Newman Foundation
Team Ministry Application
School Address______
Phone ( )______
E-mail address______
Today’s Date______
Home Address______
Phone ( )______
Year in School______
Previous Koinonias ______
Previous Positions______
Talks: Sacred Scripture; Paschal Mystery; Metanoia; God is Love; Christian Living; Church, the People of God; Signs &Sacraments; Prayer; Koinonia & Evangelization
Desired Position (Check one or two, please):
______Speaker (Please list your top three talks)
______Music … Coordinator______Team______(Guitar______Singing______)
______Wheat Team Coordinator (leader of food preparation and serving team)
______Wheat Team Member (food preparation and serving)
______Sacristan (assists the Spiritual Director with Liturgical preparations)
______Chapel Cover
Would you be willing to serve in positions other than those marked above? ______
Team membership involves a serious time and spiritual commitment. Team meetings are on Monday evenings, 7PM –10PM. Koinonia Masses are every other Wednesday evening, 8:45-10:30 PM. It is important that you are a visible community member, both before and after the retreat. You are the community that the new participants will know.
Are you willing and available to commit to this responsibility this year?______
Please explain, in a paragraph or two on another sheet of paper, after reflection and prayer, why you feel called to the position(s) you have indicated on this form. If you have a calling for a particular talk, please include this in your paragraph.
Retreat LD’s and Dates: (please circle which retreat you are applying for)
NFK 98: Rocio Flores; October 10-12, 2008
NFK 99: Steve Rogers; November 7, 8, 9, 2008
NFK 100: Mary Blazier; Feb. 6, 7, 8 2009
NFK 101: Zach Wyman; March 6, 7, 8, 2009
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday9 AM
10 AM
11 AM
12 PM
1 PM
2 PM
3 PM
4 PM
5 PM
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM
12 AM
Please put an X at all times that you would not be available. Tuesday evenings are a MUST!
How many credit hours are you taking during the semester(s) of team preparation & the retreat?
Please list other time commitments/responsibilities that may affect your team responsibilities.
Please list any dates that you have a special event planned (i.e. weddings, out of town, etc.).
I have prayerfully reflected upon the personal and spiritual commitment that a Koinonia team requires. I understand that this commitment involves not only weekly meetings on Tuesday evenings (usually 9 PM – midnight), but also a continued level of participation in the Koinonia community at large, both before and after the retreat. I have also discussed this team leadership with other pastoral staff with whom I work, and they support my decision to serve on this team, if asked.
Applicant Signature Spiritual Director/Pastoral Staff Member Signature
Date Date