Legislation Section - Superintendent of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT
General Regulation of weapons and shot (R. G. P. F. A. NO. 8)
Supplement of the internal order of the day N° 25 of 06-022012
Article 1 °- The instruction of the individual or collective or the handles, will be conducted according to the provisions of the Federal School Division OF DRAWBAR, dependent on the direction of General Instruction of the Superintendency of staff, INSTRUCTION AND HUMAN RIGHTS.
Article 2 °- The periods of instruction of shot for the preparation and exercising of the staff, and statistical learning plans will be prepared by the Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF TIRE, in accordance with the institutional requirements.
Article 3 °- teaching the plans of the specialization courses shall be approved by the superiority on a proposal from the Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF SHOOTING. The courses will be integrated with staff from the various units
And respective tables or other armed forces or security; national and/or foreign, in which case you should provide the necessary means for its implementation.
Article 4 °- The shot of school will be held in theoretical and practical way to the staff that is incorporated to the institution and binding to the same.
Article 5 °- once met the conditions identified in the previous article, the staff shall comply with the conditions imposed in article 2 °.
Article 6- The theoretical and practical training is exclusively reserved for the sniper training.
Article 7 °- The control of the instruction of personnel, will be in charge of Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF SHOOTING.
Article 8 °- Without prejudice to the training in weapons and shooting that could provide those specific units, it is compulsory the concurrency to the plans of instruction of tire, in line with the requirements established in articles 12o and 24o of this Regulation.
The workout before mentioned must be established in teaching plans and authorized by the Superintendent of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT.
Article 9 °- The plans of instruction to develop draft annually shall be drafted in accordance with the requirements contained in this General Regulation and its development will be the Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF shot in everything that relates to the instruction, use of ammunition and check technical-administrative relevant.
Article 10 º- teaching regarding the nomenclature of the weapons used by the institution, shall be governed by the respective catalogs and/or manuals issued by the signature manufacturer.
Article 11 º- The instruction concerning aggressive chemicals, organic, grenades of various types, and/or any other material intended for riot control, is alien to the competition in education and to control the Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF SHOOTING. The specific dependencies dependent of the Directorate General of URBAN ORDER AND FEDERAL, who are responsible for the containment function and riot control, will be the that impart the instruction of the use of the materials in the previous paragraph, through the curriculum proposed by them and approve the Superintendent of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT.
Article 12 º- is mandatory attendance at the plans of instruction drawbar that imparts the Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF DRAWBAR, of the following personnel:
A) Senior Staff: Junior Officers. For the Senior Officers and Heads is optional.
B) Staff of commissioned officers, and Agents: Of Agent to Sergeant Major.
C) The retired personnel is excepted from the concurrency to such practices with the exception of those that are as CALLED TO SERVE, as well as those who carried out additional police SERVICE ON A VOLUNTARY BASIS; regardless that in one or another case do so with weapons provided or own.
Article 13 º- is excepted from the concurrency to the plan draft statement referred to in the preceding article the following personnel:
A) The civilian staff of the Institution, as well as those to which the institution had been considered not providing weapons.
B) The staff excepted with temporary or final by resolution of the Board Division OF PERMANENT MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS.
C) in the cases provided for in article 14º C and is issued to both the Division BOARD OF PERMANENT MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS.
D) The staff that he finds himself in use of any of the licenses provided for in the Regulatory Decree 1866/83.
The Division of FEDERAL SCHOOL SHOOTING, you will have within the plan of instruction specific drawbar, the mode of compliance with the condition do not carried out, in those cases in which the staff referred to in the preceding paragraphs: will rejoin the actual service, you will be assigned weaponry, recover their fitness for use of the weapon and/or terminate your license. Same procedure is carried out with the staff that censure or; it is absent to the respective presentation, without cause, without prejudice in this last case of the application of the disciplinary measures it deems appropriate. The civilian personnel of the institution, it will not be equipped with a weapon.
Article 14 º- The Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF DRAWBAR may request the intervention of the Standing Board Division OF MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS, in the cases that doubt as to the capacity psycho-physical for the possession of a firearm.
Article 15 º- the staff of the institution that is participating in the shooting practice compulsory or voluntary, will be adjusted in a everything to the provisions of chapter II; from the time of their admission to the polygon will be subject to the directions given to him by the staff in the polygon.
Article 16 º- The Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF DRAFT and will be considered in force in the different polygons, the necessary measures that make the safety of the staff in general and tending to prevent accidents, sluggishness in the instruction or difficulties of any kind and/or damage to their facilities.
Article 17 º- to be considered serious misconduct the failure of the measures in the field of general security is issued as a result of the previous article and in accordance with the terms of article 19 Inc. (c) and d).
Article 18 º- The instructors of drawbar and the respective staff of the polygons, will be responsible for compliance with the requirements of this Regulation and of the General provisions that dictate in matters of security.
Article 19 º- the handle, to be submitted to the polygon that you appropriate, it shall proceed as follows:
A) will be submitted to the instructor drawbar, making delivery of your draft book, indicating their degree, first and last name, unit where it provides service and developments that could take the weapon assigned, as well as any other novelty that I shall take it of relevance. Leaving from that time under the supervision of the instructor who trained with regard to the exercises to perform.
B) at the moment in which he indicated the handle will deliver the weapon to the Instructor within the Drawbar pedana drawbar, who, after the verifications of style, she be reinstated without charger and with the slide open.
C) shall be considered as security measures in general in the Polygons:
1- The mandatory use of the elements of visual and hearing protection, as well as all of those in the safe development of instruction shall be considered relevant.
2- Do not manipulate the weapon under any circumstance while it is not indicated.
3- Once the weapon drawn and no matter if you are charged or not, and regardless of if empunada or not, the fee will be the same at all times toward the white. The exception to this rule shall be given under special circumstances, for the consideration of the Instructor when so warrant the instruction, and under the strict supervision of this.
4- In the empunamiento weapon will keep your finger outside the arc guardamonte, up to the time when you want to make the shot.
5- At all times should be considered when arms as if it were loaded and in shooting conditions, though cash is aware that it is not; it should be always perform the procedure of downloading and testing of armament.
6- Will be repeated in a loud voice the orders free-fire and HIGH-FIRE, in the latter case shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 and paragraph (e). In the course that is required to supplement the INTERNAL ORDER OF THE DAY 6/2/2012 hurl WEAPON LOCKED, the handle in addition raised hurl WEAPON LOCKED, the gunman also lifted the hand incapacitated, and, strictly in accordance with the provisions in preceding paragraphs, wait until be assisted by the instructor.
With the exception of the voice WEAPON LOCKED, the rest of the verbal orders, are exclusive to the staff in charge of the polygon, and only they may exclusively prioritised.
D) without prejudice to the clauses that precede, shall be considered as security measures all those provisions that by their nature or transcendence, imported and made to the security in each and every one of the polygons, which must be indicated to the marksmen prior to admission to the draft lines.
E) at the end of the practice of shooting, the handles will follow the Instructor's guidelines, and are required to collect the pods of the used cartridges, at the time that they are to be shown.
In addition, the Instructor shall audit the annotations in the respective registers.
F) The staff of the Polygon be replenished ammunition and proceed to the loading of the arms in the presence of the handle, provided that the exercise or practice do not demand apply another temperament.
As a general rule only ammunition will be re-instated in the practice of binding.
Article 20 º- The Sniper training, will attend the handles, throughout the investigation of drawbar, complying with its pedagogical role as well as oversees the strict compliance with the security measures.
Article 21 º- The comments of the Sniper training, in the fulfilment of its specific mission, do not constitute lack of consideration to the staff.
Article 22 º- Complete the shooting practice and within a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours thereafter, staff will seek the means to deliver the weapon in the Armoury at the office of destination where magazine, in order to make the appropriate cleaning, opportunity in that book will showcase the drawbar to their immediate superiors, for the respective control.
Those units that do not have offices of Armería, should apply for the collaboration to other units subordinate to the area in common in order to comply with established in the previous paragraph.
Article 23- The instruction on the handling and/or operation of the weapon, will be verified in the manner in which it was set up the Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF SHOOTING.
Article 24 º- Chord as laid down in articles 8 and 12 of this Regulation or police personnel is obliged to attend the training plans drawbar, still exempted those who are referred to in article 13O.
Article 25 º- The heads of units with seat in the interior of the country, shall arbitrate measures conducive to the achievement of the plans of instruction drawbar and the forecasts of this Regulation. At the beginning of the drawbar and during its development, shall notify the Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF SHOOTING the results achieved and any other relevant data related to the shooting practice. Similar circumstances, would be made known to the end of each period.
The staff of the Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF DRAWBAR, may be commissioned to the units with seat in the interior of the country for the purposes of controlling the draft statement provided to the staff of these fellows, as well as to the purposes of giving an effective implementation of Target Practice.
Article 26 º- The shooting practice, will be carried out through the diagrams of times and places that the effect set the Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF SHOOTING. As a general rule the personnel shall attend practices, in hours of free service. The trainings that the staff must perform with prejudice of the service, shall be established within the respective publication of the annual plan of shooting.
Article 27 º- The Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF DRAWBAR shall keep such records in the respective that will settle the concurrency to the shooting of the institution's staff in the different polygons, including activities performed by the staff of the units with seat inside the country.
Article 28 º- All handle will be provided with an address book of shot in which will be disclosed its concurrency to such regulatory practices and other details that are inherent in it. The request for a new book, having been completed their ability or by loss of which it owns, it shall record in the form in which determine the Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF SHOOTING.
Such a book will be archived in the subset of the personal cash when this dies, retires, is taken down, exonerated or cesanteado of the institution. When the retired personnel would be called upon to provide services or authorized to perform voluntary service of additional police, the book will be broken down to your subset and reintegrated into the cash, for the purposes of recording their compliance to the shooting practice.
Article 29 º- The Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF DRAWBAR and the bodies mounted police, GUARD infantry and TRANSIT POLICE, are authorized to prepare special equipment of handles, with the purpose of participating in any competitions not organized by the institution, a fact that in each case will be settled by the superiority.
Article 30 º- The Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF DRAWBAR will act in the organization of the competitions: shooting, internal or with the participation of members of other institutions, which includes the specification of arms and compliances to observe by the contestants.
When the competitions are organized by units with seat inside the country the Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF DRAWBAR will provide appropriate advice to the satisfactory development of the same. The event must be led by instructors of police shooting and the organizing unit of the same be sent to the seat of the Division of FEDERAL SCHOOL threw the records containing the results of the contest/is
Article 31 º- On the basis of what has been determined in the preceding article, the Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF DRAWBAR will propose the databases of the contests, be they individual, teams, general or special regard of the police.
Article 32 º- however, with regard to the theme of this contest, will be taken into account the following general provisions:
A) except in the case of teams of senior staff and junior staff jointly, said senior and junior staff - may not participate in the same shooting competition;
B) in the competitions for teams between the units, will be determined if shall be constituted by senior staff and junior staff, together, in which case will be determined in that proportion;
(C) in any shooting competition is used the weapon regulatory and facilitate the ammunition without charge.
Article 33 º- The number of annual competitions, will be limited for reasons of economy and that the progress of the investigation of drawbar is not hampered.
Article 34 º- The awards to be instituted in the various contests, will consist of objects of art or commemorative medal, prohibited the consistency of the same in money.
Article 35 º- The sniper training division of the Federal SCHOOL OF DRAWBAR or other units of the institution, may not participate in internal competitions of this nature. The prohibition does not apply when the tests to oddly took place between sniper training.
Article 36 º- When the institution may be invited to participate in competitions: shooting along with other law enforcement entities or civilians, they are of the country or foreign, the Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF DRAWBAR shall take cognizance of this, informing the superiority on the following aspects:
A) if the rules of the contest, relate to the level reached by the staff in the specialty or shooting practice, suggesting the changes as it deems advisable to;
B) advise you on everything that affects the obtaining of the competition by the institution, by proposing the handles that are expected to participate;
C) also will highlight any comments that could infer the contest scheduled and have to do with the participation of the police personnel and the success that the same may bring.
Article 37 º- approved the participation of the Argentine Federal Police in the contest, Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF DRAWBAR propose measures to facilitate its completion and the participation of the staff.
Article 38 º- prior authorization of the superiority, the staff of the institution can participate in competitions: shooting organized by institutions that carry out such activity, it can use the weapon regulatory that you have been assigned, except the ammunition provided by the Argentine Federal Police.
Article 39 º- In the cases provided for in the previous article, the personnel participating in the competitions does not assume the institutional representation. In these cases, nor the staff may set up between whether teams draft.
Article 40 º- The Division FEDERAL SCHOOL OF TIRE, the members will be chosen by a special team of handles of the Institution, for which he will do what it takes to the permanent training of the same, with the purpose of representing the Argentine Federal Police in competitions organised by other bodies or institutions. To do this, the Federal School Division will draft the appropriate ammunition, in order to ensure that this training is carried out.