Order - Terminating LitigationDocket Number:
Superior Court of New JerseyChancery Division - Family Part
New Jersey Division of Child Protection
and Permanency, / County of / - Select County -
Docket Number:
Plaintiff, / NJSpirit Case #:
Civil Action
Terminating Litigation
(NJSpirit Participant #: / ) / Defendant,(NJSpirit Participant #: / ) / Defendant,
(NJSpirit Participant #: / ) / Defendant,
(NJSpirit Participant #: / ) / Defendant,
In the Matter of:
NJSpirit Participant #:
FC Docket #:
NJSpirit Participant #:
FC Docket #:
This matter having been brought before the Court on , 20 , by the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (the Division), Deputy Attorney General , appearing, and in the presence of:
the child / , ☐ appearing / ☐ not appearing represented byLaw Guardian / , ☐ appearing / ☐ not appearing
the child / , ☐appearing / ☐not appearing represented by
Law Guardian / , ☐appearing /☐not appearing
Defendant / ☐ appearing / ☐ not appearing,
☐ noticed / ☐not noticed, represented by
Attorney / ☐ appearing / ☐ not appearing
Defendant / ☐ appearing / ☐not appearing,
☐ noticed / ☐ not noticed, represented by
Attorney / ☐ appearing / ☐ not appearing
Defendant / ☐ appearing / ☐ not appearing,
☐noticed / ☐ not noticed, represented by
Attorney / ☐appearing / ☐ not appearing
Defendant / ☐ appearing / ☐ not appearing,
☐ noticed / ☐ not noticed, represented by
Attorney / ☐ appearing / ☐ not appearing
Division Caseworker/Supervisor / ☐ appearing / ☐not appearing
Division Phone number: / ext.:
Court Appointed Special Advocate / ☐ appearing / ☐ not appearing
Resource Family member [initials only] / ☐ appearing / ☐not appearing
Resource Family member [initials only] / ☐ appearing / ☐ not appearing
Other: / ☐ appearing / ☐ not appearing
The court, having considered the complaint and accompanying certifications, reports and other documents submitted by the Division and defendant(s) and having considered the arguments and representations of counsel and testimony, if any; and the court, being satisfied that the best interests of the child(ren) require the entry of this order;
And for the reasons stated on the record,
It Is on This Day of , 20 , OrderedThat:
☐1.The complaint is dismissed because the Division failed to meet its burden of proof pursuant to
☐ N.J.S.A.9:6-8.21 and/or ☐N.J.S.A. 30:4C-12 or ☐N.J.S.A. 30:4C-15.
☐2.This litigation is terminated because:
☐a.a complaint for Termination of Parental Rights has been filed (FN only).
☐b.the child(ren) ☐have been returned home / ☐ remain in the home, conditions have been remediated.
☐c.the child(ren) have been placed in the legal custody of a resource family.
☐d.other .
☐3.Legal custody of the child(ren), , shall be
☐transferred to/ ☐continued with ;
Physical custody of the child(ren), , shall be ☐transferred to/ ☐continued with .
☐4Reinstate child protection matter under Docket # FN- .
If there is any application to the court for any changes in custody/visitation, the Division must be notified and is authorized to release its records to the court for a review.
And It Is Further Ordered That:
These proceedings are confidential. The disclosure of any records, reports or information is strictly prohibited and subject to the penalties of N.J.S.A. 9:6-8.10b.
All prior orders not inconsistent with this order shall remain in full force and effect.
Attorneys must review the form of order prior to exiting the courtroom. Failure to do so waives any objections.
Revised Form Promulgated by AJ Memo (07/18/2018),CN 10263Page 1 of 2