Claypole Parish Council
Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 7th February 2018 at the village hall at 8.15pm.
1 / PresentG Bignell (GB), A Clark (AC), John Briggs (JB), J Freeman (JF), Paddy Furey (PF), Stephen Jarman (SJ), M Round (MR), C Simmonds and the clerk. County Cllr Alexander Maughan, District Cllr Paul Wood and 4 members of the public also attended.
2 / Apologies and Reasons for Absence
Apologies for absence with valid reasons had been received from Cllr Faulconbridge.
3 / Declarations of Interest
None were declared.
4 / Notes of the last Parish Council Meetings-
The notes of the Council meeting held in November had been circulated and the notes of the meeting held in December had been amended. The notes of the meeting held in January were accepted and it was proposed, seconded and resolved that the official minutes of these meetings be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairperson.
5/iv / Clerk’s and Councillors’ Reports
Ball games on Moore Close- PC had been made aware that ball games are being played in this area and the balls are hitting vehicles belonging to nearby properties. It was agreed to place a polite notice in the newsletter asking parents to be aware of this and to encourage children to play sports at the playing field. Clerk will also contact SKDC for advice.
Data Protection- MR had attended a course about new laws to come into force affecting PCS. Clerk will check with LALC how we can be compliant with requirements.
Litter bins- a few comments had been received about the lack of bins through the village. Clerk will check if the PC requests another bin(s) would SKDC still empty them and also if the PC was to buy new bins from the Community Cleaner fund would SKDC still empty them free of charge or would there be a charge.
Webinar- PKF Littlejohn, the clerk had taken part in the webinar about the changes to the annual audit.
6 / Claypole Community Park
Meeting with the school- this will be on Monday 26th February- JF, CS and the clerk.
Footpath- certain points have become muddy- it was agreed before further money was spent to improve these areas some authoritative advice would be sought. As far as general surface is concerned, suggestions for overall improvement had been made with tarmac chippings, pea gravel and crushed brick. It was agreed to wait until a civil engineer had offered advice and a decision will made at the March meeting.
Purchase of equipment- delivery of equipment is expected in February.
Funding requests- JF advised still waiting to hear from ASDA and AC hoping to meet with St. Gobain Formula.
Water supply- John Padley has been asked to quote for the water connection to the specification requirements of Anglian Water.
Fencing adjacent to tennis courts- a quotation had been received from Freddie Allen together with improvements to the footpath- agreed to wait until footpath resolved.
Launch event- JF had circulated notes for discussion about this. JF, CS, SJ and the clerk to form a working party to organise.
Signage and heritage lottery - JF reported on some initial feedback from HL on funding. JF and JB will discuss and report further in due course.
7 / Village Hall
Roof repairs- to commence week commencing 12th February. The PC will fund this work which is expected to total 11-12k.
A new heating system is under review.
8 / Cemetery
Faculty for footpath- clerk had met with churchwarden who had advised that part of the existing footpath leading into the main entrance was to be lowered to allow for disability access. This work is expected to be completed this year. It was agreed that the Faculty and the Lawful Development Certificate (cost £98.00) would still be applied for but the work would not start until the church had made their improvements as the height of the footpath would be changing and the PC wants to ensure there is no difference in height. Clerk will check with Holmes Concrete if the slabs used for the church path (approx 10 years ago) are still available.
Connection of water to new toilets- this has not yet been completed- clerk will check expected time scale.
d) / Financial Matters
£440.28- C Clarke- salary and expenses Jan- Mar 2018
£3050.00- Westcotec- Speed indicator equipment
Internet banking- three signatories and the clerk had completed all documentation and been to Barclays to instigate internet banking.
Litter pick equipment- Laurice Barnascone has requested that 10 more hoops (for bags) and small high viz vests for children are purchased.
10 / Planning Applications
S1 S17/1914- Odd House Farm, Holme Lane-Section 73 to vary Condition 2 of
S S17/2420- permission refused 17th January 2018
S17/2248- Village hall, Claypole- change of use of caretaker’s cottage to village
coffee shop- permission granted 19th January 2018
11 / Highway Matters
Parish walkabout- 21st February- a list of on-going highway issues to be sent to County Cllr Maughan prior to the walkabout to include pot holes, Cross Lane, Osterfen Lane, Welfen Lane, white lines, bushes at the allotments etc.
Damaged signage at the junction of C412 and B6326 had been reported.
White lines- these need repainting on Shire Lane and had been reported- Cllr Maughan will follow up.
12 / Correspondence
LIVES- a thank you letter had been received for the £50.00 Christmas donation
Clerks & Councils Direct- retained by the clerk.
13 / Chairpersons closing statements
Councillors were reminded about the parish walkabout on Wednesday 21st February 10am from the hall and also the litter pick to be held on Sunday 4th
Signed...... Date......
Public forum session-Diane Hansen- Head of Engagement and Inclusion for South West Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group based in Grantham attended an extended Parish Council public forum session with a presentation and question and answer session about the provision of health services in our area. Copies of her presentation are available from the clerk.
Page 7th February 2018