Name of Training School:Details of the CPD event
CPD event title:Brief description of CPD event:
Learning Objectives:
Date(s) and Times of CPD event:
Venue for CPD event
(inc Postcode):
Name(s) of trainer(s) taking the CPD event:
Contact details to book places (Tel:)
Email address to book places:
Web address for event (or school):
Maximum number of participants?
Cost for NCH members?
(including VAT if applicable)
Cost for non-NCH members?
(Including VAT if applicable)
Additional information/requirements?
By returning this form, I declare that the event will abide by the terms and conditions for “NCH Recognised CPD”.
Name: / Signed:Please email completed form to the Professional Development Director: -
Subject: ‘NCH CPD EVENT’ Email:
For Office Use Only:
Date application received: / CPD Event ApprovedYes NoDate school informed of approval:
Terms and Conditions for “NCH Recognised CPD”
All NCH Recognised CPD events are entitled to:
- A FREE listing in the CPD diary on our website (viewable by public)
- A FREE listing in the CPD Diary in the NCH Hypnotherapy Journal
(sent quarterly to 1800+ NCH members) - Market the event as “NCH Recognised CPD”
In return, you must abide by the following terms.
a) You must demonstrate relevance to the practice of hypnotherapy
Please ensure that your learning objectives are relevant to practitioners of hypnotherapy and use the additional info section if clarification is required. Your CPD event will not be approved if the relevance to hypnotherapy practitioners is not clear.
b) If your event runs before 1st May 2012, you must offer some free places
New NCH members used to be given a ‘voucher’ entitling them to a “one-day free” CPD event. For events running before 1st May 2012, you agree:
- To accept at least one NCH voucher holder on your event, and at least two NCH voucher holders where the event maximum is 15 or more participants.
- To accept the voucher as a prorated part payment for a multi-day event.
- To collect the voucher from the member and keep as proof of free places given.
- That the ‘voucher’ is not redeemable to NCH.
You may if you wish request a booking deposit from the voucher holder, which is forfeitable if they do not attend the event or if they withdraw within 14 days of the event.
c) You must offer NCH members a real and significant discount
Rather than charging you to advertise to our members, we prefer to pass the benefits straight on to members in the form of a discount. This means you only ‘pay’ (in the form of a discount) when people actually book on your event. A win / win for you and our members.
You must therefore offer your event to all NCH members at a real and significant discount over and above any other discount you have made publicly available. ‘Significant’ means the total expected discounts given to NCH members are equivalent or better than the savings you’ll make from advertising free to our members and getting free exposure on our website.
d) In case of event cancellation, to give prompt notice and full refund.
If you cancel your event, you agree to give prompt notice and a full refund to all NCH members attending and to also inform the NCH Development Director.
e) Your event must adhere to the NCH code of ethics
Your CPD event must be compatible with the ethical principles set out in the NCH code of ethics, and you agree that you will uphold these principles both in your event content and delivery. They can be viewed in full here:
f) You must give attendees a feedback form
In line with the NCH philosophy of continual improvement, we expect all CPD event providers to allow the attendees an opportunity to provide feedback on completion of your event. This can be on your own form, or you can use the suggested NCH evaluation form if you prefer.
g) To provide evidence of compliance if requested
You agree to promptly provide evidence of compliance if requested, including proof of free places given and copies of feedback forms submitted by NCH members.
July 2011National Council for Hypnotherapy – Page 1 of 2