Health Science - Review/Study Guide

Word Parts/combining forms:

- itis, ectomy, otomy, -ologist, -scopy, gram, -ology, -plasty, -pexy, lysis, -centesis,

- hepat/o-, ort/o-, laryng-, ortho-, crani-, gastr/o-, neur/o, cyst, ceph, orch/o, hyster/o, cardi/o

-rrhexis, rrhage, rrhaphy, rrhea,

Aden/o-; arteri/o-, ather/o, arthr/o; histo-, retro-; - plasia,

a-, hypo-, brady-, tachy-, hyper-, dys-, eu-, my/o, myel/o

sub-, intra-, inter-, supra-, ad-, ab-, pre-, peri-, post-

-um, -ac,

Melan/o, erythro-, leuk/o, poli/o, cyan/o

-algia, -malacia, -megaly, -sclerosis, -necrosis,

Iatrogenic vs. pathogenic;diagnostic

body positions and movement:

distal, lateral, medial, proximal, ventral, supine, prone, caudal, inferior

Plantar Flexion, Dorsiflexion, Adduction, Abduction, Supination, Pronation

Skeletal system

examples of long bones, 3 types of joints, periosteum, epiphysis, diaphysis; bones of cranium – frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, ethmoid; greater trochanter; ulna, humerus, regions and number of bones in the spinal column, malleolus, zygomatic bone, cartilage, ligament, tendon, bursa, synovial fluid, function of the red bone marrow, rickets, Gouty arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis


deltoid, biceps brachii, pectoralis major, intercostals, gluteus maximus; sternocleidomastoid

atrophy; flexor, abductor, levator, sphincter, extensor

Cardiovascular system:

blood types, universal donor, Rh factor, arteries vs. veins; what is serum/lymph, major blood cells/components of blood and their functions, hemoglobin vs. hematocrit; heart structures, pathway of blood flow, diastole vs. systole; what do the heart sounds mean; Thrombosis; aneurysm; Tissue Plasminogen Activator, holter monitor; EKG, bradycardia, the pathway of the electrical impulses – function of the SA node, cause of CHF

Respiratory System: major structures, dyspnea, hyponea, apnea, tachypnea, hyperventilation, inspiration, expiration, aspiration, ENT specialist, pneumothorax

Nervous System: Afferent vs. efferent neurons, Conduction of an impulse, Parts of a neuron, CNS vs. peripheral vs. autonomic nervous system, components of the brain stem,the meningeal layers, function of the hypothalamus, cerebellum and various lobes of the Cerebrum; 4 cranial nerves and their functions Electroencephalogram, Pathologic conditions: Parkinson, coma, stupor, syncope

Terminology - inflammation of the spinal cord, suturing the ends of a nerve, aphasia

Integumentary System

Functions of the skin; Anatomy: layers of the skin and their function, accessory organs and their function; Terminology: Profuse sweating, Verrucae, Itching, nails, alopecia, hirsutism, keloid, welt, pustule; Conditions: Burns, Decubitis ulcer, Albinism, Psoriasis, Tinea, Impetigo, Eczema