interim amendment change OR InterpretationS Request

- medicaid

A Change request for an interim amendment or a request for an Interpretation of the 16thNational School Transportation Specifications and Procedures (2016NSTSP) document shall only be submitted by a State Delegation Chairperson, Sponsoring Organization or NASDPTS Supplier Council Memberusing this form. Follow the instructions for submission to have the appropriate writing committee consider your recommended changes or interpretation. Not following all instructions may result in rejection of your request. Please fill out the form below and submit proposals via email to the Chairperson of the 17th NCST Interim/Steering Committee and to the Interim Amendment Committee Chairperson as listed at
Interim Amendment Committee / Ron Kinney / / Ron Kinney /
General Operations / Theresa Anderson / / Ron Kinney /
School Transportation Security & Emergency Preparedness / Nikki Hughes / / Ron Kinney /
Activity Bus OperationsOther than Home to School/Head Start / Open / Ron Kinney /
School Bus Specifications / Rick Lecker / / Dan Kobussen /
Specially Equipped School Bus Specifications / Launi Harden / / Dan Kobussen /
School Bus Inspection / Brian Reu / / Dan Kobussen /
Transportation for Infants, Toddlers & Preschool Children / Charley Kennington / / Open
Students with Disabilities & Special Health Care Needs / Open / Open
Terms and Definitions / Tony Woodard / / Bill Tousley /
Name: /

State: Date:

Page Number (from 2016 NSTSP; not more than one page per request):

Check appropriate Category: Amendment: Interpretations: Section of 2016 NSTSP:

Rationale for Request(use extra pages as necessary):

Does your state mandate the use of all or part of the NSTSP document? All: Part: None:

What Section(s) in the NSTSP document are Mandated?:

Copy the language to be amended and display proposed changes in amendatory style in the space below. Turn off Microsoft WorD “Track Changes (Markup)” and do not use it for amendatory style. USE Word “FORMAT…calibriFONt 11pt” Instead. Changes MUST BE shown using strike through for eliminated word(s), AND Red “BOLD” underlineFOR replacement and/or additional word(s). Documents will be rejected if this STYLE is not followed.

Amended Verbiage (with changesas outlined above, use extra pages as necessary):


Interim Amendment Coordinator Received:

Coordinator Received:

Writing Committee Chair Received:

Writing Committee Accept/Reject/Modify: Date Responded:

Writing Committee Notes:

Writing Committee Log:

Check the appropriate category: Unsubstantial/Administrative: Substantial/Urgent:

Note to Writing Committee Chairs: Follow the instruction listed in Appendix C flow chartof the 17th NCST Manual of Operating Procedures (MOP) revised.

Proposed Change, Page # 16th NSTSP Publication:

Fiscal Impact, if Any:

Rationale for Change:

Adopted 11/5/2016