Discussion Questions - Order & Discipline and School Attendance
NOTE: All references for these answers are taken from the NB Education
Act, Feb 28, 1997.
1) A student you do not teach is misbehaving in the corridor. When you act to correct his behaviour, he asserts “You can’t tell me what to do, you’re not my teacher!” Is this true?
No it is false. Sec 21(1) clearly states that every teacher has general oversight of the school property while being used for school purposes. Sec 21(2).a states that this oversight requires teachers to maintain proper order and discipline in or on school property.
2) Some teachers think that their authority for and responsibility to students off school property is less than that while at school. Is this true?
It depends. When any property is deemed to be leased by or otherwise furnished to the Minister and used for school purposes then it becomes school property and subject to Sec 21(1). In addition, sec 21(2).c states that teachers shall have due care for the conduct of pupils while on their way to and from school.
3) How do your duties and responsibilities as a student teacher compare to others who you work with at school?
Sec 21(3) states that when performing the duties of a student teacher, a student teacher has the same powers and responsibilities as a teacher under this Act in respect of the maintenance of order and discipline.
4) What recourse do you have to control a situation that negatively impact the proper “order and discipline” of the school?
Sec 22 states that a teacher may exclude a person from school property if that person creates or attempts to create a disturbance. A person who refuses to immediately leave is committing a Class C offence under Part II of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act. This punishment also applies to a person who uses threatening or abusive language or who speaks or acts in such a way as to impair the maintenance of order and discipline in or on school property.
5) You have been appointed as a teacher member of a new committee that will establish the school attendance policy. Poor attendance is a serious problem at your school and is having a negative impact on student achievement. What restrictions do you need to consider in the Education Act?
Sec. 16(1) states that a child is not required to attend school if the child a) is sick or if there is another unavoidable cause, b) is officially excluded from attendance, c) is absent on a recognized holy day, d) is exempted in writing by the Minister.