in good standing as a member and participant of a VHP Chapter during the current academic school year.
The number of scholarships to be awarded and the monetary amount of the award will be determined by the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society’s Scholarship Committee.
The scholarships may range in the amounts of $500 to $2,500 awards or higher (amounts may vary each award year).
The Chairman of the AVHOFS Patriotic Gala will announce the date and location of the Gala before, or close to the date of the annual Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Induction ceremony.
It is anticipated that during the month of November the VHP Scholarship Chairperson and VHP Chapter Liaison will send a letter to the VHP Chapter Advisor at each eligible school, civic group, or organization advising them of the scholarship award program.
The intent is to encourage VHP Chapter Advisors to nominate an exceptional VHP senior for consideration for Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society’s (AVHOFS) annual scholarships.
It is anticipated that during the month of December the VHP Scholarship Chairperson will appoint a Scholarship Review Panel consisting of two to four members, including at least one representative of the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society.
It is anticipated that the suspense date for student applications to be received by the VHP Scholarship Review Panel is approximately 60-75 days prior to the date of the Gala. VHP Chapter Advisor verification of application information and letter of recommendation are required to be submitted at that time.
The VHP Scholarship Review Panel, will utilize a VHP recognized Scholarship Grading Sheet matrix as an aid while they review applicant packages. The panel will rank the finalist and submit their findings to the Chairman of the AVHOFS Scholarship Committee NLT 75 days prior to the date of the Patriotic Gala.
The AVHOFS Scholarship Chairman will inform the VHP regarding the number of VHP students who will receive scholarship awards 70 days prior to the Patriotic Gala.
The AVHOFS Scholarship Chairperson will notify by letter all successful applicants NLT 60 days prior to the scheduled date of the Patriotic Gala to congratulate them on their selection and to invite them to the event to receive their award.
The VHP requirements are as follows:
Applicant must be a Senior in good standing, participating in the Project.
Submit a 500-word, typed essay. This essay should be open-ended and specify why VHP is important to the applicant and how it will influence his/her future academically and later in life.
A one-paragraph letter of recommendation from the VHP Chapter Advisor, sealed in an envelope with the Advisor’s signature written over the seal, must accompany each essay.
The essay and recommendation letter must be addressed to VHP’s Scholarship Chairperson and postmarked IAW with suspense date specified in VHP applicant solicitation letter. The address is: VHP Scholarship Committee, PO Box 1297, Carefree, AZ 85377-1297
It is anticipated that the suspense date for student applications to be received by the VHP Scholarship Review Panel will be 60-75 days prior to the date of the Gala.
Applicants selected are expected to attend (strongly recommended) the award ceremony.
Student Scholarship honorees and their parents meals will be compliments of the AVHOFS.
Upon approval of the awards by AVHOFS, the VHP Scholarship Chairperson will notify the VHP Advisors of each awardee to inform him/her of the scholarship recipient from his/her Chapter.
The parents of the selectee will be invited as guests of the AVHOFS. Additionally, the VHP Chapter Advisor may be invited as a guest of the VHP.
Award Presentation Procedure: At the Patriotic Gala the AVHOFS President or his/her designee will present a check in the approved amount to each recipient.
(Application Form attached as Appendix 1 to Annex B)
Appendix B1: (VHP AVHOFS Scholarship Application) to Annex B (Veterans Heritage Project (VHP) Student Scholarship Program)
Title: VHP’s AVHOFS Scholarship Guidance and Application
Description: VHP Applicants for the Arizona Veterans Hall of Fame Society (AVHOFS) scholarships must be seniors planning to attend a four or two-year school, have maintained an excellent scholastic standing, demonstrated qualities of leadership and good moral character, and been in good standing as a member and participant of a VHP Chapter this academic school year.
Note, the winner(s) of the award(s) or representative from their school must be present at the Annual Patriotic Recognition event.
Please include the following information in your submission:
1. VHP Chapter
2. Your Name
3. Social Security Number (SSAN is required for IRS purposes only and will not be retained)
4. Home Address
5. Home phone number
6. Mobile phone number
7. Institution to which you have or are planning to apply
8. What is your career choice and what is your proposed field of study.
9. A portrait style photograph suitable for publication in the event program is required upon selection. The photograph is NOT required prior to selection.
In addition, include your essay and a letter of recommendation from your chapter advisor, and your 500 word, typed essay. This essay should be open ended and specify why VHP is important to you and how it will influence your future academically and later in life.
A one-paragraph letter of recommendation from the VHP Chapter Advisor, sealed in an envelope with the Advisor’s signature written over the seal, must accompany your essay.
Submission: Application information, essay and letter of recommendation should be typed and submitted to ‘VHP Scholarship Committee, PO Box 1297, Carefree, AZ 85377-1297’ and be postmarked 75 days prior to the scheduled date of the Patriotic Gala.