Revalidation newsletter
January 22nd, 2016
Happy New Year everyone and welcome to the thirteenthedition of the Scottish Government revalidation newsletter.
We’ve been a long time in the planning but now for the first registrants scheduled to revalidate it is becoming a reality. Anyone who has a revalidation date in April should have already received communications from the NMC that revalidation is live and open for business! In discussion with Ben earlier this week he confirmed that the number of people who have already completed their applications is already in double figures. So, there’s no time like the present to get organised and submit the required information in plenty of time.
The NMC launched its new micro-site for revalidation on Sunday – it has the same e-address but the content is most definitely not the same! You can access it at look at all of the new resources available there – it includes forms and templates, videos, case studies and clear links to all of the Guidance. I thoroughly recommend it to you and hope you can take some time to have a look at all that’s now available to support us through the process of revalidation. It also has been optimised to work on all mobile platforms too so you can sit with your feet up of an evening and peruse at your leisure!
The national co-ordinator’s post has now been advertised and I’ve attached the advert to the covering email with this newsletter – please do have a look and cascade to anyone who might be interested. We’re particularly interested in building capacity so would welcome expressions of interest from anyone who might be interested in providing some very part-time commitment, and a good geographical spread to provide wide-spread support.
We have had some very interesting discussion and information imparted in the last two webex meetings – here is the link to the latest recording:
In particular we heard from Ben that the Information Commissioner has revised its position in relation to the electronic management and storage of information required to support revalidation – this can only be good news and facilitates the storage of information in electronic format which supports too the use of the e-portfolio. Whilst the NMC says there is no requirement to maintain an e-portfolio, please do remember that the NES version has been updated to include the NMC templates and so for many of us it will make sense to maintain our revalidation requirements electronically throughout our professional career.
A lot of information has been shared - Derek has sent the Comms plan from NHS Ayrshire and Arran, and Kathryn has shared NHS Fife’s draft revalidation guideline; these together with information sent by Miles regarding a refreshed schedule of Twitter chats and much more, are appended to the covering email to this newsletter.
The next webex is next Friday, 29 January (details in the side bar) and it will be the last one that Ben can join with us before he moves onto pastures new so please do dial in if you can.
Enjoy the micro-site!
Kind regards,