If you wish to volunteer in any capacity at St. Jude Parish, you must first have ALLclearances on file before you can perform any duties at St. Jude Parish.

The following guidelines are reflective of the 2015 changes to Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law and Archdiocesan Policy for the Protection of Children and Young Peopleeffective July 1, 2015.

  • PA State and PA Child Abuse clearances, including FBI, must be renewed every three years (36 months).
  • Volunteers who have been a resident of Pennsylvania for less than 10 years must renew their FBI Fingerprint clearance until they reach 10 years of residency in Pennsylvania. Once the volunteer meets the 10 year residency requirement, they must complete a Disclosure Statement Application(available at the rectory) for Volunteers which must be submitted every three years.

Once a year, St. Jude’s will offer a Protecting God's Children training class. The dates and times will be published in the church bulletin. If you need to take a class to complete your clearances, please visit
The following documents are required for active employees/volunteers at St. Jude’s Parish:

PA State Police Criminal Background Check

  • Can be obtained online at results available within a few minutes
  • Cost is $10

PA Child Abuse History Clearance

  • Can be obtained online at
  • Cost: $10.00

FBI Fingerprint Clearance

  • Go to schedule an appointment and pay for the background check
  • Cost $25.75

Cert. of attendance at a Safe Environment Training Session

Signed copy of “Standards of Ministerial Behavior”

Cert. of completion of Mandated Reporter

Signed Cert. for Technology

Act 24

Coaches Orientation Seminar

You will NOT be permitted to volunteer until you have all the necessary paperwork completed.
Any questions, please callGina Horan atthe rectory (215-822-0179) or email