1. Which of the following are in the correct order?

A. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

B. Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class, Family, Genus, Species

C. Kingdom, Phylum, Family, Class, Order, Genus, Species

D. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Family, Order, Species, Genus

2. Which of the following is true?

A. Protons are negative

B. Neutrons are negative

C. Electrons are positive

D. Protons are positive

3. An isotope differs in the amount of which of the following?

A. Protons

B. Neutrons

C. Electrons

D. None of the above

4. Oxygen is number 8 in the periodic table. How many valence electrons does it have?

A. 8

B. 10

C. 6

D. 2

5. What is the maximum number of electrons orbitals 2 and beyond can hold?

A. 10

B. 6

C. 2

D. 8

6. A bond where electrons are shared is a

A. Covalent bond

B. Ionic bond

C. Hydrogen bond

D. James Bond

7. Cohesion is

A. Between water molecules

B. Between water molecules and a surface

8. If the pH of a liquid is 8, what is the hydroxide concentration?

A. 8

B. 6

C. 1x10^-8

D. 1x10^-6

9. If the hydrogen ion concentration is 1x10^-5, what is the pOH?

A. 5

B. 9

C. 1x10^-5

D. 1x10^-9

10. What is a structural isomer?

A. A molecule that differs in connectivity of atoms

B. A molecule that differs in spatial arrangement of atoms

C. A molecule that differs in double bond arrangement

11. What functional group is this?

A. Carbonyl

B. Hydroxyl

C. Carboxyl

D. Phosphate

12. A condensation reaction

A. Builds molecules

B. Breaks down molecules

13. What type of bond connects two sugars in a carbohydrate?

A. Ester linkage

B. Peptide bond

C. Glycosidic linkage

D. Hydrogen bond

14. Which of the following is not a type of lipid?

A. Fatty acid

B. Steroid

C. Enzyme

D. Phospholipid

15. What 3 things do all amino acids have?

A. R group, hydrogen bond, sugar

B. Carboxyl group, amino group, R group

C. Amino group, hydrogen bond, sugar

D. Sugar, amino group, R group

16. Which level of protein structure do alpha helices and beta pleated sheets form?

A. Primary

B. Secondary

C. Tertiary

D. Quaternary

17. What differs between RNA and DNA?

A. Phosphate group

B. Sugar

C. Color

18. Which organelle is responsible for detoxifying substances in the cell?

  1. Lysosomes
  2. Peroxisomes
  3. Mitochondria
  4. Rough endoplasmic reticulum

19. Which of the following is present in animal cells but not plant cells?

  1. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
  2. Mitochondria
  3. Cell Membrane
  4. Centrioles

20. Which of the cytoskeleton proteins is the smallest?

  1. Microtubules
  2. Microfilaments
  3. Intermediate filaments

21. Which of the following needs ATP?

  1. Passive diffusion
  2. Active transport
  3. Osmosis

22. A cell is in a solution. The solution is 20% salt. The cell is 30% water. Is the cell hypotonic, isotonic, or hypertonic to its environment?

23. A cell is in a solution. The solution is 60% salt. The cell is 40% water. Is the cell hypotonic, isotonic, or hypertonic to its environment?

24. A catabolic pathway is

  1. exergonic
  2. endergonic
  3. a pathway that builds molecules
  4. a positive delta G

25. Which step of cellular respiration makes the most ATP?

  1. Electron transport chain
  2. Glycolysis
  3. Kreb’s/Citric acid cycle

26. What molecule combines with oxaloacetate to begin the citric acid/Kreb’s cycle?

  1. Citrate
  2. Acetyl Co-A
  3. Pyruvate
  4. Succinate

27. What is the name of the protein involved in the ETC that produces the ATP?

  1. ATPase
  2. ATP synthase
  3. ADP synthase
  4. chemiosmosis

28. Does NADH or FADH2 enter the ETC first?

29. Where does glycolysis take place?

  1. cytoplasm
  2. thylakoid
  3. Mitochondrial matrix
  4. ribosome

30. Which enzyme combines carbon dioxide and and RuBP to being the Calvin cycle?

  1. ATP synthase
  2. ADP synthase
  3. Rubisco
  4. G3P

31. If an animal is 2n=16, how many sister chromatids will be present in anaphase of mitosis?

  1. 16
  2. 32
  3. 8
  4. 4

32. If an animal is 2n=4, how many homologous pairs will be present in Prophase 1 of meiosis?

  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 8
  4. 16

33. If an animal is 2n=6, how many chromosomes will be present in telophase 1 of meiosis?

  1. 6
  2. 12
  3. 24
  4. 3

34. Germ cells are

  1. Body cells
  2. Somatic cells
  3. Sex cells
  4. Skins cells

35. When does crossing over occur?

  1. Metaphase 1
  2. Telophase 2
  3. Anaphase 1
  4. Prophase 1

36. A plant with genotypes Aa is crossed with a plant with genotype AA. What is the % chance of getting an offspring with aa?

37. Draw the punnett square for the cross between AaBB x AAbb. What percent of the offspring is AABb? What percent is AaBb?


Label the genotypes for everyone assuming the trait in black is a recessive disease. Ignore individuals 4 and 5 in generation II and their offspring.

39. If a DNA strand contains 30% Thymine, what percentage of Guanine does it have?

40. DNA is antiparallel. This means

  1. the 5’ and 3’ of each strand face each other
  2. the 5’ ends of both strands face each other

41. DNA polymerase 3 adds in which direction?

  1. 5’-3’
  2. 3’-5’

42. Which enzyme unzips the DNA?

  1. Topoisomerase
  2. Ligase
  3. Helicase
  4. Primase

43. Which enzyme adds nucleotides?

  1. DNA polymerase 3
  2. Primase
  3. Ligase
  4. DNA polymerase 1

44. Which enzyme makes the mRNA transcript?

  1. DNA polymerase 1
  2. DNA polmyerase 2
  3. RNA polymerase
  4. DNA polymerase 3

45. Which of the following do not need to occur to make a mature mRNA?

  1. intron splicing
  2. exon splicing
  3. addition of the poly a tail
  4. addition of a 5’ cap

46. What is the first site the first tRNA molecule enters in the ribosome? For all the rest?

  1. the e site
  2. the p site
  3. the a site

47. If a DNA strand is ATCGGA, what are the anticodons?

48. What happens at the P site of the ribosome?

49. When the infected cell starts producing viruses, which cycle has it entered?

  1. Lysogenic
  2. Lytic

50. What are prions?

  1. infectious viruses
  2. infectious bacteria
  3. infectious proteins
  4. infectious RNA molecules

51. Which of the following is only found in animal cells?

  1. Cell walls
  2. peroxisomes
  3. lysosomes
  4. centrosomes

52. Osmosis is the movement of

  1. solute
  2. salt
  3. water

53. Facilitated diffusion requires the help of a

  1. ribosome
  2. Transport protein
  3. Chloroplast
  4. glycolipid

Use 2n=20 for 54-62

Find chromatid and chromosome number for each

54. Prophase

55. Metaphase

56. Anaphase

57. G1

58. G2

59. Prophase 1

60. Metaphase 1

61. Prophase 2

62. Metaphase 2

63. Munchkin cats is a dominant condition, however homozygous dominant offspring are not viable. If two munchkin cats breed and produce kittens, what percent will be genetically normal?

64. In calico cats, why is it that only the females show the calico pattern? In what situation could a male be calico?

65. Can men or women be hemizygous for a trait?

66. A colorblind males produces offspring with a heterozygous female. What is the chance they will have a daughter that is colorblind? What about a male that is colorblind?

67. A woman with blood type A and a man with blood type B produce an offspring with O type blood. How is this possible?

68. A nonsense mutation causes what?

  1. A premature stop codon
  2. Any change to the wrong amino acid
  3. An error in the reading frame
  4. An extra base to be added

69. A simple base substitution would cause what?

  1. A premature stop codon
  2. A change to the wrong amino acid
  3. An error in the reading frame
  4. A or B
  5. A or C

70. Which of the following take place in the cytoplasm?

  1. Transcription
  2. Translation
  3. Electron Transport Chain
  4. Citric Acid Cycle

71. Which organelle is responsible for producing proteins?

  1. Mitochondria
  2. Lysosomes
  3. Ribosome
  4. Peroxisome

72. Which organelle organizes the microtubules in the cell and plays a major role in mitosis and meiosis?

  1. Vacuoles
  2. Mitochondria
  3. Cell wall
  4. Centrosomes

73. Viroids generally only infect

  1. Plants
  2. Animals

74. Conjugation is when

  1. Genetic material is passed directly from one bacterium to another
  2. Genetic material is passed between bacteria by a virus
  3. Genetic material is picked up by a bacterium from the environment

75. Water has a high specific heat. This means that

  1. It fluctuates in temperature dramatically compared to other liquids
  2. It fluctuates in temperature very slowly compared to other liquids

76. Which level of protein folding does not occur in all proteins?

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. Quaternary

77. Unsaturated fats are

  1. Solid at room temperature
  2. Liquid at room temperature
  3. Have a double bond
  4. Do not have double bonds
  5. A and D
  6. B and C

78. Peripheral proteins are

  1. Located imbedded in the cell membrane
  2. Bound to the surface of the membrane
  3. Can be both

79. Receptor mediated endocytosis is

  1. When a cell brings in a food vacuole
  2. A cell brings in liquids
  3. A cell uses receptors to bring in a specific molecule
  4. Another term for exocytosis

80. A reaction is spontaneous when

  1. It has a positive delta G
  2. It has a negative delta G
  3. It is endothermic
  4. It is anabolic

81. If a molecule binds to the enzyme at a site that is not the active site, it is an example of

  1. Competitive inhibition
  2. Noncompetitive inhibition

82. If an element becomes more negative, it is being

  1. Oxidized
  2. Reduced

83. During cellular respiration NAD+ becomes

  1. Oxidized
  2. Reduced

84. Where does the kreb’s cycle take place?

  1. The mitochondrial matrix
  2. The stroma
  3. The cristae
  4. The cytoplasm

85. Which checkpoint during interphase is often called the restriction point?

  1. G1
  2. G2
  3. M

86. Cancer cells are

  1. Density independent
  2. Anchorage dependent
  3. Density dependent

87. If a red flower and a white flower produce offspring and it is known that they have incomplete dominance, then the offspring will look

  1. Blotchy with red and white
  2. Pink
  3. Red
  4. White

88. Blood type is an example of

  1. Incomplete dominance
  2. Codominance
  3. Pleiotropy
  4. Epistasis

89. Which pair of chromosomes are not homologous?

90. Are sister chromatids always identical?

91. Are homologous chromosomes always identical?

92. What is the purpose of the spindle fibers in mitosis and meiosis?

93. Retroviruses

  1. Use their RNA to make DNA
  2. Use their DNA to make RNA
  3. Use their RNA to make more RNA
  4. Use their DNA to make more DNA

94. If the host cell of a virus is not actively producing viruses then it is in the

  1. Lytic phase
  2. Lysogenic phase

95. Where is the TATA box located?

  1. On the mRNA transcript
  2. In the P site of the ribosome
  3. In the promoter region of the DNA
  4. Within the poly a tail

96. A silent mutation

  1. Causes a change in an amino acid
  2. Causes a premature stop codon
  3. Causes a frameshift
  4. Produces the same amino acid

97. Which is the most abundant type of RNA?

  1. rRNA
  2. mRNA
  3. tRNA
  4. hrRNA

98. Codons are

  1. On the mRNA
  2. On the tRNA
  3. On the DNA

99. A calico female cat mates with an orange male. What is the possibility of male black cats?

100. A man with B- blood marries a woman who is A+. They have a son who is O-. What are the genotypes of the parents, and what is the chance they will have an AB+ child?