ScottCountyMiddle School

7th grade Blue Family Math Syllabus

Mrs. Williams formally Ms. Isaacs ~ Room 204


I would like to welcome you to seventh grade math class! This year aspires to be jam-packed with fun and knowledge! This letter is to provide both the student and parent with some general information about the seventh grade math course.


Glencoe Mathematics Applications and Concepts

This textbook also includes an online study tool that is available anytime for extra help or review. Just go to msmath2.netAnother good website is

You can access your student’s grades using the following website.

Course Objectives

This year’s math curriculum has been aligned with Kentucky’s Core Content 4.0. Students will be taught three new lessons each week. Every Monday there will be a review of the new vocabulary and a review of the last week’s lessons. Every Friday students will either be involved in a hands-on activity that correlates to pervious lessons or an open response question will be assigned. Bell ringers are given everyday. Bell ringers are review problems that students complete upon first entering the classroom. The bell ringers are assigned directly from the book. Therefore it is imperative that students come to class prepared (with all materials: pencil, paper, book) so as not to miss out on the bell ringer grade. Bell ringers will be taken up weekly. Students are requires to keep UNITS of each chapter. Students will be given a coversheet that lists all notes and assignments that must be included in the unit. All of these must be organized neatly in a folder or binder. These units must be signed by the parents and turned in on the day of the test. The Unit is worth a test grade.

Topics of Study

Decimal Patterns and Algebra

Statistics: Analyzing Data

Algebra: Integers

Algebra: Linear Equations and functions

Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Applying Fractions

Ratios and Proportions

Appling Percent


Geometry: Measuring Three-Dimensional Figures

Teaching Strategies

Active Participation Chapter Units Tests

Homework Class Work Dailey Bell Ringers

Review Handouts Open Response Hands-On Activities

Materials needed:

  1. Some type of folder to hold unit. It can be three-ring binder, pocket folder, or paper folder with three tabs.
  2. Paper
  3. Pencil (Please do NOT write in pen or colored pencils.)
  4. Calculator
  5. Small amount of graph paper

Class Rules

  1. Come to class on time, prepared, and begin the bell ringer immediately.
  2. Stay in your own space.
  3. Show respect to materials and others.
  4. When I talk, you listen.
  5. Ask permission to leave your seat.
  6. Be positive!!!

I will be available for planning each day from 8:45 to 10:00 each day. If you should have any other questions or concerns. A good form of communication is to contact me through email at the following address: lcome to 7th grade math, let’s make it a great year!


Ashley Isaacs

Please sign below that you have read this information. Please submit the bottom of this letter back by Friday August 15th, 2008

______Parent or Guardian Signature ______Date

______Student Signature ______Date

Since email is a great way to communicate with you about your child please provide an email address if you use and check email regularly.

Email address______