Mt. Zion Elementary
Media Center Accelerated Reader Guidelines 2015-2016
Accelerated Reader Program
The Accelerated Reader (AR) Program is a supplemental reading program at MZE for grades 1-5. Pre-K and Kindergarten students participate in a modified form of AR. Research has shown that when schools implement AR correctly, discipline, attendance, reading, math, writing, science and social studies improve.
Getting Started
Students will take the STAR Reading test during the first two weeks of school. This test will determine the reading range of your child. An example of a reading range is 2.2-3.3. This means that a student is reading on the second month of a second grade level all the way up to the third month of a third grade level. When taking an AR test, students should test on books with levels within that reading range. STAR Reading tests will be administered at the beginning of each nine weeks. New reading ranges will be assigned after tests are administered.
Points by Grade Level
Kindergarten- Student has read a specified number of books set by the teacher and the Reading Log is signed by a Parent or Guardian and returned to school.
1st Grade- 10 points (8 points 1st 9 weeks)
2nd Grade- 12 points
3rd Grade- 15 points
4th Grade- 15 points
5th Grade- 15 points
(All points must be earned with 80% accuracy or better and within the students’ reading range)
Reader Tags
Students can earn Reader Tags at MZE when they reach milestones within the program. Below are the tags that can be earned, and what they need to do to earn them.
Orange Star- Earn 100 Points
Silver Star- Earn 200 Points
Gold Star- Earn 300 Points
BlueMouse- Met AR Goal for 9 Weeks
Gold Bell- Average on Tests are 90%-100%
Green Heart- Top AR Reader in Class
GreenPig- Top AR Reader for Year in Class
Purple Cat- On or Above Grade Level STAR Test
RedDog- One Grade Level Above on STAR Test
Purple Doghouse- One or More Grade Level Above on STAR Test
Green Bone- Met AR Goal for the Year
PurpleFlower- Tested on 10 Non-fiction books with at least 85% Accuracy
*Students who earn 100 points will also receive a gift certificate to the spring book fair and their picture on the school AR board.
*Students who earn 200 points will also receive an MZE reader shirt and their picture on the school AR board.
*Students who earn 300 points will also receive a Kindle and their picture on the school AR board.