October 7, 2010
The Scrip fundraising program has arrived at Rockport Heights!
Dear Rockport Heights Elementary Parent:
Major Retailers Want To Give Our School Money! Scrip is the gift certificate fundraising program that works while you shop.
Scrip is gift certificates from national and local retailers. They’re the same gift certificates that you buy at the store. Many popular retailers participate in our Scrip program including Shop ‘N’ Save, JCPenney, Shell, Walgreen’s, Wal-Mart, Red Lobster and many, many others (See the attached order form for a partial listing ~ if you have a particular retailer in mind that is not listed please contact Tiffany Jokerst at or (636)223-0079 and she can let you know if the retailer participates in the program or not).
The beauty of Scrip is that you put your regular household shopping dollars to work. You earn money for our school without spending a single additional penny. Just spend your regular shopping dollars with Scrip at the stores that participate in the Scrip program! And Scrip can be used for just about any household purchase including food, clothing, entertainment, and gasoline and even dining out.
So plan ahead for trips to the grocery store, gas station, birthdays, holidays and other gifting occasions and help our school earn much needed money. Parents Club will take orders every 2 weeks. Sending order forms out on Monday and return/placing order on Wednesday. Please use the attached order form to place your order. Then send the completed order form, along with your money (checks made payable to Rockport Heights Elementary Parents Club), in with your child to the attention of Parents Club or feel free to drop it off in the school’s front office. There is also a link to order online on “shopwithscrip”(CODE: B912F39526215).
The Rockport Heights Elementary School Scrip program promises to be a simple and effective fundraising program. Once your Scrip cards arrive they can be picked up at school, or other arrangements can be made by request (permission form on back of order form).
Thanks for your support.
Tiffany Jokerst
Scrip Program Coordinator
(636) 223-0079 /
I ______release Rockport Elementary/Parents Club of
responsibility of Scrip gift cards. And give my permission for ______
(Name of Student)
in ______class. To receive and deliver the Scrip gift cards.
(Teacher & Grade)