Mr. Carol Bernstein, Branch Chief
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Regulatory Division – Piedmont Branch
1590 Adamson Parkway, Suite 200
Morrow, Georgia 30260
Attention: Stanley Knight
Subject:DA# XXXXXXX – Section 404 Permit Application – Project Name
GDOT Project STP00-0000-00(000),XXXXX County, P.I. #XXXXXXX
Dear Ms. Bernstein:
The first paragraph shall start with “The Department requests an Individual Department of the Army permit to discharge fill material into wetlands and other waters of the United States incidental to the construction of the subject project.” This shall be followed by a brief project description.
The second paragraph shall state when the Practicable Alternative Report was transmitted, the total project impacts, and the mitigation requirements.
The third paragraph shall state which species were considered and the biological determinations that have been reached.
The fourth paragraph shall state the findings of the history and archaeology surveys and the date of SHPO concurrence.
The fifth paragraph shall state “Enclosed for your use and handling are the application and the required plan sheets necessary for obtaining the requested permit. Also included is a copy of the project location map, statement of the project need and purpose, project description, Ecology Report, Section 106 documentation, and mailing labels of the adjacent property owners for distribution of the Joint Public Notice. As requested by the Corps, enclosed is a paper copy of the NEPA documentthat was approved by the Federal Highway Administration on date.”
The sixth paragraph will state “A copy of the NEPA documentis being forwarded to the Department’s Area Office located at” followed by the address of the appropriate area office. State that Water Quality Certification is being requested as per Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. State if a buffer variance will be obtained for the project.
The seventh paragraph shall state “We respectfully request issuance of a Department of the Army permit. We are also transmitting the information to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and the Federal Highway Administration. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact (project ecologist) at (phone number) or (supervisor of project ecologist) at (phone number).
Glenn Bowman, P.E.
State Environmental Administrator
1: Application – CESAS Form 19
2: Cover Sheet, Plan Sheet, and Typical Sections
3: Project Location Map, Project Need and Purpose and Project Description
4: Ecology Report
5:Section 106 Documentation
6: Property Owners Names and Address (USACE only)
7: CE (USACE only)
cc: USFWS (w/ enclosures)
EPA (w/ enclosures)
EPD (w/ enclosures)
FHWA (w/ enclosures)
GDOT Project Manager
GDOT District Engineer