Volunteers’Exit Evaluation Form
The volunteer exit evaluation form is an essential part of our review process, enabling us to assess where we are workingwell and where we need to improve our services, to ensure we are meeting the needs of all Locala Community Partnershipvolunteers.
Completingthe evaluation will only take a few minutes of your time.
NAME (optional)______
- How long have you been volunteering with Locala Community Partnerships?
- Why are you leaving your volunteering position?
- Have you enjoyed volunteering with Locala Community Partnerships?
Yes, definitely
Mostly, yes
Not really
No, not at all
If ‘not really’ or ‘no, not at all’, why?
- Do you feel you have been adequately supported by Locala Community Partnerships support staff?
Yes, definitely
Mostly, yes
Not really
No, not at all
If ‘not really’ or ‘no, not at all’, why?
- Do you feel that you have made a positive contribution in the community through your voluntarywork?
Yes, definitely
Mostly, yes
Not really
No, not at all
If ‘not really’ or ‘no, not at all’, why?
- Have you gained any of the following skills through your volunteering with Locala Community Partnerships (please tick all which apply)?
Teamwork Leadership
InitiativeImproved CV
Listening skillsNew friends
Time Management Confidence
Communication Problem solving
Responsibility Reliability
- Do you think the skills and experiences you have gained whilst volunteering will help you in thefuture?
Yes, definitely
Mostly, yes
Not really
No, not at all
If ‘not really’ or ‘no, not at all’, why?
- Did you receive sufficient training and support to carry out these tasks?
Yes, definitely
Mostly, yes
Not really
No, not at all
If ‘not really’ or ‘no, not at all’, why?
- Did you find your volunteer work interesting, challenging andrewarding?
Yes, definitely
Mostly, yes
Not really
No, not at all
If ‘not really’ or ‘no, not at all’, why?
- Overall, how would you rate your experience of volunteering?
(Please circle, where 1 is terrible and 5 is great) 1 2 3 4 5
If circled 1 or 2, why?
Thank you for your time.
Please return either by email or in the FREEPOST envelope provided.