Unit 1 / Draw A Map of the 13 colonies:
Label the founder
Year founded
Reason founded
Economic activity / Create a journal as if you were a Native American in the 13 colonies. Include reports about a major conflict in which you participated. Talk about what other Native Americans are going through in other colonies.
Write at least 5 journal entries. / Create a powerpoint comparing and contrasting the 13 colonies. Please see requirements attached.
Unit 2 / Make a Facebook page poster. You should have friends who are patriots, loyalist, Native Americans, French, women, African-Americans. You choose who you will be. Make at least 5 posts with responses from your friends. Include pictures, emojis and an advertisement on the side. The posts must range from the French and Indian War to the American Revolution. / Create an illustrated timelineof events between the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. At least 20 events must be included. / Write and essay about one of the key figures in unit 2… following his/her life from the French and Indian War to the American Revolution. Please see requirements attached.
Unit 3 / Create a mobile of the Constitution. / Create an exam for Unit 3. There must be 3 formats of questions. The questions must range from DOK 1 to DOK 3. Provide the answer key. / Video a news broadcast that covers 5 brief stories on republicanism, the Articles of Confederation, creating a new government, ratifying the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
Unit 4 / Create a jeopardy review game for Unit 4. Come up with clever question headings. It must cover chapters standards. / YOU CHOOSE… You come up with an idea and get it approved by the teacher. / Using the melody ofthe National Anthem, write a song about the presidents Washington to Monroe. Include specific events discussed in unit 4.
Unit 5 / Create a crossword puzzle of vocabulary terms, important people and events from Unit 5. 20 clue minimum. / Create a newspaper of events in unit 5. There should be a minimum of 3 columns. One from chapter SSUSH7, SSUSH8, and SSUSH9. Name your newspaper and include pictures. / Create a collage displaying events in Unit 5 from Age of Jackson to Road to CivilWar.It may be drawn or printed pictures.
Unit 6 / Create a board game using the Civil War as your subject. Use accurate names of places, people and events. / Create a 6 panel brochure that discusses the causes of the Civil War, the Civil War and Reconstruction. / Write a children’s book about the Civil War and Reconstruction. It must be illustrated. If it is fictional, the facts about the war must be accurate.
Unit7 / YOU CHOOSE… You come up with an idea and get it approved by the teacher. / Create a poster
describing the inventions of Thomas Edison; include the electric light bulb, motion pictures, and the phonograph, and their impact on American life
/ Interview
John D. Rockefeller
Samuel Gomers or
Sitting Bull. 10 question minimum covering important moments in their lives.


  • Typed
  • Times New Roman style font
  • 12 point font size
  • Double-spaced throughout
  • Spell-checked
  • Grammar-checked
  • Personally proofread
  • Title is present, catchy, relevant, and original
  • Title is centered, and is not underlined, in quotation marks, or in bold print
  • MLA format is used throughout
  • MLA headers (last name, 3 spaces, page number) are in top right corner
  • MLA heading is used (top left)

Example: Student Name

Ms. Love

U.S. History _____ Period

Date (use MLA style = 9 November 2016)

  • Essay should be proofread, printed, collated, and stapled in the upper left corner before student arrives in class.

Introduction: Introduce the subject and state your thesis.

Body: explain the thesis. (3 paragraphs)

Conclusion: Summarize


8 - 12 slides are required, including a title slide with a picture, and a final slide that will show your research - references, sources of pictures, etc. very similar to a Works Cited page. Must be creative and entertaining.