Colorado Association Meeting Minutes

April 12, 2015

An Association Meeting was conducted at the Phillip Miller Library in Castle Rock, CO, beginning at 2:00 pm on this date. Board members in attendance were: Dan Pierce, Rich Schornstein, Dave Kemman, Don Sinclair, Marty Johnson, Tim Edwards, and Patrick Rizzo. Board members absent were: Jerry Donley, Jan Hallez, Elaine Keel, and John Smith. Five additional association members participated in the meeting.

1.  The President opened the meeting and presented the minutes of the January 11, 2015 Meeting. With no recommended changes, the minutes were approved.

2.  President’s Report.

a.  He reported that the city of Boulder is planning construction of a community outdoor track. Also the CU indoor track facility should be completed about Feb 1st, 2016.

b.  He is in receipt of various marketing materials from USATF, including membership post cards and temporary tattoos. He’s being inundated with information, requests, and requirements from the national office, without much regard to the workload imposed on local officers.

c.  He reported that requirements for background checks and SafeSport training will be expanded.

d.  USATF is implementing a high school Honor Roll, to try to connect with high school athletes and coaches. Tom Southall will assist with this program.

e.  A level 1 Coaching Education course will be conducted in Denver November 20-22, site TBD.

f.  He announced the appointment of three sport committee chairs: Men’s LDR – Patrick Rizzo; Women’s LDR – Kristen Zaitz; and Masters LDR – Norm Kendrick.

g.  He has two projects which he wants to pursue: revision of the association bylaws, and appointment of a new webmaster.

3.  Vice-President’s report. No report.

4.  Secretary’s report.

a.  He noted that reports were received from the Youth, LDR, and Officials committees, plus Memberships & Sanctions; those have been posted on the website. Reports were not received from the Men’s, Women’s, Paralympics, Race Walk, and Athletes Committees.

5.  Treasurer’s report.

a.  He reported that financial statements were not available as the bookkeeper has resigned and he did not have the programs to produce statements. Financial information has been provided to our CPA for preparation of tax returns. He provided the current account balances: Youth - $43,670.96; LDR - $6,245.19; General Acct - $110,605.35; and General Savings - $76,055.74; total: $236,573.24.

6.  Committee reports.

a.  No reports from: Men’s T&F; Women’s T & F; and Budget.

b.  Youth. Youth participation in the season’s indoor meets was up from previous years; the chair was pleased with volunteer support from clubs and from officials. The committee has developed a tentative outdoor schedule which they will furnish to the Secretary for posting.

c.  Masters. A Masters meet is scheduled for May 30th.

d.  LDR. Planning is nearly complete for a ½ marathon championship in Colorado Springs. Still working on plans for championships at 5K, one mile, and cross country. The Masters LDR report is posted on our website.

e.  Race Walk. The committee plans to conduct a summer series of RW competitions.

f.  Athletes. Kara Patterson and Russ Winger, both elite international level athletes are now in Colorado and may become involved with our Association. Several Colorado athletes qualified to represent the USA and then ran well at the IAAF World Cross Country Championships.

g.  Officials. The Officials report is posted on our website. The committee continues to refine its training for certification of officials. Currently there are 139 certified officials in Colorado. The president asked that we send another mail to the 27 officials who were placed in a “Suspended” status on April 1st due to their failure to become members of USATF for 2015, and encourage them to renew their membership.

h.  Paralympics. The 5280 challenge is coming up on May 31st. Paralympics national championships are in Minnesota in mid-June, and we expect several Colorado athletes to participate.

i.  Memberships & Sanctions. The report is posted on our website.

7.  Old Business.

a.  The president reported that we did not meet one element for USATF accreditation – a link on our website for the National Officials Committee. Such a link does in fact exist, but is contained within the body of a paragraph, vs. in a menu. The president will respond to USATF, pointing out how we have met the requirement, and the secretary will try to get the menu link established.

b.  A review was conducted of planned association championship events – to comply with USATF requirements for accreditation. At this point there are plans for all necessary championships with the exception of 10K to 10 miles, and 20K to marathon events for Men, Women, and Masters. It was stressed that events must be placed on the USATF calendar and listed as a championship.

c.  There was a discussion regarding association calendars. There was general agreement to have all of our events listed on the USATF calendar, and to use that as a single association calendar. Any calendar in the newsletter should be for a 90 day period, and reflect the Colorado content of the USATF calendar. The secretary will draft a message for the president to send to NCAA schools in Colorado, encouraging them to also place their events on the USATF calendar.

d.  During a discussion of the association newsletter, there was agreement that it should include a calendar as noted above; athlete spotlights, as appropriate; scheduled championships; championship results; and items submitted by committee chairs.

8.  New Business

  1. The president indicated that with the resignation of the previous bookkeeper, Sidney nelson, and the seeming approval of the BOD (less one dissenting voice), he intends to contract with Jeff Helton as the new bookkeeper for the Association.
  2. The secretary reviewed the need for submission of committee reports prior to each meeting - for use by Board members, and for posting on the website for all association members to view.

9.  Other Matters.

  1. The next Association meeting will be conducted on July 12th at 2:00 pm in the Phillip Miller Library in Castle Rock.
  2. Tuesday, November 17th, 7:30pm was scheduled as the final Association meeting for 2015. It will be a conference call.

Respectfully submitted,

// Signed //

Rich Schornstein

Colorado Association Secretary