Tarrant County 4-H Announces
County Officers
For Immediate Release………January 10, 2018
/ Nick Lang – Tarrant County 4-H President. Mr. Lang, a high school freshman, is a four year 4-Her. In recognition of his outstanding efforts his first year, Mr. Lang was presented with the County 4-H Rookie Award. Currently serving his club as Treasurer and Teen Assistant, Mr. Lang’s projects are in the areas of Shooting Sports and Communication & Expressive Arts. Previously, Mr. Lang served as the 2016-2017 Tarrant County 4-H Parliamentarian.
Cole Whiddon – Tarrant County 4-H Vice President. Mr. Whiddon, a high school sophomore, has been a 4-H member for over 10 years. In those years, he has held numerous officer positions at the club level, where he is currently serving as President. In addition to receiving the coveted Danforth “I Dare You” award, Mr. Whiddon has won numerous awards in many of his project areas, including Livestock, Clothing & Textiles, Ag Mechanics, and Leadership.
Cameron Bolash – Tarrant County 4-H Secretary. Mr. Bolash, a high school sophomore, is currently in his fifth year as a 4-Her. In addition to serving as the 2016-2017 Tarrant County 4-H Vice President, Mr. Bolash has also held various club level leadership roles. His project interests revolve around Photography, Shooting Sports, and Clothing & Textiles. Mr. Bolash’s efforts in these areas have won him several club and county awards.
Amelia Morrow – Tarrant County 4-H Reporter/Historian. Miss Morrow, a high school freshman, served her fellow 4-Hers in this same role for the 2016-2017 year. Additionally, Miss Morrowcurrently serves as Council Delegate at the club level. Winning numerous awards in each area, her projects include Hippology, Leadership and Rabbits.Furthermore, Miss Morrow is heavily involved in a variety of Community Service efforts.
Seth Chapman- Tarrant County 4-H District Delegate. Mr. Chapman, a high school senior, is in his seventh year as a 4-H member. He has held numerous officer roles at both the club and county levels (including 2016-2017 County President and 2015-2016 County Parliamentarian). Mr. Chapman’s diligence within his diverse interests in Livestock, Shooting Sports, Vet Science, and Ag Mechanics have won him numerous awards at all levels. He plans to major in Biochemistry with a minor in Economics.
Chrissy Hibbitts – Tarrant County 4-H District Delegate. Miss Hibbitts is a high school senior with three years of 4-H experience. At the club level, she has held numerous leadership roles, including President. Additionally, she is the District Public Relations Officer. While her main project is Photography, Miss Hibbitts is also active in Food & Nutrition, Leadership, and Community Service, an area in which she has logged over 100 hours of service during each of the prior two years.