1St Grade Science Grade Level Expectations

1St Grade Science Grade Level Expectations

1St Grade Science Grade Level Expectations

Unit: Living Things Have Life Cycles


1. All living things go through cycles that cause change.

2. Living things need food, air, and space to live and grow.


  1. All living things have life cycles. (STC Life Cycle Kit)
  1. The stages of a plant’s life cycle. (HM Unit A Chap 1 & Plants are Living Things Book)
  1. The stages of an animal’s life cycle. (HM Unit A Chap 2 & Animal Life Cycles Book)
  1. All living things need food and water to live and grow. (HM Unit B Chap 4)

Be Able to:

  1. Observe, describe and record growth and change.
  1. Predict, compare and discuss life cycle changes over time.
  1. Create a model of a life cycle.
  1. Extend knowledge through literature.
  1. Predict, observe and compare plants’ need for food and water.


Characteristics – A typical quality or feature. Snow is characteristic of winter.

Cycle – A series of events that are repeated over and over again as in the cycle of the seasons

Life cycle – A series of changes a living thing goes through during its lifetime

Observe – To use the senses and tools to gather or collect information and determine the properties of objects or events

Predict – To state what you think will happen based on past experience, observations, patterns, and cause-and-effect relationships

Unit: Matter


1. Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid, and gas

2. Matter has physical properties.

3. Matter occupies space.

4. Tests can be performed to investigate physical properties of solids and liquids in order to distinguish their similarities and differences.


  1. All things are made of matter. (HM Unit E Chap 10)
  1. Physical properties of matter. (size, shape, color, magnetic ability, sink or float) (HM Unit E Chap 10)
  1. Matter comes in three states. (solid, liquid, gas) (HM Unit E Chap 11)

Be Able to:

  1. Sort and describe physical properties of objects.
  1. Compare and contrast solids, liquids, and gasses.
  1. Identify objects as a solid, liquid, or a gas.
  1. Conduct tests to identify physical properties of solids and liquids.


Gas – Matter that has no definite shape and does not take up a definite amount of space

Liquid – Matter that takes the shape of its container and takes up a definite amount of space

Solid – Matter that has a definite shape and takes up a definite amount of space

Characteristics – A typical quality or feature. Snow is characteristic of winter.

Record Data – To write (in tables, charts, journals), draw, audio record, video record, or photograph, to show observations

Unit: Seasons


1. The four seasons follow a cyclical pattern.


  1. There is a relationship between the seasons and the calendars. (Integrate W Calendaring)
  1. There are four seasons that follow a cycle. (Seasons Poster)

Be Able to:

  1. Create a visual representation cycle of the seasons.


Cycle – A series of events that are repeated over and over again as in the cycle of the seasons

Observe – To use the senses and tools to gather or collect information and determine the properties of objects or events

Predict – To state what you think will happen based on past experience, observations, patterns, and cause-and-effect relationships

Record Data – To write (in tables, charts, journals), draw, audio record, video record, or photograph, to show observations

Characteristics – A typical quality or feature. Snow is characteristic of winter

Hibernate – To go into a deep sleep