JANUARY 12, 2016
WELCOME: Ms. Carter welcomed all to the meeting. Ms. Gibson read the minutes from our last meeting. Ms. Talley moved the motion to pass the reading of the minutes, seconded by Ms. Bish.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Ms. Carterapologized for Ms. Dean’s absence and said that the time for Idol show will be announced at a later date. She said that the teachers continue to meet in groups to discuss students’ achievement. Ms. Talley included that the “I am respect tour’ with MBA player Keyon Dooling will be at the West Campus. Ms.Talley said that there is a test call “PERT” that is designed to give students the opportunity to complete their coursework before graduation. Ms. Daniels said that Drew is very proud to partner with YMCA and Suntrust Mortgage Bank will attend Drew to do a Special activity.
BUDGET/SAFETY/ENROLLMENT/INVENTORY: Ms. Talley said that a new PE Teacher is needed at our West Campus location, and safetydrills are in compliance. Ms. Daniels said that Drew count reads 249 and West campus reads ……..
PRE-K HEAD START UPDATE: Ms. Bash talked about the activities the children did before the winter holiday with MODS and Books and Bears with the Jan Moran Collier City for Learning Library and included that the Trim a Tree was donated by Home Depot. The children are preparing for the visit to the dentist in February.
DREW TEEN PARENT AND WEST CAMPUS UPDATES: Ms. Carter said that the West campus will be sponsoring a car wash this month, but due to the weather condition, they might be rescheduling. Ms. Julien highlighted some of the activities that the teen parents will be involved in January which includes parker Play house.
ADULT LITERACY AND PARTNERSHIP UPDATE: Ms. Gibson talked about the focus point for the students at the BrowardOutreachCenter and also said that the volunteers and partners will be collaborating to enhance the celebrations and activities for February. TABE testing is ongoing and the students are trying their best to move to the next level.
SAF Business: Ms. Carter welcomed Mr. Ricardo Vargas, our YMCA representative and thanked him for providing refreshments for the day’s meetings.
There was a vote by 15 members who approved for the purchasing of the PERT tests at 97cents per test to assist students in aid of completing their coursework before graduation.
Commissioner Sandra Walsh was elected Community Partner of the Year for DaveThomasEducationCenter
Next meeting will be February 9th 2016.
Meeting adjourned at 2:35p.p.