The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Robert François Hobbs
Demographic data
(a) Assistant Professor
Dept. of Radiation Oncology
Weinberg Building, B168
(b) Assistant Professor (secondary appointment)
Dept. of Radiology, Division of Nuclear Medicine
Cancer Research Building II, Room 4M.60
(c) Assistant Professor (secondary appointment)
Dept. of Oncology
1986 Baccalauréat C Mention AB, Gymnase Jean Sturm, Strasbourg, France
1987-1993 DEUG Physique (Associate’s in Physics)
Licence de Physique (Bachelor’s in Physics)
Maîtrise de Physique (Masters in Physics), including a two month internship at the CNRS (National Scientific Research Center)
Université Louis Pasteur (currently known as the Université de Strasbourg), Strasbourg, France.
1993-1994 ERASMUS Exchange Student
Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria.
1999-2000 Pre-Nursing program
Nurse’s Aide Internship
Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, New Mexico, US.
2000-2006 Ph. D. Graduate Student in Experimental Nuclear/Particle Physics,
Dissertation title: “Measuring the Spin Correlated Coherent Transverse
Momentum at PHENIX in Run3”.
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, US.
2006-2011 Post-doctoral fellow
Radioimmunotherapy and dosimetry (RTD) lab
Division of Nuclear Medicine
Department of Radiology
School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, US.
2011-2013 Medical physics resident
Department of Radiation Oncology
School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, US.
2012 ABR Medical Physics exam Part 1.
2013 ABR Medical Physics exam Part 2 – Therapeutic Physics.
2014 ABR Medical Physics oral exam Part 3 – Therapeutic Physics.
2001 – May 2006 Research Assistant at the University of New Mexico, Department of Physics and Astronomy.
PHENIX Collaborator from Fall 2002 – May 2006.
Responsibilities/Areas of Research:
· Helped Build and conditioned Muon Tracker Station 1 North detector for the PHENIX collaboration at RHIC.
· Parameterized Fast Monte Carlo for event simulation in the muon arm of the PHENIX collaboration using GEANT3 (FORTRAN) and presented results at APS Four Corners meeting Oct. 2001.
· Researched and gave proposal (July 2002 at Brookhaven) for an extracted beam experiment in the AGS to measure beam polarization using frozen spin to measure polarization at RHIC.
· Calculated muon arm efficiency and acceptance for run3 PHENIX analyses.
· Online Calibration Expert in run3, helped develop online calibration software.
· Muon Tracker Expert for run3, run4 and run5 at PHENIX.
· Supervised and aided in construction of Muon Tracker chamber for trigger testing for PHENIX collaborators at RIKEN
· Analyzed run3 polarized proton data for coincidence events from semi-leptonic decays of open charm from gluon-gluon fusion in view of measuring gluon contribution to proton spin, presented at SPIN 2004.
· Analyzed jet-jet correlations in run3 and run5 polarized proton data in view of gauging orbital angular momentum contribution to proton spin, presented at PANIC 2005.
May 2006 – June 2011 Post-doctoral fellow in the RTD lab at Johns Hopkins
July 2011 – June 2012 Research Associate in the RTD lab at Johns Hopkins
July 2012 – present Assistant Professor in the RTD lab at Johns Hopkins
Responsibilities/Areas of Research:
· Clinical Dosimetry. WB planar, SPECT/CT, or PET/CT images are acquired at different time points following pre-therapeutic administration of radioactivity or radiolabeled substances of patients. The images are used to estimate absorbed dose to tumor and normal organs. Most analyses use 3D-RD, an in-house software package, based on EGSnrc Monte Carlo, and under continuous development, which also incorporates radiobiologic modeling. Specific projects include:
o high dose (or combined with external beam) 153Sm-EDTMP tumor dosimetry for treatment of metastatic osteosarcoma
o 124I/131I treatment planning for 131I treatment of thyroid carcinomas
o dose-response studies for lymphoma and thyroid cancer
o renal toxicity and tumor dosimetry in radiopeptide therapy for neuroendocrine tumors (collaboration with University of Lausanne)
· Modeling. Imaging is often too imprecise for the scale of information required. Modeling supplements imaging from clinical data or pharmacokinetic data from laboratory experiments to resolve specific issues, including:
o salivary gland toxicity study in 131I treatment of thyroid cancer (collaboration with University of Duisburg-Essen)
o cellular-based tumor model for BETR therapy efficacy and optimization of EBV-associated cancers
o artery wall toxicity from radioimmunotherapy
o development of an alternate model for a-particle dosimetry, in particular for organs at risk such as the bone marrow and kidneys where the localization of uptake and the short range of a-emissions for standard dosimetric methodologies are grossly inadequate.
July 2011 – Dec 2013 Medical Physics resident in the Radiation Oncology department of Johns Hopkins University.
· Treatment planning for both 3D conformal plans and IMRT, as well as electron planning, matching electron fields.
· Brachytherapy, including HDR treatments of gynecological and endo-rectal cancers, prostate seed implants, eye plaques, therasphere therapy for liver mets, radium therapy for prostate bone mets.
· Commissioning and modeling of a new Elekta Agility Linac at Sibley Hospital in Washington, D.C.
· Special Procedures, including TBI (assisted in commissioning the TBI for the Infinity), 4D-CT and ABC.
· Stereotactic treatment planning on Cyberknife and Synergy/Agility machines.
· Radiation Safety rotation with shielding calculations.
· Beam modeling in Pinnacle and validation for Sibley Agility and for Versa EB2.
January 2014 – present Assistant Professor in the Radiation Oncology department of Johns Hopkins University.
Responsibilities/Areas of Research:
· Combination treatment design, planning and therapy with external beam and internal emitters, in particular Sm-153-EDTMP with external beam for therapy of metastatic osteosarcoma (R01 with Dr. Loeb and Dr. Terezakis).
· Personalized absorbed dose-based treatment planning methodologies for unsealed brachytherapy, more particularly for 90Y theraspheres (R01 pending with Dr. Frey, Dr. Hong and Dr. Narang).
· Micro-scale modeling for Alpha-particle dosimetry. R01 as PI: current calculations of absorbed dose are not valid for alpha-emitters and clinical or pre-clinical toxicities are not consistent with dose calculations. The micro-to-macro methodology accounts for localized uptake and dose deposition.
· Radiobiology. Elected member of the MIRD Committee brought in for expertise and work on expanding radiobiological formalisms within radiopharmaceutical therapy.
· Modeling for assessment of toxicity to circulating blood and immune system from external beam radiation therapy.
· Response assessment and treatment planning using molecular imaging (principally 18F-FDG PET)
· Brachytherapy team member from January 2014 until present, including therasphere therapy for liver disease, and radium therapy for prostate bone metastases.
· TBI team member, including commissioning of VersaEB1 for TBI, from January 2014 until September 2015.
· Physicist of the Day (POD) team member from January 2014 until September 2015.
· 4D-CT/ABC team member from January 2014 until September 2015.
· Machine physicist for Infinity from September 2014 until September 2015, including re-commissioning of electrons.
· Interim Brachytherapy manager - Shared administrative responsibilities for brachytherapy team. Clinical duties and supervision from September 2015 until June 2017.
· Commissioning of HDR Flexitron afterloader and applicators for GYN program.
· Chairman of Radiation Safety Committee since February 2017– responsible for radioactive sources inventory and disposal, safety education, shared RSO responsibilities.
Peer-reviewed publications (medical physics)
1. Prideaux AR, Song H, Hobbs RF, He B, Frey EC, Ladenson PW, Wahl RL, Sgouros G. Three-dimensional radiobiologic dosimetry: application of radiobiologic modeling to patient-specific 3-dimensional imaging-based internal dosimetry. J Nucl Med. 2007; 48(6):1008-16.
2. Baechler S, Hobbs RF, Prideaux AR, Wahl RL, Sgouros G. Extension of the biological effective dose to the MIRD schema and possible implications in radionuclide therapy dosimetry. Med Phys. 2008; 35(3):1123-34.
3. Fu DX, Tanhehco YC, Chen J, Foss CA, Fox JJ, Chong JM, Hobbs RF, Fukayama M, Sgouros G, Kowalski J, Pomper MG, Ambinder RF. Bortezomib-induced enzyme-targeted radiotherapy in herpesvirus-associated tumors. Nat Med. 2008; 14(10):1118-22.
4. Song H, Shahverdi K, Huso DL, Wang Y, Fox JJ, Hobbs RF, Gimi B, Gabrielson KL, Pomper MG, Tsui BM, Bhujwalla Z, Reilly RT, Sgouros G. An immunotolerant HER-2/neu transgenic mouse model of metastatic breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2008; 14(19):6116-24.
5. Baechler S, Hobbs RF, Prideaux AR, Recordon M, Bischof-Delaloye A, Sgouros G. Estimates of radiation-absorbed dose to kidneys in patients treated with 90Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2008; 23(5):633-9.
6. Hobbs RF, Sgouros G. Calculation of the biological effective dose (BED) for piecewise defined dose-rate fits. Med Phys. 2009, 36(3): 904-07.
7. Loeb DM, Garrett-Mayer ES, Hobbs RF, Prideaux AR, Sgouros G, Shokek O, Wharam MD, Scott T, Schwartz CL. Dose-finding study of 153Sm-EDTMP in patients with poor-prognosis osteosarcoma. Cancer. 2009; 115(11):2514-22.
8. Hobbs RF, Wahl RL, Lodge MA, Javadi MS, Cho SY, Chien DT, Ewertz ME, Esaias CE, Ladenson PW, Sgouros G. 124I PET-Based 3D-RD dosimetry for pediatric thyroid cancer patient: real-time treatment planning and methodologic comparison. J Nucl Med. 2009; 50(11):1844-47.
9. Song H, Hobbs RF, Vajravelu R, Huso DL, Esaias CE, Apostolidis C, Morgenstern A, Sgouros G. Radioimmunotherapy of breast cancer metastases with alpha-particle-emitter 225Ac: comparing efficacy with 213Bi and 90Y. Cancer Res. 2009; 69(23):8941-48.
10. Hobbs RF, Baechler S, Senthamizhchelvan S, Prideaux AR, Esaias CE, Reinhardt M, Frey EC, Loeb DM, Sgouros G. A gamma camera count rate saturation correction method for whole-body planar imaging. Phys Med Biol. 2010; 55(3):817-831.
11. Hobbs RF, Baechler S, Wahl RL, He B, Song H, Esaias CE, Frey EC, Jacene HA, Sgouros G. Arterial wall dosimetry for non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients treated with radioimmunotherapy. J Nucl Med. 2010; 51(3):368-75.
12. Jentzen W, Hobbs RF, Stahl AR, Knust J, Sgouros G, Bockisch A. Pre-therapeutic 124I PET(/CT) dosimetry confirms low average absorbed doses per administered 131I activity to the salivary glands in radioiodine therapy of differentiated thyroid cancer. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2010; 37(5):884-895.
13. Senthamizhchelvan S, Bravo PE, Esaias CE, Lodge MA, Merrill J, Hobbs RF, Sgouros G, Bengel FM. Human biodistribution and radiation dosimetry of 82Rb. J Nucl Med. 2010; 51(10):1592-99.
14. Dieudonné A, Hobbs RF, Bolch WE, Sgouros G, Gardin I. Fine resolution voxel S-values for constructing absorbed dose distributions at variable voxel size. J Nucl Med. 2010; 51(10):1600-07.
15. Loeb DM, Hobbs RF, Okoli A, Chen AR, Cho SY, Senthamizhchelvan S, Sgouros G, Shokek O, Wharam MD, Scott T, Schwartz CL. Tandem dosing of samarium-153 ethylenediamine tetramethylene phosphoric acid with stem cell support for patients with high-risk osteosarcoma. Cancer. 2010; 116(23):5470-78.
16. Baechler S, Hobbs RF, Jacene HA, Wahl RL, Bochud FO, Sgouros G. Predicting hematologic toxicity in patients undergoing radioimmunotherapy with 90Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan or 131I-tositumomab. J Nucl Med. 2010; 51(12):1878-84.
17. Hobbs RF, McNutt T, Baechler S, He B, Esaias CE, Frey EC, Loeb DM, Wahl RL, Shokek O, Sgouros G. A treatment planning methodology for sequentially combining radiopharmaceutical therapy and external radiation therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2011, 80(4):1256-62.
18. Hobbs RF, Baechler S, Fu DX, Esaias CE, Pomper MG, Ambinder RF, Sgouros G. A model of cellular dosimetry for macroscopic tumors in radiopharmaceutical therapy. Med Phys. 2011; 38(6):2892-2903.
19. Senthamizhchelvan S, Hobbs RF, Song H, Frey EC, Zhang Z, Armour EP, Wahl RL, Loeb DM, Sgouros G. Tumor dosimetry and response for 153Sm- ethylenediamine tetramethylene phosphonic acid therapy of high-risk osteosarcoma. J Nucl Med. 2012; 53(2):215-24.
20. Hobbs RF†, Song H, Watchmann CJ, Bolch WE, Aksnes AK, Ramdahl T, Flux GD, Sgouros G. A bone marrow toxicity model for ²²³Ra alpha-emitter radiopharmaceutical therapy. Phy Med Biol. 2012; 57(10):3207-22.
21. Hobbs RF†, Song H, Huso DL, Sundel M, Sgouros G. A nephron-based model of the kidneys for macro-to-micro α-particle dosimetry. Phys Med Biol. 2012; 57: 4403–24.
22. Baechler S, Hobbs RF, Boubaker A, He B, Frey EC, Sgouros G. Three-dimensional radiobiological dosimetry for planning peptide receptor radionuclide therapy. Med Phys. 2012, 39(10): 6118-28.
23. Dieudonné A*, Hobbs RF*, Lebtahi R, Maurel F, Baechler S, Wahl RL, Boubaker A, Leguludec D, Sgouros G, Gardin I. Study of the Impact of Tissue Density Heterogeneities on 3D Abdominal Dosimetry: Comparison Between Dose Kernel Convolution and Direct Monte Carlo methods. J Nucl Med. 2013, 54(2): 236-43.
24. Hobbs RF, Jentzen W, Bockisch A, Sgouros G. Monte Carlo-based 3-dimensional dosimetry of salivary glands in radioiodine treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer estimated using 124I PET. Q J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2013, 57(1):79-91.
25. Cheng L, Hobbs RF, Sgouros G, Frey EC. Improved dose-volume histogram estimates for radiopharmaceutical therapy by optimizing quantitative SPECT reconstruction parameters. Phys Med Biol. 2013, 58(5):3631–47.
26. Hobbs RF†, Wahl RL, Frey EC, Kasamon YL, Jones RJ, Song H, Huang P, Sgouros G. Radiobiologically optimized combination radiopharmaceutical therapy applied to myeloablative treatment of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. J Nucl Med. 2013, 54(9):1535-42.
27. Song H, Hedayati M, Hobbs RF, Shao C, Morgenstern A, Wahl RL, DeWeese T, Sgouros G. Targeting aberrant DNA double strand break repair in triple negative breast cancer with alpha particle emitter radiolabeled anti-EGFR antibody. Mol Cancer Ther. 2013, 12(10):2043-54.
28. Botta F, Mairani A, Hobbs RF, Vergara Gil A, Pacilio M, Parodi K, Cremonesi M, Coca Pérez MA, Di Dia A, Ferrari M, Guerriero F, Battistoni G, Pedroli G, Paganelli G, Torres Aroche LA, Sgouros G. Use of the FLUKA Monte Carlo code for 3D patient-specific dosimetry on PET-CT and SPECT-CT images. Phys Med Biol. 2013, 58(22): 8099-8120.
29. Dholakia AS, Kumar R, Raman SP, Moore JA, Ellsworth S, McNutt T, Laheru DA, Jaffee E, Cameron JL, Tran PT, Hobbs RF, Wolfgang CL, Herman JM. Mapping Patterns of Local Recurrence Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: A new Approach to Adjuvant Radiation Field Design. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2013, 87(5): 1007-15.
30. Hobbs RF†, Howell RW, Song H, Baechler S, Sgouros G. Redefining relative biological effectiveness in the context of the EQDX formalism: Implications for alpha-particle emitter therapy. Radiat Res 2014, 181(1):90-98.
31. Cheng L, Hobbs RF, Sgouros G, Frey EC. Development and Evaluation of Convergent and Accelerated Penalized SPECT Image Reconstruction Methods for Improved Dose-Volume Histogram Estimation in Radiopharmaceutical Therapy. Med Phys. Med Phys 2014 Nov;41(11):112507.
32. Anizan N, Wang H, Zhou XC, Hobbs RF, Wahl RL, Frey EC. “Factors Affecting the Stability and Repeatability of Gamma Camera Calibration for Quantitative Imaging Applications Based on a Retrospective Review of Clinical Data”. EJNMMI Research 2014; 4(1):67.