Minutes of the meeting held at
Preston Brook Village Hall
21st November 2017 at 7:30pm
Present: J.Sampson (Chair), Craig Wyna (Clerk), D.Felix, N.Cannam, M.Byrne PCSO Emma Hamilton-Kent, 5 public
Apologies: J.Tickle (attending meeting), J.Hickman (sickness), Cllrs J&M Bradshaw
1) PCSO update – Emma HK reported on a garage break-in and the burglary of the cash register at Claymoore Navigation. She also advised that the advertisement for the proposed double yellow lines at Bridgewater Grange was delayed until January 2018
2) To Consider any declarations of interest
The Clerk declared a pecuniary interest in item 7.1
3) Approve the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a correct record and were proposed by Cllr Cannam and seconded by Cllr Byrne.
4) Matters arising
There were no matters arising from the last meeting.
5) Items for discussion
5.1) Village Hall updates – There wasn’t much to report on other than the fabric fayre event. It was reported that the events bookings were improving.
5.2) Sound barrier M56 – Cllr Byrne advised that he had met with resident Ebbrell and reported that the fencing and railings that were put in place were much better but the residents were not happy with the improvements. Data from highways England on sound readings was being reviewed and he was also pursuing the drawings of the original plans for the fencing. He also reported that there was no intention for replanting on the motorway verge and that this could be something the council could consider at a later date.
5.3) Village projects – The Clerk reviewed the project list with those present and updates were provided but it was key that all followed through on their commitments and reported in advance of meetings, project progress to the clerk for the updating of the master project list.
5.4) Self-closing gate at the playpark – The Clerk updated the meeting on the cost (£1600) of implementing the proposed gate as previously requested by Cllr Byrne. It was agreed that Cllr Byrne would initiate discussions with Halton BC and if this didn’t prove successful would present back to the resident who raised the matter.
5.5) Proposed goalposts at play park – Clerk advised that Halton BC reviewed the proposal and advised that the space is too small to introduce goalposts as requested by a resident to Cllr Sampson. It was agreed that Cllr Sampson would feed back and discuss and conclude at the next meeting.
6) Payments made
6.1) £201.85 – C.Wyna – Salary
£178.51 – HMRC – Tax
£30.00 – C.Wyna – Reimbursement of costs for wreath
6.2) Payments received
No payments received.
6.3) Balance on account after payment/receipt of the above: £25,047.05.
6.4) The Clerk advised that he had applied for a grant of £1100 to support the council on implementing the transparency code. A decision is expected shortly. He also advised that a VAT reclaim had been submitted and this payment is awaited.
7) Planning applications for consideration
7.1) 17/00509/REM – Application for approval of reserved matters on permission 16/00453/OUT for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for development of 1 no 4 bedroom 1.5 storey dwelling at Land to the rear of the Old Shop, Windmill Lane, Preston on the Hill
The Clerk provided some detail to the application and then left the room whilst parish councillors and others present considered the application. There were no comments on the application
7.2)17/00502/FUL – Proposed single storey rear extension at The Bungalow, Sandy Lane, Preston Brook
No comments
7.3)17/00546/FUL – Proposed two storey extension to provide entrance hall at ground level and first floor bedroom extension with balcony to east elevation together with extension to existing annexe to provide additional space including garage at 1 Tunnel End, Tunnel Top North
Concerns raised on the aesthetics of the proposed extension and that this was out of character with other rural properties within the vicinity. Clarification was needed on the materials being used before providing a final view.
7.4)17/00559/FUL -Proposed installation of water tanks and pump house for fire protection system, creation of additional car parking spaces and relocation/extension of existing 2.44 metre paladin fencing at Phoenix Healthcare, Rivington Road
The proposed removal of trees needs to be clarified and detail on replanting scheme needs to be determined.
The Clerk advised that following a review of the land strip at Bridgewater Grange for maintenance quotation, Halton BC advised that the tree required a survey as it was showing signs of decay. The Clerk will follow up to determine the outcome of this report and feed back.
8) Correspondence (not dealt with elsewhere) 8.1) The Clerk read an email received from Halton BC on the Boundary Review. A
meeting was to take place to discuss in more detail and Cllr Sampson & Byrne were
to attend.
8) Reports from Councillors
Cllr Cannam – Advised that the flyposting by Spar was taken down and handed back in – it was confirmed that flyposting was not allowed and permission to remove by Halton BC was provided for future occurrences.
Cllr Byrne – Requested whether the new Cheshire Police poster could be put up on noticeboards, this was agreed. He also requested the purchase of a new flag for the village hall flagpole – this was agreed. The Clerk would action.
9) Other business
There was no other business raised.
10) Items to be included on the next agenda
Junction 11a, Goalposts, proposed gate, boundary review.
11) Date and time of next meeting
19th December 2017 at 7:30pm.
The meeting closed at 9:45pm.
Following closure of the meeting the Chair requested permission of the Councillors on a donation of £50 as a leaving/thank you gift for Roy & Margaret Peters for their time served in the local community. This was being matched by the village hall. This was agreed.
Signed by Chair ______