
Branston & Mere Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting held at the Pavilion, Moor Lane, Branston on

Monday 6th October 2014 at 7.15 pm.

Present: Cllrs. Messrs Adams, Clarke, Cucksey, Lundgren (Chairman), Mumford, Newman, Ross

Wood and Cllrs Mesdames Price Willcox.

In Attendance: Clerks - Mrs Stead & Mrs Appleyard.

Members of the Public: Two.

Item 1 a) Apologies for absence and reasons given.

The Council noted the reasons and approved the apologies of Cllrs Cannings, Ford and Marchant.

b) Declarations of Pecuniary Interests.

The Chairman declared a non-pecuniary interest in the planning application for Moorland Farm and made no comment during the discussion.

Item 2 Public Forum.

·  A resident from Beech Road spoke about the need for a ‘retirement village’ within Branston, based on an idea seen on a recent TV documentary. She spoke about an ageing population and people being forced to leave the village to find the necessary support after living in the community for years. She suggested that before all the available land was lost to new developments, an area be used to provide accommodation specifically for senior citizens; to give them the necessary support and services to allow them to remain in the community.

The Chairman said that the need for appropriate housing for elderly residents had been identified in the Parish Plan published in 2011 and suggested that she consider joining the proposed Neighbourhood Plan steering group, to consider how the idea might be developed.

·  A resident from Station Road asked about restrictions on the use of advertising banners. He said that the large banners at the Community Academy to advertise Heron’s Gym were out of keeping with the street scene.

Cllr Cucksey (District Councillor) said that there was size and time restrictions and offered to check the details.

Item 3 To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies:

a)  Police.

Apologies had been received with the following report.

During the period 01/09/14 – 06/10/14 six crimes had been reported:

2 Theft

1 Burglary - other

1 Damage to a motor vehicle

1 Criminal Damage

1 Injury caused by a dog.

b)  County Council.

·  Cllr Mrs Overton spoke about the new consultation on the future of Lincolnshire Libraries. She said that the two proposals put forward by Greenwich Leisure and Pauline Palmer, which would maintain the service while achieving the necessary budget savings, had not been properly considered, according to the judge presiding over the Judicial Review. She offered to arrange a meeting to discuss the proposals in more detail.

·  Two new youth clubs had started in Potterhanworth and Navenby and the numbers attending proved that there was still a demand. She said that Navenby’s grant application had been unsuccessful but a private arrangement had been made. The lack of a venue in Branston remained an issue.

·  The Wildlife Watch was offering afternoon sessions to schools.

·  The consultation period for the Preliminary Draft of the Local Plan was open until 11th November. She asked that members of the public be encouraged to respond to the plan for 25-40k new homes.


Branston had been classed as part of the Lincoln area, where 50% of the development would take place.

c)  District Council.

Cllr Cucksey reported that all departments and services were being reviewed to identify additional budget savings. The economy across the district and county was being considered and the number of claimants of the Job Seeker’s allowance. He reported a drop from 1250 claimants at the peak to 800 in 2014.

Item 4 a) To resolve that the notes of meeting held on 1st September are approved as the Minutes.

Acceptance of the notes was proposed by Cllr Newman and seconded by Cllr Mrs Willcox.

b) Matters arising from the Minutes for clarification.

14368 Cllr Ross reported that parking restrictions on Beech Road had been approved. (Ref 2213/14)

14369 Cllr Newman said that the tree obstructing the traffic lights had been trimmed. (Ref 14364) The clerk said that the resident had responded quickly to the request.

14370 Cllr Mumford commented that briars were still a problem on Rectory Lane. (Ref 14367) The clerk had been told that they were scheduled to be removed.

Item 5 Correspondence:

a)  Newsletters and Periodic Publications.

14371 Local Council Review . Autumn 2014.

14372 Dog Warden Report. August 2014.

b)  Letters for information.

14373 NKDC – 2015 Elections.

The General, District and Parish Elections would be held on Thursday 7th May, 2015. Briefing events would be held in spring but parishes were advised to budget for costs of approximately £1,000. The clerk advised that an amount of £1,075 had already been ear-marked for election costs.

14374 NKDC – Litter bins.

The Environment Manager had given assurances that the refuse team would be instructed to ensure that the bin lids were properly secured after emptying to avoid further losses.

c)  CPRE – Best Kept Village Results.

14375 Branston had been judged to be the Best Kept Village in class 3 of the competition; with Bracebridge Heath the runners up. The presentation event would be held at Cranwell Village hall on 18th November. Branston would receive a plaque and a tree. Cllrs Adams, Lundgren and Ross would attend the presentation. Cllr Ross thanked the Handyman and Clerks for their efforts.

The Chairman said that he had received congratulations from the Chairman of Bracebridge Heath Parish Council and suggested that the achievement should be marked. A gate effect on each road into the village with a plaque was proposed and the possibility would be investigated.

d)  Branston Ltd – Invitation to enter a team into their Quiz Night on 20th November.

14376 Cllrs Clarke, Lundgren, Price and Ross agreed to form the Parish Council team for the charity event.

Item 6

14377 Planning Applications & Tree Applications:

Notice had been received that the proposed development on Station Road (14/0833) and the solar farm on Mere Road (14/0672) would be considered at the meeting of the NKDC Planning Committee on 14th October. The Chairman agreed to act as spokesman for both applications.

a)  Planning decisions received.

Planning permission had been granted on the following applications:

14/0198 Demolition of seed store & replacement building. Mere Hall Farm, Bloxholm Lane.

14/0872 Bomber Command Memorial. Canwick Hill.

14/1010 Single storey rear extension. 59 Station Road.

b)  Planning Applications for discussion:

14/1157 - Demolition of cottage & replacement dwelling. Moorland Farm, Branston Booths.

No comments.


c)  Tree work applications for discussion:

CA14/120 - Reduce 12 conifers by 12 feet. Mere View, Thackers Lane.

No comments.

CA49/48 - Reduce limb of Chestnut to 5m Hall Lane/Waterwheel Lane

No comments.

Item 7 Other Reports:

a)  History & Mosaic Group.

14378 Cllr Wood reported that the recent exhibition of World War I memorabilia had been a great success.

b)  Local plan update, consultation & response.

14379 The Chairman gave feedback on the presentation event held in Washingborough. He recommended that the Planning Committee meet to put together a response to the Preliminary Draft. After discussion it was agreed to meet on Monday 20th October at 7pm. A draft response would be circulated for comment at the next meeting.

c)  To consider & approve a response to the Library consultation.

14380 The draft letter had been circulated and was approved.

The letter reminded the portfolio holder of the unique situation in Branston and the need for adequate professional supervision of members of the public and Academy students.

d)  Annual Play Inspection report & recommendations.

14381 Mrs Appleyard had circulated a summary of the annual report which highlighted some low and very low risk issues. It had been noted that five pieces of equipment only had a life expectancy of 3-5 years, including the popular Tractor climber.

Mrs Appleyard was commended on a good report and asked to arrange for the minor repairs to be carried out. She was asked to look at the possibility of the tractor climber being refurbished and list the necessary surface repairs, taking into account the condition and life of the equipment.

e)  Update on the dispute about use of the Moor Lane sports field.

14382 Cllr Ross had agreed to act as the Council’s representative as part of the court’s telephone mediation service. There had been no further arrangements made and members agreed that the Council should press for the matter to be resolved.

f)  New pavilion update & consideration of LK2’s project fees.

14383 A report on the visit to Lincoln Rugby Club’s pavilion; the notes from the meeting with LK2 and their fees had been circulated. Cllr Ross said that the meeting with LK2 had been very positive and that the £1,950 for a feasibility study would be money well spent. Cllr Cucksey agreed that it would save money in the long run.

Cllr Wood proposed and Cllr Cucksey seconded employing LK2 to carry out a feasibility study.

All in favour.

g)  Contribution from Inazin towards community facilities.

14384 The Chairman said that his attempt to secure an improved offer towards community facilities, based on the offer made for a similar project in South Holland, had been refused. Community benefit was not considered to be a material planning consideration for solar farms and Inazin considered the one off payment of £25k to be fair. They were not prepared to agree to a permissive footpath around the outside of the site.

The application had been considered in July and it had been agreed that no objection would be made to the scheme but members expressed disappointment in the agreement.

h)  Neighbourhood plan update & approval of consultation costs.

14385 Cllr Mrs Price spoke about a meeting with Louisa Mackintosh from NKDC and the advice given. She said that there was help and financial support available to communities to help produce a Neighbourhood Plan. The importance of community involvement had again been stressed and a public meeting to develop the idea would be organised and a core group identified. She said that it was a big project but felt that the time was right to create a vision and afford some protection for the community. Community consultation would involve some costs for room hire and printing but it was agreed not to impose restraints at this key stage.

Proposed Cllr Mrs Willcox; seconded by Cllr Ross.

All in favour.


i)  Update on arrangements for the Christmas market.

14386 The clerk reported that a good range of stalls had been booked for the event on 29th November, with just one stall still available. To counter the comments made in 2013; additional stalls would be available in

the Church Hall car park; the Church Hall would be open for teas and additional toilets; Bates’ Sounds would bring improvement to the public address system and some children’s rides had been booked.

Twenty-four trees had been entered into the Christmas Tree festival and local talent would entertain the crowds from the outdoor stage.

Item 8 Governance Review –

a)  Risk Assessment.

14387 Cllr Clarke asked for an amendment to the register with reference to the Play Inspection Company report.

Item 9

14388 Finance:

The clerk reported that the following payments had been received:

£ 48,266.00 - The second instalment of the Precept

£ 1,208.92 - Final 10% of the LCC Community Facilities Grant for the Village Hall toilet project.

a)  To approve payments to be made.

3407-3409 Staff payments Wages & expenses 2847.28

3410 Revenue & Customs Tax & NI 445.14

3411 J Beedham Pitch marking 40.00

3412 NKDC Dog bin service 2292.40

3413 Hill Holt Wood Jungle workdays (2) 240.00

3414 Chris Bleaden Grass cutting 415.91

3415 Play Inspection Company Annual inspection 143.88

3416 British Legion Wreath 50.00

3417 LALC AGM (2) 14.00

3418 ESPO Stationary/Tables 198.83

3419 Physio Control Defibrillator cabinet 636.00

3420 Came & Company Insurance (Christmas) 79.50

3421 Kwiz Biz Banners (Christmas) 70.00

Approval of the payments was proposed by Cllr Ross and seconded by Cllr Mrs Price.

b)  Half year financial report.

14389 The report had been circulated. The clerk made members aware that the amount budgeted for fuel and mileage would be exceeded in the third quarter. It was agreed that the over spend could be covered by the General Contingency.

14390 The format of the report had been improved after some training provided by the Internal Auditor. Some additional columns were suggested to remove the need for mental arithmetic but members declined. Cllr Cucksey asked for the report to include a line for non-earmarked reserves.

Item 10 Items for information.

14391 Cllr Ross reported a problem with the gate to the Garden of Rest. The report would be passed to the PCC.

14392 Cllr Cucksey reported an issue with dog fouling on Beech Road between Lincoln Road and Woodside and asked for the Dog Warden to be informed.

14393 Cllr Cucksey asked whether there had been any contact from Highways about a crossing on Lincoln Road. There had been no progress and Cllr Ross had seen few people trying to cross when he had carried out an informal count.

The meeting closed at 10.45pm.