Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Translational Acceleration and Knowledge Transfer (TRACK) awards

About the scheme

With support from the Wellcome Trust the University has funding available to support health related translational projects. TRACK funding is available to support projects which are at the stage of concept development.

Description of the scheme

  • TRACK Awards will fund initial pilot studies to demonstrate the concept of a proposed solution to a health, clinical or product development need.
  • These awards will support health related research projects which have translational/commercial potential but need to undertake an additional, specific piece of work before seeking proof of concept. Projects must demonstrate that they will meet a definable milestone that will enable the project to progress to the next stage.

Award amount

We anticipate that individual projects funded from an institution’s award will be of the order of £25k and approximately 6-12 months in length, although this will be dictated by the needs of each project.

Competition format, deadlines, resubmissions

The deadline for applications is 09:00 GMT Monday 25 June 2018. Applications will be reviewed by a panel comprising of University of Bristol staff and external industry experts

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application within 4 weeks of the deadline. All proposals will receive feedback.

Applicants who have previously submitted an application for TRACK are eligible to resubmit if their proposal has been further developed since their original submission.


  • These schemes are open to all academic staff members
  • Funds will be used to support translational projects directly (not for coordination activities)
  • Individual projects should be based on specific milestones in the translational pathway

The funding will not support:

  • Entire translational projects; applicants seeking funding for entire projects are directed to Development Pathway Funding Scheme.
  • Administration costs or industrial partner costs
  • Staff between posts/funding (i.e. as “bridging” funds), or PhD studentships
  • Continuation of normal research grants
  • Costs relating to the protection of intellectual property
  • Systematic literature reviews


Applications will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • Need
  • Rationale
  • Deliverability
  • Sustainability and progression

Further information and queries

If you require further information or have any queries please email the EBI Funding Office, Sarah Blackmore:

EBI TRACKapplication form

Section 1: Project Summary

Applicant name:




Proposal title:

What is the health, clinical or product development need that you are seeking to address?include information about prevalence of the health condition/issue, if appropriate to do so. (max 150 words)

What is your proposed solution to meeting this need? (max 150 words)

What are the competing solutions and their developmental status? (max 150 words)

What is the competitive advantage of your proposed solution? (max 150 words)

What are the project’s primary objectives? What steps do you need to take in order to seek more substantive translational funding (e.gMRC DPFS or Wellcome Pathfinder/Translation Award)? (max 200 words)

What is the rationale for your proposed solution meeting the targeted need, and what (if any) proof of concept data do you have?(max 400 words)

You may provide up to 5 references to support your answer to this question (not included in the wordcount)

  • You may include relevant diagrams

How will the project achieve its objectives? Summarise the project workplan including at least one key progression milestone.Please set out the success criteria that will be used to ascertain whether each milestone has been met. (max 600 words)

Identify and justify the skills and resources needed to deliver the plan. Are these resources available? How will the project be managed and what experience does the team have of managing similar projects? If the project will include anypartners please provide details of the skills and resources they will contribute to the delivery of the plan. (max 200 words)

Following the end of the award, how will the project be sustained to enable it to meet its ultimate aims? What sources of subsequent funding / partnership would you seek to secure?What steps would this subsequent funding / partnership support? (max 200 words)

If you are ultimately seeking to develop a commercial health intervention or product, outline how this will be realised (e.g. commercialisation plans) (max 200 words)

Please provide details of what, if any, IP you hold in relation to this project. What is the IP landscape in this area? (max 300 words)

Ethics and Implications
Do you require research ethics approval for the research proposed in your Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Fellowship?
If yes, please explain how and when you will achieve this and describe any ethical implications arising from the proposed research? (200 words max)
Patients and/or the public Please note that it is NOT a requirement to include this element in your project
Will your research project involve patients and/or the public?
If yes, please provide information about how the patients and/or public will be involved in the research process, including any public engagement activities. If not, please explain the reasons why. (150 words max.)
Animal Research. Please note that it is NOT a requirement to include this element in your project
Would the project involve the use of vertebrate animals or other organisms covered by the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act?
If yes, what would be the maximum severity of the procedures? (Please delete the categories not applicable)
- Mild or non-recovery
Please provide details of any areas which are moderate or severe:
Does the proposed research involve: (Please delete the categories not applicable)
-Other animals (specify)
Experimental Design and Statistical Framework: Please justify your use of the species proposed and describe the experimental design, including any plans to reduce bias such as blinding or randomisation if appropriate. A justification of the proposed sample size must be given along with details of the planned statistical analyses. Power calculations must be included in this section if appropriate.
Genetic and Biological Risk. Please note that it is NOT a requirement to include this element in your project
Would the project involve the production and/or use of genetically modified animals?
If yes, will the genetic modification be used as an experimental tool, e.g. to study the function of a gene in a genetically modified organism?
Will the research involve the release of genetically modified organisms?
Will the research be aimed at the ultimate development of commercial or industrial genetically modified products or processes?
Would the project involve the production and/or use of genetically modified plants?
If yes, will the genetic modification be used as an experimental tool, e.g. to study the function of a gene in a genetically modified organism?
Will the research be aimed at the ultimate development of commercial or industrial genetically modified products or processes?
Would the project involve the production and/or use of genetically modified microbes?
If yes, will the genetic modification be used as an experimental tool, e.g. to study the function of a gene in a genetically modified organism?
Will the research involve the release of genetically modified organisms?
Will the research be aimed at the ultimate development of commercial or industrial genetically modified products or processes?

Section 2: Details of Non-University Partners

5. Non-University Partner (eg public sector organisation, business, charity)
Name and department / Turnover or other indication of size
Organisation / Telephone
Address or website / Email
Role in project

Section 3: Project Budget

11. Project Budget
Please attach a copy of the completed FEC
Fund Heading / Description/detail / Costs £
Directly Incurred / Staff costs
Other (please specify)
Directly Allocated / Investigators, supervisors time
Indirect costs
Total Project Costs at 100% FEC (A)
Total Direct (invoiceable) Partner Contribution(s) (B)
Indirect, Estates and any other School Contribution* (C)
TRACK Grant Requested (D = A - B - C)

* Indirect and Estates costs are not eligible for this funding scheme. They must be covered by the School or Department(s) hosting the project.

Expenses can be claimed in keeping with University of Bristol expenses policy

Breakdown of Direct Partner Contributions (to be invoiced by the University)
Partner Name
Direct Contribution (B)
Breakdown of In-kind Partner Contributions
Staff Time
Other (please specify)
Total In-kind Contribution (£)

Section 4: Signatures

Applicant (Principal Investigator)
Name / Signature / Date
Head of School: I confirm that I have seen and authorise this application
Name / Signature / Date
Partner organisation: I confirm that I have seen and authorise this application
Name / Signature / Date

Please return your completed form to: by 09:00, Monday 25 June 2018

EBI 402 – TRACK Full Application form

Elizabeth Blackwell Institute, Royal Fort House, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1UH

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