Ref DD/121/29/2 1550
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Fine. Warrant andRichard Foster holds one messuage with the
fine 20sappurtenances at the will of the lord but says that
he delivered his warrant to the lord’s counsel, and
renders per annum6s
And he has taken the premises from the
Commissaries for a gersum of 20s
Chatsworth MS 245 1553
Gersum 20s
Richard Foster took from the lord, through his commissioners, one messuage, with the appurtenances, in the same place, now in his tenure, to hold to him, for the term of his life. And he renders annually 6s, and for entry/gersum as appears.
Ref DD/121/31/51572
Gersum 49s 4dJoan Foster and William Foster hold by the lord’s6 Eliz
Fully paidindenture dated 14 April 6 Eliz to Richard FosterLease for
Respitedfor the term of 21 years one new mansion house21 years
Dismissed<8d> now built by the same Richard with house
and garden belonging to the same, and one parcel
of land at Brodhead <4d>, one parcel of land <4d>,
half an acre at Springclose and half a bovate of land
<11s> and one parcel of demesne land in the same
place lately in the tenure of the said Richard Foster.
And it yields per annum at the feast aforesaid;12s 4dex’
At willThe same William holds at the will of the lord
Dismissedone parcel of waste land at Warrakers. And it
yields per annum at the feast aforesaid;½d
And the aforesaid William is now dead and and he
has assigned his title and interest to a certain George
Foster and Margaret his wife, sister of the said
William etc.
DD121/32/1 1583
Hughe Claphamson haithe taken of the said Commissioners one mess or Inn called the signe of the Bell and all houses & Buildings with thappertnnces unto the said mess or Inn belonging unto the tenement of the said Hughe of the rent of 6s Also one howse covered with slate Laytlie erected and buylded neire unto the said mess on the northe pte of the heighe way leading from thence unto Settle & one garden lying there unto of the Rent of 8d And one close of medow and pasture by estymacon one Acre and a half acre at Broadehead of the Rent of 4d & one close of land and medow cont by estymacon one Acre and a half acre of a Rent of 12d at Springclose of the rent of 12d And half one acre of land improved beside feilds thereat rent 12d &
half one oxgang of land and medow & certen pcells of demeane lands there with the apptnnce sometime pcell of one tenement in the tenure of Rawlyn Newhouse of the rent of 11s & lait demised for tearm of yeares unto Richerd foster deceassed & now in his Lordshipps hands to demise and let as forfayt
Provided that he shall permit Jenet foster lait wiefe of the said Richerd To occupie the moytie of the said stone house and garden & close at broadhead & the one half of the said half oxgang & of the said pcell of demeane lands during her widowhood of the rent of 6s 2d
And also shall pmytt margret foster lait wife of george foster During her widowhood & and after her widowhood Richerd her son During his lief to an ayge the 4th pte of the said half oxgang & pcells of demeane lands of 2s 9d
And also shall pmytt the lait wiefe of Bernarde Browne to occupie the said close lying at Springclose aforesaid of the rent of 12d for and during the residue of the yeres yet to come of the said lease maid of the pmisses unto said Richerd foster and after during her lief natural