Application for an Army History Research Grant
Important notes for applicants
Please read the ‘Advice to Applicants’ and the ‘Funding Agreement’ prior to completing the application form. Both these documents are available on the Australian Army History Unit website.
Please email completed application forms to:
Project details
Brief description of project
Please provide a summary of your research project in no more than seven lines. This description may be used in any publicity about your project if it is given support from the Army History Research Grants Scheme.
For additional detail please attach a separate page.
Total amount requested
Name of the principal researcher
Name of associate researcher(s) (If applicable)
AC 293 (R 12/2000)Page 1
IN CONFIDENCE / Section AFull details of principal researcher
Title / Family name / Given name(s)
Postal address / Work telephone number (Include area code)
Home telephone number (Include area code)
Fax number (Include area code)
Occupation or position
Tertiary qualifications – Please list any tertiary qualifications you hold.
Qualification / Institution / Date completedFull details of principal researcher
Research experience – Give a brief description of your research experience.
For additional detail please attach a separate page.
Page 2
IN CONFIDENCE / Section AFull details of principal researcher (Continued)
Other relevant experience
For additional detail please attach a separate page.
Publications – List all relevant publications you have written.
Other research awards – List the details of any other research awards held, both current and previous.
Name of research award / Institution which awarded it / Amount awarded / Date awardedPage 3
IN CONFIDENCE / Section BNo / Go on to Page 6 – Full details of project
Will this project involve any associate researcher(s)
Yes / Complete this page and Page 5
Full details of associate researcher(s) (If applicable)
If this project has more than one associate researcher, please photocopy and complete pages 4 and 5 for each person.
Title / Family name / Given name(s)
Postal address / Work telephone number (Include area code)
Home telephone number (Include area code)
Fax number (Include area code)
Occupation or position
Tertiary qualifications / – Please list any tertiary qualifications currently held.
Qualification / Institution / Date completed
Research experience – Give a brief description of research experience.
For additional detail please attach a separate page.
Page 4
IN CONFIDENCE / Section BFull details of associate researcher(s) (Continued)
Other relevant experience
For additional detail please attach a separate page.
Publications – List all relevant publications written by the associate researcher(s).
For additional detail please attach a separate page.
Other research awards – List the details of any other research awards held, both current and previous.
Name of research award / Institution which awarded it / Amount awarded / Date awardedPage 5
IN CONFIDENCE / Section CFull details of project
Please explain your project by giving details on the following headings.
Project outline – Give a brief outline of the project and comment on the issues you will be addressing.
For additional detail please attach a separate page.
Your research plan – Comment on how you propose to collect the information you need(Include sources to be consulted).
For additional detail please attach a separate page.
Page 6
IN CONFIDENCE / Section CFull details of project
Please explain your project by giving details on the following headings.
Your research timetable
For additional detail please attach a separate page.
Project completion – Comment on your ability to complete the project and the availability of resources.
For additional detail please attach a separate page.
History of the Australian Army – Comment on how your project will extend the understanding of the history of the Australian Army.
For additional detail please attach a separate page.
Page 7
IN CONFIDENCE / Section CFull details of project
Please explain your project by giving details on the following headings.
Similar research project –Comment on any known similar research projects which have been undertaken or are currentlybeing undertaken.
For additional detail please attach a separate page.
Published works –List published works in the same area as your project.
For additional detail please attach a separate page.
Have you discussed or sought advice about your project with any member of the Australian Army History Unit?
No / Yes / With whom?What form will the finished product take? (eg. book, article(s), other)
Has your project already commenced?
Starting date / Proposed completion dateNo / Yes
Will you be seeking access to any 'closed period' records
No / Yes / Give details / Name of closed period record / InstitutionPage 8
Budget details
IN CONFIDENCE / Section DDetailed budget
Item / Priority / Amount / Office use onlyTravel and accommodation
Total /
Research expenses
Total /
Grand Total /
Page 9
IN CONFIDENCE / Section DJustification of budget
Use additional copies of this page if required.
Item / JustificationPage 10
What is the total cost of the proposed project?
2017-18 / 2018-19 / 2019-20What are others contributing to the cost of the project?
(Including other Australian Government funding)
Source of funding / 2017-18 / 2018-19 / 2019-20The Commonwealth requires copies of receipts for grant monies expended by the grantee. Copies are to be sent to the Research Grants Officer on the completion of the Research project or at the end of the financial year in which the grant was awarded.
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IN CONFIDENCE / Section EDetails of referee
You are responsible for obtaining a reference from the referee you list below. Reports from referees must be made on the enclosed form AC 294 – Army History Research Grant – Referee's Report.
Please give the name, address and occupation of a person familiar with you and your work.
Title / Family name / Given name(s)Address / Work telephone number (Include area code)
Home telephone number (Include area code)
Fax number (Include area code)
Occupation or position
What to do next
To assist us with future advertising, please indicate where you
learnt about the Army Military History Research Grants Scheme.
Please email the completed application form to the Research Grants Officer at:
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