February 9, 2012
A meeting of the Board of Directors for Westchase Community Association, Inc. was held February 9, 2012 at the WCA Management Office, 10049 Parley Drive, Tampa, Florida 33626. Joaquin Arrillaga, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Directors Present: Management Staff: VMs and Alternates:
Dyan Pithers Debbie Sainz, CMCA Mary Griffin
Nancy Sells Charlotte Adams, CAM Bill Dennis
Mike Clayton Kelly Shires, PFM Carlos Quiros
Brian Ross
Ken Blair Directors Absent
Joaquin Arrillaga NONE
Keith Heinemann
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those present.
January 12, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes submitted.
Mike Clayton motioned to accept the January 12, 2012. Keith Heinemann seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion carried 7-0.
It was reported that at the end of January 2012, approximately 855 owners were delinquent on their 2012 annual assessment. As of February 9, 725 were reported to be delinquent. Late notices to owners will be mailed by February 10th informing owners of their delinquent assessment and the $25 late fee incurred.
· Capitalization Policy
Brian Ross motioned to continue with our existing policy to expense our capital expenditures. Mike Clayton seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion carried 7-0.
A. Covenants Committee – Report Submitted
Nancy Sells motioned that the Board approve and accept as presented the December 14, 2011 and January 25, 2012 Covenants Committee Meeting recommendations as their own. Ken Blair seconded the motion. Vote was taken and the motion carried 7-0.
B. Government Affairs Committee – no report
C. Modifications Committee –Reports submitted
Debbie Sainz gave an update on a water line break at the Countryway facility near the tennis courts. One of the water lines located directly below one of the cypress trees broke and was inaccessible for repair due to burlap and metal wrapping around the root ball. As a result, the tree had to be cut down and removed so the plumber could gain access to the line and make the appropriate repairs.
Debbie also reported a leak at the Village Pool which was discovered upon review of the monthly financials and utility billings. Once the leak was repaired attempts were made to get a credit from the utility company which was denied based on two criteria.
In the month of February, the defective carpet tiles in the management office will be replaced under the manufacturer’s warranty.
Request was made by Nancy Sells that the monthly violation logs be distributed to each voting member for their neighborhood at the monthly VM meetings again.
A. Board Appeal for Fine - 11837 Derbyshire
Ken Blair motioned to reduce the current fine by 50% if corrected by the end of February (balance of $500 fine due); if not corrected by end of February then reduce by 25% with correction to be made no later than Mar 31st (balance of $750 fine due); if not corrected by Mar 31st then fine amount reverts back to original $1,000 fine. Mike Clayton seconded the motion. Vote was taken and the motion carried 7-0
B. Westchase Triathlon – Sponsored by Athletes Who Care & WCA Men’s Rotary Club
Bob Argus, member of the Men’s Rotary Club of Westchase, announced the planning of a Westchase Triathlon to be sponsored by Athletes Who Care on Saturday June 16, 2012. Request was made to the WCA Board for use of the West Park Village Pool for the swimming portion of the event for June 16th between the hours of 6AM through 11AM. Approximately 250 participants are estimated to be in the race. There will also be an additional 350-400 volunteers that will be needed to coordinate and oversee the event.
Ken Blair motioned to approve the use of the Village pool with the event planners paying all out-of-pocket cost to the WCA, including but not limited to salaries and chemicals. Mike Clayton seconded the motion. Vote was taken and the motion carried 6-1 (Brian)
C. Yo Yo Yoga Classes – Request by Whole Child Learning Company
Mike Clayton motioned to decline the request of Whole Child Learning for use of the activity room for their Yo Yo Yoga classes. Nancy Sells seconded the motion. Vote was taken and the motion carried 7-0
D. Food Truck Rally Fund Raiser
Presentation and request was made by Ben Weiner, an IB student trying to coordinate food truck rally find raiser to coincide with our March movie in the park, with 15% of the proceeds to go to the American Heart Association and the Boy Scouts of America Troup 46. Request was also made to allow the food trucks to utilize the WCA parking lot for the hours of 5:30PM through 9:30PM.
Concern to the residents within close proximity to the parking lot was raised due to the noise of the vehicles generators. Notice will be delivered to the surrounding neighbors and those along Parley in the townhomes to notify them of the closing of the parking lot that evening, so they would need to exit their garages thru the alley way leading towards Belgrave.
Dyan Pithers motioned to allow the food truck rally project for use of our parking lot on March 9, 2012 between the hours of 5:30PM through 9:30PM with the pre-requisite that immediate residents in the vicinity are notified of the event. Nancy Sells seconded the motion. Vote was taken and the motion carried 7-0
E. Pool Pump – Change to a Variable Speed Pump
Nancy Sells motioned to authorize the purchase of new variable speed pool pumps for the wade pools at a cost of $1,641 each and for payment to be made from the reserves. Mike Clayton seconded the motion. Vote was taken and the motion carried 7-0
F. Glencliff Management Contract Renewal
Prior to consideration of the proposed contract renewal, Joaquin Arrillaga disclosed that the current contract for renewal is between Glencliff neighborhood and Ken Blair, current board member. Ken Blair has been their manager for several years.
Brian Ross motioned for approve the Glencliff Management contract renewal as presented. Mike Clayton seconded the motion. Vote was taken and the motion carried 6-0-1 (Ken Blair)
G. Continuation of Movies in The Park June-Sept
Dyan Pithers motioned to continue with the movies in the park for the months of June through September, with no cost to the association, so long as the WCA approves the movies and the sponsors. Mike Clayton seconded the motion. Vote was taken and the motion carried 7-0
Nancy Sells motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8PM. Joaquin Arrillaga seconded the motion. Vote was taken and the motion carried 7-0
Michael Clayton
Westchase Community Association, Inc.
cc: HOA File
WCA Board of Directors
Board Meeting Minutes February 9, 2012