Meeting on15thOctober 2015
at Bournemouth Natural Science Society
Angela Pooley (AP) – East Dorset Friends of the Earth (Chair)
Councillor David Smith (CDS) – BBC, Cabinet Member for Planning and Environment
Professor Chris Shiel (CS) - Bmth University, Faculty of Science and Technology
Tina Thompson (TT) –Bournemouth 2026 Trust
Kim Boughey (KB) –Transition Bournemouth
John Gunn (JG) - IDEA
John Creswell (JC) - BNSS
Neil Short (NS) – BBC, Policy Manager
Howard Curtis (HC) – Avonbourne Trust
Paul Farwell (PF) –Big Lunch/Faith representative
Roxanne King (RK) – BBC, Sustainability Officer
Michael French (MF) –Bournemouth Scene
Trisha Zimmerman–Environmental Learning Solutions
Nicki Brunt - DWT
Dominique Wallace – Chair, Bmth and Poole Sustainable Food Cities Partnership
Jeffrey Newman–Earth Charter UK
Minutes of last meeting
Earth Charter Principle/Sustainable Development discussion: Feedback from 2026 Networking Event
TT explained Bournemouth 2026 had made environment and sustainability the theme for the last information event. Attendees discussed through group work what policies, activities and partnerships are already in place and what they would like to do in the future. Lots of connections made to progress specific projects and partnerships. Consensus was that environmental action was more important than having an environmental policy.Larger organisations had a policy, smaller organisations tended not to have a policy, but this is something that all attendees will look at.
AP: discussed how easy it was to gain funding for environmental projects – this was a very positive discussion. Lots of positive links made with communities. Notes can be seen on the 2026 website. Group asked to look at the environment and sustainability section of the 2026 vision and make any suggestions for changes or future work.Many of the attendees were looking for help and others were able to offer it. The group discussed volunteering - Bournemouth Rotary and other organisations like RSPB actively promote and support volunteering. CDS asked if the Council’s new Volunteer Coordinator was at the meeting as this is the sort of event that he should be at to make connections. It was suggested that volunteering be the theme of the next B2026 event. CS said that BU had a PhD student looking at environmental volunteering so would like to be involved. JG felt that austerity and job cuts are going to be severe but volunteers are not necessary the answer in all cases – they should be supplementary not a replacement to paid staff. HC told members that Avonbourne Trust linked with BCHA to enable students to volunteer locally, building planning and fund-sourcing experience.
Agreed: TT to consider a future B2026 day could focus on volunteering; the next is focussed on community safety.
Funding bid for consideration – Secret Garden
MF outlined how he has been working with the Dave Wells Partnership to developa plot of land in Springbourne. This has turned a large bramble patch into a popular community growing space, also used by children at Bethany Primary School. The aim now is to grow beyond the walls - looking at making this an inspiring training hub to teach people how to grow. Would put together a Federation of Local Growers which can work together to grow, share, swap and sell produce locally. Could link with a new bush craft centre being developed in Blandford and a farm used as a base for supplying local food on a sustainable and reliable basis. The secret has been supplying local businesses, but currently supply can’t meet demand. Replicable model sees polytunnels being set up which can produce £200 of produce per week.To create this social enterprise locally end expand local growing projects, needs support. Funding has been gained from sources like JP Morgan, but currently need to put a toiletonsite. A composting toilet would cost approximately £600-£700. In the winter, a combustion system can be used to keep the ground warm and produce all year round. This would cost £300. Also need solar panels. These immediate needs would allow more volunteers to work more frequently. The project is requesting £1000funding from Sustain. The group suggested other sources of funding to pursue: Green Goals, Waitrose, Awards for All grants through Big Lottery Funding. AP said as far as Sustain is concerned, there is funding which could be awarded, but the proper business case must be completed and asked if the group was happy to agree in principle the funding of £1000 for this project. CS proposed yes and was happy for the Chair to look at details and approve. This was seconded by JG andsupported by the group.
Agreed: MF to submit completed bid forms.
NS to send MF details for applying to Green Goals.
Community Land Trust Update
TT updated on the community growing space at Gladstone Mews, these haven’t been used much to date and residents need some help to organise. AP has been to talk to residents and they have decided to plan and cultivate the allotments. B2026 are reluctant to over-support the residents and prefer to let them motivate themselves.
Climate Change
State of the climate Report
A summary of the latest report on UK climate change was circulated.
Paris Climate Change Conference– November/December 2015
AP reminded members of the global conference involving all World Leaders and a massive public march on 12th December in Paris involving all big faith and environmental groups. This will be a positive march.
Local events – Parade for the Planet/Sustainable Trail
A similar march will take place in Bournemouth on Saturday 28th November – Parade for the Planet. Meet at pier approach at approx. 12pm and end at Halo. Natalie Bennett and others will be speaking at this fun event.
Agreed: all to publicise event widely.
Carbon Disclosure Project/UN Compact of Mayors
NS and RK introduced the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which fits well with the Council’s recent commitment to the Compact of Mayors (COM). The COM is relatively new, launched at last year’s UN climate talks, andinvolves cities all around the world. Bournemouth joins London, Bristol, Birmingham and Manchester in the UK. There are a number of commitments – publicising Bournemouth’s current activities and future plans to combat the causes and effects of climate change. Enable global collaboration and sharing of ideas. Also enables us to access other forms of funding.Very positive and effective presentation on climate change at last week’s Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Panel. This was very well received and portrayed the seriousness of the impact of climate change on Bournemouth.
AP: now that the Council have signed up to the COM, it is crucial that we as a group monitor and encourage the Council to keep up with the commitment and actively work to respond to climate change.
Agreed: presentation at next meeting on Bournemouth’s future climate change plans.
Project Report - Big Lunch Extras
PF and NS helped organise and facilitate the event, described by the Eden Project organisers as “ace, awesome and brilliant!”Presentations including Cherry Tree Nursery, and Waitrose. The event culminated on the Sunday at a community event in Boscombe. The Fairtrade refreshments provided on the Saturday that were left over were donated to the event on Sunday.Unfortunate that the date of 1st August was picked as this overlapped with summer holidays and a number of other local events.PF will be attending the next Big Lunch Extras event on the Isle of White next month.
Agreed: PF be congratulated on his successful efforts to bring BLE to Bournemouth.
Bournemouth Fairtrade Steering Group Report
CS informed the group that the next Fairtrade meeting will be on 28th October.BU is celebrating 10years of being a Fairtrade University.NS has had a very promising conversation with Bournemouth Football Club about supporting Fairtrade.
Earth Charter Faith Update
JG told members that given the importance and activities around Paris conference, this is the focus of faith attention currently.
Cycling Forum Update
Castle Lane now fully open and all cyclists seem to enjoy using the route.Next project is looking at building a sustainable route across the Stour to the airport. Lost funding due to a neighbouring Council objection, so now looking at other options. Local land owner will be improving access, but this won’t be done quickly.New route from Blackwater Junction. Other new route is through Parley. Majority of people working at Bournemouth Airport site come from Bournemouth and Poole.Working with East Dorset District Council to make these improvements.New signs going up to inform cyclists of safe routes. The Cycling Forum is in the process of approving the signs.Co-wheels will be launching electric bikes.JG asked if the proposed quarry expansion at airport site would factor in cycle routes.
Any Other Business
Avonbourne ‘Funnelling 4 Fuel’
HC introduced a scheme that Avonbourne have been working on with Brian Butler from Dorset Waste Oil to reuse waste cooking oil. The project won the Peter Jones award and is now being widely launched.The cooking oil is taken away, processed and then given back to the school to fuel the school minibus. Actively looking for large users of oil to sign up to the collection scheme.
Fair Share
AP explained that as part of the local Sustainable Food Cityproject, a link has been madewith Fair Share – a national project to collect excess food from supermarkets that hasn’t been put on the shelves. A local hub at Ensbury Park – Crumbs training centre –collects products. No choice on what products are – some may only have a minor labelling fault.If anyone knows of a community organisation that would benefit from receiving the food and drink, please let AP know.
Other items:
KB: Sainsbury’s are looking for a town in the UK to trial a food waste scheme. Bournemouth is putting in a bid for the £1m project through Sarah Watson. We will know if we have been successful in December.
CS: Poole and Purbeck Portal – a forum for people to post projects and, advertise – has Grown to 13,000 views per week. Contact Genoveva Estoban to post news and opportunities.
JG:raised marine issues - Poole conservation site and MMA. JG would be happy to organise an event, if Sustain is prepared to fund it. AP suggested this could link with SFC Fish City.
KB: Transition AGM on 21st October at 7pm at Bournemouth Town Hall. First meeting of the Bournemouth Repair Cafe on 21st November. Big launch this week of report ‘Response to Nature’ report. Look at podcast and other press.
Date of next meeting
Friday 15th January 2016