References for Plagiarism

“About Plagiarism.” Writing Program, University of Massachusetts-Amherst. 19 January 2002 <>.

Beck, Evelyn. "On-Line Plagiarism: Fighting the Good Fight." The News Magazine for Adjunct College Faculty 12 (2001): 37.

Bowden, Darsie. "Stolen Voice: Plagiarism and Authentic Voice." Composition Studies 24 (1996): 5-18.

Buranen, Lise. "But I Wasn't Cheating: Plagiarism and Cross-Cultural Mythology." Perspectives on Plagiarism and Intellectual Property in a Postmodern World. Eds. Buranen Lise, Roy Alice M. and Lunsford Andrea. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999. 63-74.

Buranen, Lise, Alice-M. Roy, and Andrea Lunsford. Perspectives on Plagiarism and Intellectual Property in a Postmodern World. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999.

Clark, Irene L. "Writing Centers and Plagiarism." Perspectives on Plagiarism and Intellectual Property in a Postmodern World. Eds. Buranen Lise, Roy Alice M. and Lunsford Andrea. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999. 155-67.

Ede, Lisa, and Andrea Abernethy Lunsford. "Crimes of Writing: Refiguring 'Proper' Discursive Practices." Writing-on-the-Edge 11.2 (2000): 43-54.

Fitzsimmons, Anne. Annotation as an Ethical Practice. 31 January 2002 1998. Available:

Horowitz, Irving Louis. "Gatekeeping Functions and Publishing Truths." A Magazine of American Culture 11.4 (1987): 19-21.

Horowitz, Irving Louis. Standing in the Shadow of Giants: Plagiarists, Authors, Collaborators. Stamford, CT: Ablex, 1999.

Howard, Rebecca Moore. "The Ethics of Plagiarism." The Ethics of Writing Instruction: Issues in Theory and Practice. Ed. Pemberton Michael A. Stamford: Ablex, 2000. 79-89.

Howard, Rebecca Moore. "Forget About Policing Plagiarism: Just Teach." Chronicle of Higher Education 48.12 (2001): B24.

Howard, Rebecca Moore. "Plagiarisms, Authorships, and the Academic Death Penalty." College English 57.7 (1995): 788-806.

Hyland, Fiona. "Dealing with Plagiarism When Giving Feedback." ELT Journal 55.4 (2001): 375-81.

Kaufman, Rona. "The Politics of Citation: Owing and Owing-up-to in the Composition Classroom." Unpublished manuscript, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1999.

Kostelanetz, Richard. "Thoughts on Being Plagiarized (Sort of)." The Journal of Recreational Linguistics 34.4 (2001): 284-85.

Laird, Ellen. "Internet Plagiarism: We All Pay the Price." Chronicle of Higher Education 47.44 (2001): B5.

Mirow, M. C., and P. J. Shore. "Plagiarism and Textual Ownership in the Digital Source Environment." A Journal of Ideas 14.1 (1997): 41-43.

O'Hearn, Tamara Kathleen. "What We Talk About When We Teach Research: Plagiarism and Fraud across the Curriculum." Dissertation Abstracts International 56.7 (1996): 2657A.

Pennycook, Alastair. "Borrowing Others' Words: Text, Ownership, Memory, and Plagiarism." TESOL Quarterly 30.2 (1996): 201-30.

Riesz, Janoz. "'Audible Gasps from the Audience': Accusations of Plagiarism against Several African Authors and Their Historical Context." Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 43 (1995): 84-97.

Roy, Alice M. "Whose Words These Are I Think I Know: Plagiarism, the Postmodern, and Faculty Attitudes." Perspectives on Plagiarism and Intellectual Property in a Postmodern World. Eds. Buranen Lise, Roy Alice M. and Lunsford Andrea. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999. 55-61.

Shamoon, Linda, and Deborah H. Burns. "Plagiarism, Rhetorical Theory, and the Writing Center: New Approaches, New Locations." Perspectives on Plagiarism and Intellectual Property in a Postmodern World. Eds. Buranen Lise, Roy Alice M. and Lunsford Andrea. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999. 183-92.

Simmons, Sue Carter. "Competing Notions of Authorship: A Historical Look at Students and Textbooks on Plagiarism and Cheating." Perspectives on Plagiarism and Intellectual Property in a Postmodern World. Eds. Buranen Lise, Roy Alice M. and Lunsford Andrea. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999. 41-51.

Spigelman, Candace. "The Ethics of Appropriation in Peer Writing Groups." Perspectives on Plagiarism and Intellectual Property in a Postmodern World. Eds. Buranen Lise, Roy Alice M. and Lunsford Andrea. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999. 231-40.

Welch, Barbara. "A Comment on 'Plagiarisms, Authorships, And the Academic Death Penalty." College English 58 (1996): 855-58.

White, Edward M. "Student Plagiarism as an Institutional and Social Issue." Perspectives on Plagiarism and Intellectual Property in a Postmodern World. Eds. Buranen Lise, Roy Alice M. and Lunsford Andrea. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999. 205-10.

Wilgoren, Jodi. "School Cheating Scandal Tests a Town's Values." New York Times 14 Feb. 2002, natl. ed.: A1+.

Wilson, Henry L. "When Collaboration Becomes Plagiarism: The Administrative Perspective." Perspectives on Plagiarism and Intellectual Property in a Postmodern World. Eds. Buranen Lise, Roy Alice M. and Lunsford Andrea. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999. 211-18.

Young, Jeffrey R. "The Cat-and-Mouse Game of Plagiarism Detection." Chronicle of Higher Education 6 July 2001. 28 Feb. 2002 <>.