University of Greenwich, Maritime Campus, January 6th 2017

This year, our annual conference of learning, teaching and assessment celebrates 10 years. The title of our conference series, SHIFT, ironically, remains remarkably stable and this year we witness the introduction of the Higher Education and Research Bill and the Teaching Excellence Framework.

These new regulatory frameworks and competitive market environment will pitch universities against each other, sharpening the focus of what we do inside and outside our classrooms and laboratories (physical and virtual). To help us in our deliberations, we are delighted that this year’s keynote will be given by Professor Graham Gibbs, entitled, TEF, REP or LEF? Teaching, reputation or learning?

SHIFT has always reflected our response to meeting challenges, enabling us to engage in professional development and share effective practice, innovative pedagogies and celebrate successes. As in previous conferences, SHIFT 2017 will allow us to reflect on our own development needs and career aspirations as we start the new spring term. The UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) encourages us to be scholarly in our approach to teaching and learning - preparing or attending a presentation for this conference goes a long way to evidencing that aspect of academic life; sharing is good for the soul AND the career (and will contribute to a GOLD application.)


Led by the university's Teaching Fellow Network, the conference intends to address some or all of the following key themes through its keynote presentations and parallel sessions. These relate to: practices that lead to improving teaching and learning and assessment outcomes; how to engage students as more active partners in their journey of academic discovery; how to evolve curriculum and programme design enabling students to make an impact on the world’s greatest challenges.

We are now inviting contributions in a variety of formats from practitioners, professional services staff, researchers and students. Co-authored presentations with students are particularly encouraged. After reading the information below, please view submission details on page 4 below and submit a completed template to by midnight on Wednesday 30th Nov 2016.


(presentation formats 1-6): / 02 LEARNING WITH EACH OTHER
(format 7 workshop (50 mins)
There is so much that exists in Greenwich and its Partner Colleges that is exciting, innovative, new and engaging. This is a real opportunity for you share those things with colleagues. This could include teaching and assessment strategies and methodologies; ways of engaging students as partners or change agents; applying research in teaching and learning; a way of exploiting technology; findings from an educational project; or research into emerging or novel pedagogies. It may even be an idea or a passion that you just want to share with a wider audience. / There is much that we can share with one another as part of the planned teaching and learning initiatives, research and ad hoc experimentation that happens every day. The learning with each other sessions are designed to foster a collaborative ethos across the university. These sessions take the form of a hands-on workshop where you support colleagues in the creation, discovery or experience of something innovative, novel or distinct.
Some questions to guide your thinking:
  • What are you doing differently that is making a positive impact on your students’ retention, achievement, engagement or progression? How do you know your initiative or approach is working? What can be learnt from ‘magnificent’ failure?
  • Is there evidence of the impact on learners or the practice of other colleagues, or other stakeholders external to the institution? What considerations or instruments for evaluation are you using, or do you intend to use?
  • Have you been involved in any kind of reflective process related to pedagogy which is individual or collaborative, formal or informal, or local, national or international?
  • Are you using tools or techniques to do things differently? What is your rationale?
  • What mechanisms are you using to disseminate or promote your initiative beyond your own area and have these been shared internally? What worked/didn’t and why/why not? What advice would you give to others?
/ Some questions to guide your thinking:
  • Are there any areas of development that you would like to share with others, or seek views of others?
  • What do you do that encourages collaboration and partnerships with students, employers, alumni, colleagues from other faculties, or other key stakeholders?
  • How do you change practice? How can you involve teaching/professional services staff or students?
  • What techniques are you using to develop your curriculum or learning designs? This may include new visualisations, tools or techniques that others could learn about.

/ IGNITE- is a style of presentation where participantsaregivenfiveminutestospeakonasubjectaccompaniedby20slides.Eachslide is displayed for 15 seconds, and slides are automatically advanced. It’s verysimilartothePechaKuchaidea thatsomeofyoumayhaveencountered before. / time = 5 mins

/ SOAP BOX.What is your passion? What are we doing well but more peopleneedtoknowaboutit?Whatdowenotdosowellbutyouhavea brilliantstrategyorideatoovercometheproblem?Hereisanopportunity to make a point. Of course, we know you will base judgements on evidenceandsoundreasoning! / time = 10 mins

/ PRESENT AND SHARE. This form of presentation enables a more informal discussion around innovative practices. There will be several presentations in each time slot. Presenters will have ten minutes to sharetheirworkandmayusePowerPointorsimilarpresentationtoolsto do so. Delegates will then move between the presenters to discusstheir work on an individual basis. / time = 10 mins

/ CASE STUDY.Case studies provide an opportunityfor presenters to share innovative practices in teaching, learning or assessment.Theyareidealforthosewhoarereportingoncompletedandevaluated practices. Twenty-minute case study presentations should include: the organisational and historical context, technical specifications of the project,discussionofpedagogy,implementation,evaluation(bystudents, other staff and/or self) and limitations. Case studies should inspire discussionofabouttenminutes. / time = 20 mins

/ RESEARCH PAPER/WORKINPROGRESS. Presentation of a research project is a classical method of disseminating ideas and results, and getting the perspective and opinions of a diverse audience. Presentations should last for around 20 mins includingsignificant audience participation anddiscussion. / time = 20 mins

/ E-POSTER. Do you have an idea, some exemplar work, some research or other multimedia content that would lend itself to electronic display? This could be a traditional single slide poster (displayed for 2-4 mins on a rolling programme) or short clips (with subtitles or annotated images). / time = all day

/ WORKSHOP. Workshops last 50 minutes andinvolveparticipants in active learning. The focus should be on activity involving participants rather than presenting or explaining, so time should be allowed fordiscussion.Delegatesshouldbeencouragedtoapplywhattheyhave learned to their own discipline or context. The workshops fall into two mainformats:
  1. Hands on: where participants learn a skill or technique or work in a group to produce or achieve something
  2. Practicesimulation:demonstrationofaneffectivetechniqueforteaching, learning, assessment or feedback with time for participantexperience.
/ time = 50 mins


Please submit using the proposal template on page 5 to by midnight on Wed 30th November 2016. All proposals will be blind reviewed and considered with reference to the conference aims and themes. The lead author will be notified of the decision relating to their proposals by the published date. Once accepted they will be added to the conference website.

You may contact the organisers by e-mail () at any point up to the submission deadline to discuss potential contributions. Submissions should be made using the proposal form(seepage5-6).Oncereceived,anypersonaldetailswillberemovedtoensureablindreview, considered with reference to the conference aims and themes,andyouwillbenotifiedofthedecisionbythepublisheddeadline.

Proposal submission deadline / Wednesday 30th Nov 2016
Authors receive feedback on proposals / Monday 5th Dec 2016
Re-submissions deadline / Friday 9th Dec 2016
Presenters registration closes / Wednesday 14th Dec 2016
Delegate registration closes / Friday 16th Dec 2016
Submit presentations for uploading to website / Wednesday 4th Jan 2017
Receipt of posters / Wednesday 4th Jan 2017
Conference / Friday 6th Jan 2017
Deadline for Compass Journal papers / 24th April 2017
Website: /
Contact: /
Telephone / 0208 331 7683


Name, title and position/of lead presenter:

Name(s) of co-presenter(s):

Name(s) of student presenter(s) (if appropriate)

Dept/Faculty/Directorate/Office/Partner College:

Your office address:



(The details above will be removed to ensure blind review)


Title of Proposal:
Please indicate format (delete any that do not apply): / 1.Ignite; 2. Soap box; 3. Present and share; 4.Case study; 5. Research paper/work in progress or Developmental/research project; 6. E-Poster; 7. Workshop.
Strand: (delete the one that does not apply): / Learning from each other (presentation formats 1-6)
Learning with each other (presentation format 7)
Themes: (delete any that do not apply): /
  • practices that lead to improving teaching and learning and assessment outcomes;
  • how to engage students as more active partners in their journey of academic discovery;
  • how to evolve curriculum and programme design enabling students to make an impact on the world’s greatest challenges).

Keywords (for use on the website):
Description of session (1-6 only). What is the session about? / 500-1000 words max….
Description of workshop(complete for presentation format 7 only)
Session outline (how is the workshop designed? Please give indicative timings and brieflyoutline structure).
Abstract (for website and conference programme -) / 100 words max…
Room Requirements
(All rooms will have standard internet-enabled pc running MS Office with projector and speakers)
Equipment/facilities required:
Type of space/format (eg. horseshoe; lecture theatre; nested tables in groups; outdoor) :
Max number of delegates:
Any other information that will assist in the organisation of the session: