For they have given a little of what they didn’t need, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.” Luke 21:4 (TLB)
A few weeks ago, Pastor George asked us a series of questions towards the end of his sermon. We were asked to listen to the questions and reflect on the ones that were relevant to our lives. One that caught my attention and that has been on my heart and mind is, “When was the last time you gave a sacrificial gift towards God’s work?” Over the last couple of years I have been trying to be more intentional in the area of financial generosity. There have been ways that I have been able to give gifts to family, friends and organization above and beyond what I have been able to in the past. It is a wonderful blessing to bless others in need. However, as I look back over these times, I don’t think that any of them qualifies as “sacrificial”, so now I am praying to see how God would, perhaps, redirect my heart and mind and speak to me about this to me in the days ahead.
There are many ways to offer a sacrificial gift, in the name of Jesus, that is not financial. I heard a story of a woman who was in need of a kidney transplant and there was only a 2% chance of finding a donor. A plea was made on her behalf for the members of her church to be tested for possibly matching her, and about 50 people were tested. Amazingly, one of the women from her congregation was a match and she gave this woman her kidney! Truly a sacrificial gift!
We can give, and do give, of our time, talents, resources, but for me, as we enter the Lenten season I am looking at what it really means to give of myself and all that I have been blessed with. What would need to change in order for me to give sacrificially? What does that really mean in my life?
Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice so that I could spend eternity with Him. If I want to be like Jesus, what is He calling me to do differently that reflects a life of sacrifice so that others would benefit?
Tomorrow night at 7 pm we will have our Ash Wednesday worship service. I hope that for those who are able, you will make plans to come and begin this Lenten season together as the body of Christ.