

This agreement, made and entered into the ______of ______20_____, between the ______Schools, hereinafter referred to as the LEA, and the DDC ______, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor.


For and in consideration of the mutual promises to each other, hereinafter set forth, the parties do mutually agree as follows:

A.  The Contractor hereby agrees to provide services as follows:

1.  Provide educational and related services for up to a maximum of ______children ages 3 through 21. For 2017-2018, the agreed upon cost for a ten-month school year is $______per child per month, and shall be paid for in ten monthly payments. An allotment of $______shall be paid per child per year or $______per child per month for educational supplies and materials.

2.  Meet all compliance requirements of Public Law 108-446, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004), Public School Laws of North Carolina, Chapter 115C, Article 9, and Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities.

3.  Develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for each child. The IEP Team shall be a multidisciplinary team which shall include the parent(s), guardian(s), or surrogate parent(s) for each child. The content of the IEP shall include all the requirements in Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities.

4.  Review and evaluate the IEP at appropriate intervals, at least annually, and amend it as needed.

5.  Provide the LEA with a copy of the IEP and any changes in the IEPs for the children included in this contract.

6.  Provide related services as specified in each child’s IEP. A schedule will be submitted to the LEA regarding the provision of related services for each child.

7.  Submit an attendance record and/or report regarding any change in enrollment at the end of each month to the LEA. If the enrollment increases, this contract will be amended appropriately.

8.  Not charge parents for any educational and related services provided to the child as part of the IEP.

9.  Notify the LEA of the children needing re-evaluations.

10.  Supply the names and credentials of all persons providing services for the children included in this contract.

11.  Provide the LEA, upon enrollment of each child, the following information: child’s name, date of birth, disability, and parent(s), guardian(s), or custodial agency (such as the Department of Social Services) name and address to be added to the census registry.

12.  Provide a description of all services provided in off-site inclusive settings (if applicable).

B. The Local Education Agency agrees to:

1.  Pay the Contractor each month, ten (10) monthly school year payments, for the children and services included in this contract. If the enrollment increases, the LEA will appropriately amend this contract.

2.  Provide the Contractor with a current edition of Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities.

3.  Appoint the exceptional children director or his/her designee to serve as a member of the IEP Team for each child and to coordinate services with the Contractor for the duration of the contract.

4.  Provide verification to the Exceptional Children Division that each child with a disability served by the Contractor is receiving services as outlined in an appropriate IEP.

5.  Conduct an educational compliance review of the Contractor at least once during the contract period. The findings will be reported as part of a continuous improvement focused monitoring process. The compliance review will include a report of teacher licensure. The LEA will review documentation of teacher licensure to ensure that teachers of preschool children possess either the Birth through Kindergarten (B-K) or Preschool Add-On teaching license.

C.  Duration of Contract

1.  The dates and terms of this contract between the Contractor and the LEA are for the duration of the placing LEA’s approved school year for the placement of children and ten months for the employment of personnel in the DDC for the 2017-2018 school year.

2.  The dates of the contract are ______through ______.

D. The Contractor and the LEA hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:

1.  Amendments made to this contract are mutually agreeable to both the LEA and the Contractor.

2.  The LEA has the right to audit the records pertaining to this contract both during performance and after completion.

3.  Report all children withdrawn from DDC services to the Exceptional Children Division.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, the LEA and Contractor have executed this agreement on the day and year herein above first written.



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