Enrolment Form
Cell Phone No:
Home Language:
Instrument: / Singing / Piano / Group / Additional
Parent / Guardian Responsible For Student
Cellphone No:
Home / Work No:
Alternative No:
Email Address:
Home Language:
Relationship To Student:
Parent / Guardian Responsible For Payment
Cellphone No:
Home / Work No:
Alternative No:
Email Address:
Home Language:
Relationship To Student:
4 x 30 Min (Half Hour) Slots = R480.00 Per Student
4 x 30 Min (Half Hour) Pair Slots (Singing) = R320.00 Per Student
4 x 30 Min (Half Hour) Group Slots (Singing) = R240.00 Per Student
4 x 30 Min (Half Hour) Group Slots (2-3yrs & 4-5yrs) = R160.00 Per Student
As stated above, ‘SLOTS’ equal the time that you have booked with a teacher on a weekly basis. Your monthly payment ensures that that time is booked for you, regardless if the session is attended or not. Should you wish to book an hour slot, or 2 half hour slots per week, the fee will simply be doubled.
· Payments are due upfront before that month’s lessons begin.
· Invoices will be sent out via email on the 15th of each month.
· Payments must be made no later than the 4th of the next month, unless an arrangement has been made.
You will be liable to pay for 12 months of the year (January – December). If you start in any other month of the year, you will only be charged fees from that month onwards. Fees will increase yearly on 1st January by 10%.
In order to cancel your lessons, a month’s notice is needed. This will be required from January – September; from October however, if you wish to cancel lessons, payments for October – December are required.
Because of the long holiday between December and January, only half a payment will be required for each month (as stipulated in ‘Holidays’ below).
Cancelling / Catching Up Lessons
· When cancelling a lesson, at least 24 hours’ notice must be given to the teacher in order to qualify for a catch up lesson.
· The time and day of the catch up lesson will be at the discretion of the teacher.
· If a teacher cancels a lesson for any reason a catch up will be given as soon as possible.
· If the catch up lesson is booked and not attended for any reason, the lesson is then forfeited.
March/April (10 working days)
September/October (10 working days)
June/July (15 working days)
There will be no lessons as the 5th week slots provide for these missed slots.
December/January (20 working days)
Lessons will only be taught for the first 2 weeks of December and the last 2 of January. Therefore either a half payment for each month will be accepted, or a full month’s fees will be accepted for both December and January combined.
Public Holidays
No lessons and no catch up lessons are required.
Booking Time Slots
Days and times that are convenient
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
Days and times that are not convenient
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
Please tick each box to note that you have been informed and understand the following:
· Monthly fees per student depending on the time slot (as stipulated above).
· I am liable to pay for 11 months in total (Dec+Jan = 1 month).
· The yearly increase in fees of 10%.
· I will need to give a months’ notice in order to cancel lessons.
· I will be liable to pay for October – December if I wish to cancel lessons after September.
· I need to provide 24 hours’ notice before missing a lesson in order to qualify for a catch up lesson.
· There are no lessons in School Holidays. The 5th week lessons make up the March/April, September/October, & June/July holidays, while December/January will count as 1 month combined.
· No lessons will be given on Public Holidays.
I ______, here by agree with the terms set up by Kathryn Georgina Music School.
Signature Date
E-Mail: | Website: www.kgmusic.co.za | Cell: 072515 8213