Sale Began: Friday, March 24th
Sale Ends: Friday, April 21st (Paper Orders must be turned in)
Pick-up: Friday, April 28th from 4pm-7pm
At Goat/Poultry Shelter – Lake County Fairgrounds
DUE TO A TECHNICAL ISSUE, we have been locked out of our SquareUp Market website.
ALL FLOWER ORDERS need to be placed on paper and prepaid by Check or Cash. Order forms were distributed before Spring Break, and are still available through your student’s Music Director. Flowers are still being ordered through Woldhuis Farms Sunrise Nursery Greenhouse, Inc. in Grant Park, IL. Feel free to visit their website at www.Woldhuisfarms.com. We are sorry for any confusion and inconvenience this has caused.
In addition, we are pleased to announce that the Top Seller from Band, Choir, and Orchestra from each school (CPHS, Taft, and Wheeler) will earn $25 Cash. The Top Seller Overall will earn an additional $75. That’s $300 cash in incentives to individual students! Winning students’ names will be emailed to Music Directors, and prize money delivered to those Directors the following week of May 1st.
New Chairperson Contact – Diane Burrell (219) 545-4737 or
(Please TEXT or email questions during the school day, or call after school. I will respond!)
Sale Began: Friday, March 24th
Sale Ends: Friday, April 21st (Paper Orders must be turned in)
Pick-up: Friday, April 28th from 4pm-7pm
At Goat/Poultry Shelter – Lake County Fairgrounds
DUE TO A TECHNICAL ISSUE, we have been locked out of our SquareUp Market website.
ALL FLOWER ORDERS need to be placed on paper and prepaid by Check or Cash. Order forms were distributed before Spring Break, and are still available through your student’s Music Director. Flowers are still being ordered through Woldhuis Farms Sunrise Nursery Greenhouse, Inc. in Grant Park, IL. Feel free to visit their website at www.Woldhuisfarms.com. We are sorry for any confusion and inconvenience this has caused.
In addition, we are pleased to announce that the Top Seller from Band, Choir, and Orchestra from each school (CPHS, Taft, and Wheeler) will earn $25 Cash. The Top Seller Overall will earn an additional $75. That’s $300 cash in incentives to individual students! Winning students’ names will be emailed to Music Directors, and prize money delivered to those Directors the following week of May 1st.
New Chairperson Contact – Diane Burrell (219) 545-4737 or
(Please TEXT or email questions during the school day, or call after school. I will respond!)